Good Course Work About Emotion, Stress, And Memory

The problem solving process shift thinking from emotion based to the fact based at it requires critical thinking. The problem solving process involves analysis of facts as well as generation and organization of ideas to solve problems. Emotion based thinking does not bring viable solutions of problems as it cannot draw inferences or evaluate arguments. This establishes the differences between facts based thinking from other aspects of thinking such as emotion based and creative thinking. Fact based thinking when done well guide the establishment of beliefs and impacts on the behaviors and actions of individuals to arrive at solutions to a problem. Therefore, fact based thinking involves analytical thinking on facts with the aim of interpreting and evaluating information as well as experiences in terms of reflective abilities and attitudes which guide actions and thoughtful beliefs (Davidson & Begley, 2013).

Decision making or problem solving is a cognitive process in which the outcome is arrived at from alternatives. There are always different approaches varying between feeling and thinking to solve problems. In the event that individuals use logic to solve problems, they exclude emotions and the brain work differently as only rational and mathematical methods work. When individuals shift their thinking from emotion to reasoning, the brains become sneaky. It sometimes results to brain injuries where damage occurs to the part of the brain that generates emotions, and this may end lead to a loss of ability to have experience emotions (Davidson & Begley, 2013).

Emotion plays an essential role in the cognitive system as it gives insight into the control and complex design of this system. For instance, appraisal theory which uses emotions assists in identifying key cognitive functions and the mechanisms of controlling them. In addition, emotional influences that are irrational on the surface have essential cognitive and social functions that are a key characteristic of an intelligent system. Emotions perform the core function of interpreting ordinary cognition if unattended objectives require servicing (Davidson & Begley, 2013).


Davidson, R. J., & Begley, s. (2013). The Emotional Llife of Your Brain: How its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live – and How You Can Change Them. London: Hodder.

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