Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 1 | P a g e Version 1.3 Version control Student Assessment Workbook:BSBCMM511Communicate with InfluenceStudent Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 2 | P a g e Version 1.3 Version ControlVersion No.DateDept.Change1.001/10/2020TrainingOriginal1.125/05/2021ComplianceRemoved embedded PDF’s and replaced withembedded Word docs.1.203/06/2021ComplianceUpdated Assessment Activity Summary1.38/06/2021ComplianceUpdated AT2 Activity 3 wording Copyright Statement© Copyright National TrainingDisclaimerAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying, scanning, recording, or any information storage retrieval systemwithout permission in writing from National Training. No patent liability isassumed with respect to the use of information used herein.While every effort has been taken in the preparation of this publication, thepublisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neitheris any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of informationcontained herein. Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 3 | P a g e Version 1.3ContentsIntroduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4Further Information and Support ………………………………………………………………………. 4Support materials provided and research ……………………………………………………………. 4Student Declaration …………………………………………………………………………………………………….5Assessment Activity ……………………………………………………………………………………………………6Assessment 1: Written Questions………………………………………………………………………. 7Question 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7Question 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7Question 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7Question 4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7Question 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8Question 7 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8Question 8 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8Question 9 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9Question 10 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………9Question 11 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………9Question 12 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………9Assessment 2: Case Study ………………………………………………………………………………. 10Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 4 | P a g e Version 1.3Introduction Unit codeTitleTrainingPackageBSBCMM511Communicate with influenceBusiness ServicesTraining Package For further information regarding assessment criteria including-• Application of unit• Elements and performance criteria• Assessment requirements• Modification History• Performance Evidence• Knowledge Evidence• Assessment Conditions.Please refer to: note: Successful completion of this unit requires students to be assessed as competent inBSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development through National Training. This unitaddresses some of the required foundation skills and performance evidence of this unit.Further Information and SupportTo support your understanding of the assessment process and how to submit your assessment, werecommend that you review the Welcome Handbook available via Moodle. In the FAQs section, youfind additional information on the assessment process, referencing materials and support.Support materials provided and researchWe have provided the following resources to support you with your learning and assessments:• Learner Guides: Information and examples aligned to the unit of competency that you arecompleting.• Resource Library: This includes additional materials, templates and readings to support youin your study.• Further websites to assist with your knowledge Handbook: Available via our resourcelibrary, a comprehensive list of websites to support your studies.Remember that as part of your course, a level of research will still be required but this will assistyou to gain a deeper understanding of the application of your studies in a real-world application.Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 5 | P a g e Version 1.3Student DeclarationAccess and read the below link to the Assessment Requirements and Instructions:You will be required to provide a Student Declaration on submission of this Assessment onMoodle.This declaration includes:• I have read and understood the Assessment Requirements and Instructions• None of this work has been completed by any other person• I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other person• I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts through-out theseassessment tasks• I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action maybe taken.Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 6 | P a g e Version 1.3Assessment ActivityThis is a summative assessment process. For the student to be assessed as competent ineach Unit of Competency, all questions and activities need to be satisfactorily completed.Each assessment activity contained within: Assessment TaskAbout this taskAssessment Task 1:Written QuestionsYou must correctly answer all questions to show that you understand theknowledge required for this unit.Evidence Required• All completed questions in the Assessment Handbook.Assessment Task 2:Case Study PART AYou must review the information in the case study and complete each ofthe activitiesEvidence Required• Activity 1: Complete all questions in the AssessmentWorkbook.• Activity 2: Develop a presentation in chosen format.• Activity 3: Prepare for Meeting Email.• Activity 4: Conduct presentation.• Activity 5: Review and Evaluate your presentation (Completequestions in the Assessment Workbook).• Activity 6: Follow-up with stake holder email. Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 7 | P a g e Version 1.3Assessment 1: Written QuestionsNote: Please answer the following Written Questions below. Ensure you read each questioncarefully and address the question fully in your answers.Question 1List five (5) key principles of cross-cultural communication. 12345 Question 2List the seven (7) key features of structured meeting procedures. 1234567 Question 3List five (5) effective techniques you could use to ensure meetings are inclusive for all participants? 