NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II
NURS 6560 Final Exam Review
General Pre and Post Op Care

Hemoglobin in relation to surgery
Predictors of increased morbidity and mortality post-operatively
Risks factors for poor wound healing
Medications the patient should take on the morning of surgery
Positioning in the PACU

Head, Neck, Esophagus, and Diaphragm

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) diagnosis and treatment
Otitis Externa – secondary treatment
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma- treatment related complications
Achalasia risk factors
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia repair


EKG interpretation of different types of MI according to the leads presenting with signs of ischemia
Society of Thoracic Surgeon’s statistics and synopsis regarding patient outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting and mortality
INR management
Mitral stenosis with catheter-based balloon mitral valvotomy and reduction of the transvalvular pressure gradient
Types of aortic aneurysms and immediate surgery

Pulmonary and Shock

Fatty Lipoma
Thymoma and autoimmune disorders
Positive TB skin test and when treatment is needed
Cardiac pressures related to shock and PE
Treatment for neurogenic shock, distributive-septic shock, and cardiogenic shock

NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II
Acute Abdomen, Stomach/Duodenum, Appendix Disorders

Abdominal pain and epigastric pain workup and presentation
Symptoms of colicky pain
Gas stoppage sign
Pancreatitis labs
ureteral colic s/s
Perforated bowel s/s
Rebound tenderness
Diverticulitis s/s
When is a pelvic exam indicated and when can it be deferred?
Gastric resection and how vitamins absorption is affected
Post-op care of abdominal surgery
perforated ulcer s/s and resection and hospital complications
gastrinoma s/s
peptic ulcer disease s/s and management
gastrectomy and bezoar formation
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Pyloric obstruction s/s

Liver/Biliary Track, Pancreas, Spleen

Resection of the liver and regeneration- follow up monitoring
pregnant women and spontaneous hepatic rupture s/s
hepatic hemangiomas
hepatic adenomas s/s
portal hypertension with alcoholic liver disease s/s
acutely bleeding varices treatment
Budd-Chiari syndrome s/s
Von Willebrand’s disease
Paracentesis and subsequent analysis of the fluid
ascites s/s and treatment
chemical mediators of hepatic encephalopathy, protein intake
Extrahepatic obstruction s/s
Cholelithiasis s/s and treatment
Biliary colic s/s
acute pancreatitis s/s and causes
Grey Turner Sign
Ranson Criteria of Severity for pancreatitis
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura s/s
myelodysplastic syndrome s/s and treatment

Intestines, Hernias, Abdominal Wall Lesions

Jejunum resection and effects on nutrition
Crohn’s disease complications
Small bowel obstruction s/s and treatment
anemias and abdominal discomfort diagnosis
Campylobacter jejuni s/ s and treatment
Pneumatosis s/s and treatment
Colectomy discharge education
transit time in constipation
bacterial growth in small and large intestine benefits vs. complications of over growth
Complete bowel obstruction s/s
Frame pattern of colon distention on x-ray
Inflammatory polyps
Radiographic work up for lower abdominal complaints
Diverticulitis assessment, s/s, diagnosis, and treatment
colovesical fistula treatment
sigmoid volvulus- s/s and treatment
colitis – s/s and treatment
McBurney’s sign
NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

Adrenals and Urogynecology

Unique features of adrenal surgery complications
Primary hyperaldosteronism- s/s, diagnosis and treatment
Aldosteronoma- s/s and treatment
Catecholamine-secreting tumor s/s
Pheochromocytoma treatment and complications
Cushing’s syndrome and adrenal tumor- s/s, lab values and results of removal of tumor
Bilateral total adrenalectomy post op treatment
Adrenal tumors with gender symptoms
Vesicoureteral reflux diagnosis
Hypospadias and circumcision
Administration of the American Urological Association (AUA) Symptom Scale-When is it needed?
microscopic hematuria- s/s and treatment
acute pyelonephritis s/s
Bladder distention treatment
Tuberculosis and UTI s/s
Posterior compartment syndrome- s/s and treatment
Menorrhagia diagnosis
Ectopic pregnancy- s/s and treatment
NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

Neurology, Orthopedics, Plastic/Reconstructive

Use of plain film x-rays with head injuries
Hypotension and head injury – risk of mortality
Cushing’s triad s/s
Closed head injury s/s and treatment
Acute subdural hematoma on CT scan
Concussion definition s/s and treatment
Brain Trauma Foundation recommendations for intracranial pressure monitoring
Crush injuries – s/s and treatment
open fractures – treatment
transverse process fractures – treatment
Flexion-distraction injuries – causes
Pelvic fracture – s/s
Scapular fracture – treatment
Proximal humerus fracture
full thickness grafts – when to use
Treatment of hypertrophic scar
Seborrheic keratosis – treatment
Verrucae lesions – s/s and treatment
Actinic keratosis – s/s and treatment
Time frame for suturing injuries

Oncology, Organ Transplant, Medical/Ethical

tumor nomenclature
various methods of tumor biopsy
Proctocolectomy – when is it needed
Partial response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Monoclonal antibodies uses and advantages
Acute post-radiation effects with throat cancer
Organ donation – when is a patient not a candidate for organ donation?
Use of Corticosteroids in post-transplant patients
Donation guidelines
Treatment strategies for bradyarrhythmias in post-heart transplant patients
Bone marrow transplant – treatment for prevention of rejection
Kidney transplant – treatment
First line treatment of acute rejection of liver
Ethical principles beneficence, nonmaleficence, veracity
Counseling rape victims
Informed Consent and cognitively impaired patients
End of life considerations

NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

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