Course Work On The Effect of Organizational Culture

Question One

People in the United States would feel comfortable under the guided missile organizational culture. The desire to increase creativity and their innovative nature fits the category, as the culture seeks to enhance equality and gives little power to the leaders. The guided missile culture focuses on teamwork to achieve the organizational goals. The teams set targets, formulate strategies, and implement them categorically to foster consistency. The desire to achieve the set objectives motivates employees; individuals do not only focus on monetary benefits, but rather on the knowledge derived from the experience.

The guided missile organizational culture enhances development in the organizations, as the personnel gains substantial growth in the process. The American workforce concentrates on development goals; most people would be comfortable in such a culture. The leaders play exemplary roles while conducting various duties, which motivate the workers to increase their productivity. The eradication of unhealthy competition through teamwork helps o eradicate petty conflicts at work; this aspect enables people to focus on improving their performance.

Question Two

Japan comprises of a population that believes in strengthening the family unit to enhance efficiency in their activities. The employees in various companies look upon their managers as their caring parents and mentors. The hierarchical nature of governance allows the leaders to offer guidance and monitor their employees’ performance. According to the family culture, the managers assess the work environment to ensure that the employees are comfortable. The paternal roles played by leaders help in the delegating duties to the subordinates, as the workers are likely to respect their managers and heed to the orders.

The existence of different customs, norms, and traditions in Japan makes the family culture relevant. Most people in Japan believe that the success emerges from the family units; enhancing healthy relationships with family members increases the chances of attaining the targeted objectives. The use of family culture enables the organizations to formulate and instil various cultural aspect sin heir operations. Leaders in such a culture should use their roles responsibly to increase the productivity of their organizations. The decision-making process should be viable as it affects the employees’ welfare (Ghorbanhosseini 1023). Proper usage of family culture can help companies establish a strong workforce that attains its goals within the scheduled duration. Proper use of power can yield positive results for an organization under the family culture.

Question Three

Understanding an organization’s culture is crucial in determining the appropriate governance measures among companies (Ghorbanhosseini 1020). The cultures differ according to the demographic and geographic aspects; individuals have certain characteristics that help in defining the cultures that would make them comfortable. The international corporations should conduct surveys before establishing their firms; this measure can help them identify the appropriate organizational cultures to embrace.

Adequate knowledge on the types of organizational cultures helps managers to consider the workforce’s personalities and behaviors while creating an organizational culture. Employees are likely to increase their performance in case they are comfortable in their work environment. Failure to incorporate people’s values in the culture leads to poor performance. Understanding of the diverse cultures can foster the creation of strategies, for instance by mixing various cultures to improve the workers’ performance. Involving employees in discussions can help the management team to identify the most successful culture to embrace. Defining roles and expectations for the workforce enhances consistency in the workplace.

Works Cited

Ghorbanhosseini, Masoud. “The Effect of Organizational Culture, Teamwork And Organizational Development On Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Role Of Human Capital.” Tehnicki Vjesnik / Technical Gazette 20.6 (2013): 1019-1025.

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