12345 Question 4Outline below each of the following: Communication toneCommunicationstructureCommunication styleCommunicationimpacts on others Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 8 | P a g e Version 1.3Question 5Complete the Thomas-Kilmann conflict resolution Model:Question 7List and outline below, the three (3) techniques for negotiations: 123 Question 8List and outline the five (5) techniques for mediation: 12345 _____________ ____________________________________________________Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 9 | P a g e Version 1.3Question 9List the key features of each of the following conflict resolution techniques: a) AssertivenessList the three (3) keyfeatures123b) NegotiationList the two (2) keyfeatures12c) UsingappropriatecommunicationList the four (4) keyfeatures1234 Question 10What are the two (2) most commonly accepted techniques for de-escalating conflict incidents? 12 Question 11What are the four (4) key features an organisational policies and procedures, relating toconfidentiality of information, should include: 1234 Question 12List two (2) manager’s implications of legal responsibilities to maintain confidentiality in regards tothe organisation information. 12 ***END OF ASSESSMENT TASK 1***Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 10 | P a g e Version 1.3Assessment 2: Case StudySTUDENTS INSTRUCTIONS: Case Study – Background InformationYou are employed as the Operations Manager at National Camper Trailers (NCT) based at headoffice is based in Dandenong VIC.You have recently come up with a potential new direction / strategy for NCT to capitalise onestablish infrastructure and expand into the horse float market, with just a few adjustments tocurrent camper trailer plans to accommodate horse transport requirements.You have conducted limited market research and discovered that Recommended Retail Price (RRP)offered by competitors, compared to estimated production costs, which has been confirmed by thefactory manufacturing team, will increase net profit per trailer by a minimum of 37%.You have worked with the Assembly and Fit-out Department manager to draft two (2) basic horsetrailers NCT could introduce to test the market as followed: Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 11 | P a g e Version 1.3 Estimated Cost of product:• Eventa M: $12,200.00 with comparable competition RRP of $28,900.00• Eventa L: $13,800.00 with comparable competition RRP of $32,900.00You have run the idea past the CEO who has asked you to prepare a presentation of the SeniorManagement Team for consideration. He has given you following organisational Objectives ofExpansion, which are:Organisational Objectives:• Promote financial sustainability.• Increase annual profit.• Maintain employment of all staff.• Maintain quality and service standards.• Maintain consumer confidence.• Increase customer base. Activity 1Complete the following questions.NCTCommunications_ Presentation Policy & Procedure .docx Access and review the NCT Communications/ Presentation Policy &Procedure and answer the following questions. Question 1AAccording to the NCT Communications/Presentation Policy and Procedure, which department is thecorrect authority to present the following information? Governance MattersProposed InnovationsProposed organisationaldirection/ strategiesWHS IssuesMarketing opportunities Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 12 | P a g e Version 1.3Question 1BAccording to the NCT Communications/Presentation Policy and Procedure, outline what the policyis, in relation to the following:• Presenting and negotiating.• Leading and participating in meetings.• Making presentations. Presenting and NegotiatingLeading and participating inmeetingsMaking presentations Question 1CAccording to the NCT Communications/Presentation Policy and Procedure, outline what the policystates in relation to confidentiality of information. Outline of NCTCommunications/PresentationPolicy and Procedure,information on confidentialityof information Question 2Identify below information in the case study, that may be subject to confidentiality and outline howyou would manage it appropriately. List a minimum of two (2). #Information subject toconfidentialityOutline how you would manage appropriately12 Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 13 | P a g e Version 1.3Question 3Identify below what information the Senior Management Team would need to enable a robustdecision to support a strategic direction change and implement the business model to expand intothe manufacturing of horse trailers. List a minimum of five (5). 12345 Question 4Identify below two (2) objectives of negotiation in this process. 12 Question 5Identify below two (2) potential issues and problems with the proposed business expansion idea. 12 Question 6Identify below two (2) supporting arguments which are in accordance with the organisationalobjectives. 12 Question 7You have spoken to one (1) of the Senior Management Team, Gary, to get his initial thoughts on thepotential idea. He expressed concerns with migrating into another industry without having theinternal knowledge of that industry to know the potential pit falls.Outline below two (2) areas of common ground you could establish to reach a potentialcompromise. 12 Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 14 | P a g e Version 1.3Question 8The Senior Management Team, is made up of five (5) individuals: Mike (CEO), Heather, Gary, Craigand Michael. The Senior Management Team, formally meet once a fortnight, with the nextscheduled meeting being in ten (10) days, on Monday the 1st. However, two (2) of the SeniorManagement Team members will be absent at the next meeting, due to other scheduled workcommitments.The CEO has asked you, if you would like to join the meeting on the 1st or wait until the 14th.Outline below, which date you would like to present your idea (1st or 14th) and why?Question 9Research and list below the industry, media and government organisations, events andcommunication channels that will be relevant to NCT, should the Horse Trailer idea be implemented. IndustryMediaGovernment OrganisationsList a minimum of two (2)EventsList a minimum of two (2)Communication ChannelsList a minimum of two (2) Question 10Thinking about the presentation you are required to present to the Senior Management Team,determine below the tone, structure, style of communication and presentation will be mostappropriate for the target audience (Senior Management Team). ToneStructureStyle ofCommunicationand presentation Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 15 | P a g e Version 1.3Activity 2Develop Presentation MaterialDevelop presentation material to assist you in pitching the idea to management, to expand businessrevenue without the need to invest in further infrastructure.Develop presentation to present. This can be in any of the following formats:• Agenda/ discussion flowchart/ Plan.