Approved Project Question: How to manage work-related fatigue experienced by perioperative nurses?
The student is required to identify a nursing problem or issue that relates to the specialty area of practice in which they are completing their clinical placement.
So this essay should be written in the context of the student’s speciality clinical placement (perioperative setting) in relation to nursing practice.
This question will lead you to contemporary literature. From your reading of this literature you will discover what is known or not known about the question. The information that you have gained from your reading and your observation of practice should then enable you to draw conclusions concerning the nursing question.
ü Discuss your approved project question including background and rationale for choice (100 words)
ü Find five (5) journal articles related specifically to your approved question and provide a synopsis of your understanding of these articles. These articles MUST be either peer-reviewed primary research journal articles or systematic reviews. (400 words). You must put some research findings (statistics) related to question
ü Discuss your observations in light of your readings. (500 words)
Marking criteria
• Question-Extensively discusses the background of the question providing insightful analyses of the rationale/ Describe why this problem/issue is of interest to you and how it came to your attention
• Evidence-Provides extensive and detailed synopsis of the literature. Thoroughly critiques articles considering strengths and weakness of evidence provided. Clarifies evidence in support of alternative views. All literature is peer reviewed or primary resources from credible contemporary sources
• Observation, Analysis & Evaluation-Thoroughly analyses clinical practice in relation to the question. Discriminates rationally using reasonable judgment when evaluating and critiquing clinical practice against contemporary literature. Provides extensive consideration for changes to practice based on findings