- Title page: APA format throughout paper:… …………………… 10 Points
- Introduction paragraph towards general definition of the problem relevance: How the phenomena impacts healthcare delivery:…… 10 Points (One Page)
- The problem concern to nursing: How the phenomena impacts nursing care………….. 10 Points( One Page)
- Body of Literature Review: Determine what is previously and presently known and not known about a subject, concept or problem in the area being looked , compare and contrast empirical research findings from the literature.………40 Points (6 Pages)……………..
- A clinical nursing update for best practice in pre- interventional cardiology nursing: The value of a Dopamine and or an Epinephrine drip when the external pacer fails to sense and capture in the treatment of a symptomatic Bradycardia and or Second Degree Type II and or Third Degree Block.
- Conclusion of the Literature Review. When concluding the information gathered what determination can be made about the evidence gathered moving forward in building a research question. What may need to be investigated in the present or future?……………………………………………………..10 Points (Two Pages)
- Write on Final Paragraph concerning a potential research question and or performance improvement concern you came up with when connecting the literature to your area of practice…………………………………………… 10 Points( One Page)
- Reference List: APA format, research articles that are peered reviewed within the past five years, expert opinion to quantitative and qualitative analysis……..10 Points
- Evidence may be presented over five years if the literature continues to impact present practice
- Expert Opinion: Best Practices to Randomized Trials and Systematic Reviews
- See Levels of Evidence in the Week One of Angel NUR 3165
- Five articles in the reference three of them research literature 3 Quantitative and 1 Qualitative, 1 Best Practice and or Expert Opinion Ex: World Health Organization and or Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Best Practice