• Flyer.• Brochure.• Poster.• Booklet.• Power Point Presentation or• Video (please see instructions below for video upload.) Further instructions of how to upload your video to Moodle.For further support: Please email:[email protected] This presentation must prepare a position in line with purpose of communication and include eachof the following:• Reliable information.• Proposed Plans.• Keys findings and outcomes.• Outline issues.• Outline benefits.• Be clear and conscious.Upload Presentation Material to Moodle(or as directed in Video Instructions)Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 16 | P a g e Version 1.3Activity 3Prepare for Meeting (Email)The CEO has asked you to lead/ Chair the next Senior Management Meeting in the Boardroom,where all team members will be present to hear your presentation. During this meeting you arerequired to allow 5-10 mins for your presentation and additional time for the team to ask questionsif necessary.For this task you are required to prepare meeting materials (Meeting Agenda) and distribute tostakeholders (meeting attendees) in preparation for the meeting next week.In this email you must include each of the following:1) Address the email to relevant staff.2) Notify them that you will be chairing the next meeting on the 14th at 10:30am.3) Attached Meeting Agenda (using provided template below).4) Summarise key findings and desired outcomes.5) Sign off as yourself (Operations Manager).Note: In Activity 4 you will be required to conduct this meeting as a roleplay with family/ friend orcolleague. It is advised you send these attendees a copy of the Meeting Agenda.Take a screenshot of your email and insert here or upload to Moodle.Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 17 | P a g e Version 1.3 Meeting Agendadate timeMeeting name:Location:Meeting PurposeAgenda item/ RunningorderPresented byName of person who will presentagenda item.DurationAssigned length ofpresentation anddiscussion.Next meeting: Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 18 | P a g e Version 1.3Activity 4Conduct Presentation Meeting (Roleplay)You are required to conduct a meeting (roleplay) with NCT Senior Management Team, to presentyour presentation for the proposed expansion into horse trailer product line.For this task, you are required to conduct a meeting with a minimum of three (3) stakeholdersplaying the roles of any of the following:• NCT CEO (Mike).• NCT HR Manager (Heather).• NCT Senior Manager (Gary).• NCT Senior Manager (Craig).• NCT Senior Manager (Michael).You may ask family, friends or colleagues to assist you in this roleplay.This meeting only needs to be 5-10 mins in duration, or as long as you need to address each of themeeting requirements.During the Meeting you must demonstrate each of the following:a) Seek consensus on meeting objectives.b) Present your presentation (including reliable information which stakeholders will need tomake an informed decision).c) Use communication style and tone that suits the audience.d) Actively listen to stakeholders.e) Answer questions clearly and concisely.f) Confirm meeting outcomes through negotiation.Complete the details of individual who assisted in the Meeting Roleplay: #RoleName of Individual playing that roleMinimum of three (3)1NCT CEO (Mike)2NCT HR Manager (Heather)3NCT Senior Manager (Gary)4NCT Senior Manager (Craig)5NCT Senior Manager (Michael) Complete the meeting start and finishing time below: Meeting Start TimeMeeting Finish Time____________ am/ pm____________ am/ pm Upload the Meeting recording to as directed below. Further instructions of how to upload your video to Moodle.For further support: Please email:[email protected] Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 19 | P a g e Version 1.3TO BE COMPLETED BY YOUR ASSESSORPlease leave blankPRESENTATION MEETING (Senior Management Team Meeting)Roleplay Observation Checklist Date of meeting Assessed:Name of student beingassessed (Chair):Name of other student,present at the meeting:#1:#2:#3:Meeting start time:Meeting end time:Assessors are to select Yes or No for whether the task was completed to the required level. Where theassessor selects No, commentary about improvements are to be made. Any item marked no, results in anot yet satisfactory result. Final commentary in the Assessors comments is a summary of the assessment.Note that to obtain a satisfactory outcome for this assessment activity, students must achieve asatisfactory outcome for every line item and each sub point.Date:Did the Student:YesNoCommentsA)Seek consensus on meeting objectives☐☐B)Present their presentation (including reliableinformation which stakeholders will need to make aninformed decision)☐☐C)Use communication style and tone that suits theaudience☐☐D)Actively listen to stakeholders☐☐E)Answer questions clearly and concisely☐☐F)Confirm meeting outcomes through negotiation☐☐ Outcome for Task: ☐ Satisfactory OR ☐ Not yet satisfactoryAssessors Comments.Assessors Signature:Date: Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 20 | P a g e Version 1.3Activity 5Review and Evaluate your PresentationRefer to your presentation video and complete the following questions:Question 1On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your overall presentation. Tick (✓) in appropriate box below: 1Not happy at all2Below Average3Average4Good5Very Good Question 2Identify below two (2) areas you could improve on. #Areas of Improvement12 Activity 6Follow up with Stakeholder following Meeting/ Presentation (Email)You are required to send an email to Senior Management Team, following the Presentation andMeeting.Your email must include each of the following:1) Address the email to relevant staff.2) Summarise the meeting outcomes3) Asked if anyone has any further question or concerns to let you know4) Sign off as yourself (Operations Manager)Take a screenshot of your email and insert here or upload to Moodle.Student Assessment Workbook – BSBCMM511 21 | P a g e Version 1.3***END OF ASSESSMENT TASK 2***
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