Academic integrity policy – maintaining academic integrity

Academic Integrity Policy
Student Obligations
Each student must act with honesty and integrity, and must respect the rights of others in carrying out all academic assignments. A student may be found to have engaged in academic dishonesty if, in connection with any Academic Evaluation or academic or research assignment (including a paid research position), he or she:
A. Engages in any form of academic deceit;
B. Refers to materials or sources or uses devices (e.g., computer disks, audio recorders, camera phones, text messages, crib sheets, calculators, solution manuals, materials from previous classes, or commercial research services) not authorized by the instructor for use during the Academic Evaluation or assignment;
C. Possesses, reviews, buys, sells, obtains, or uses, without appropriate authorization, any materials intended to be used for an Academic Evaluation or assignment in advance of its administration;
D. Acts as a substitute for another person in any Academic Evaluation or assignment;
E. Uses a substitute in any Academic Evaluation or assignment;
F. Depends on the aid of others, including other students or tutors, in connection with any Academic Evaluation or assignment to the extent that the work is not representative of the student’s abilities;
G. Provides inappropriate aid to another person in connection with any Academic Evaluation or assignment, including the unauthorized use of camera phones, text messages, photocopies, notes or other means to copy or photograph materials used or intended for Academic Evaluation;
H. Engages in Plagiarism;
I. Uses materials from the Internet or any other source without full and appropriate attribution;
J. Permits his or her work to be submitted by another person in connection with any Academic Evaluation or assignment, without authorization;
K. Claims credit for or submits work done by another;
L. Signs an attendance sheet for another student, allows another student to sign on the student’s behalf, or otherwise participates in gaining credit for attendance for oneself or another without actually attending;
M. Falsifying or misrepresenting hours or activities in relationship to an internship, externship, field experience, clinical activity or similar activity; or
N. Attempts to influence or change any Academic Evaluation, assignment or academic record for reasons having no relevance to academic achievement.
A. Sanctions that may be imposed by an Instructor.
a. Reduced or failing grade for assignment,
b. Reduced or failing grade for course, or
c. Reduced, failing grade, or no credit for other academic evaluation (e.g., clinical training, comprehensive exam, thesis, dissertation).
d. Within 10 days after an instructor-imposed sanction is assigned, the student may appeal the sanction to the Dean or Director.
B. Sanctions that may be recommended by an instructor.
An instructor, academic supervisor, or committee responsible for academic evaluation may recommend other or additional sanctions to the Dean or Director, including assignment of the grade of XE and withdrawal of credit for a previously accepted course or requirement, if the sanctions are otherwise provided in this policy or in the Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.
C. Sanctions that may be imposed by a Dean or Director.
a. After reviewing the recommendation of the School/College Board, a Dean or Director may impose any of the following sanctions for academic dishonesty:
i. Reduced or failing grade for assignment,
ii. Reduced or failing grade for course,
iii. Reduced or failing grade for other academic evaluation (e.g., clinical training, comprehensive exam, thesis, dissertation),
iv. Assignment of a grade of XE;
v. Withdrawal of credit for a previously accepted course or requirement;
vi. Removal from the School or College or from a major or program of study within the School or College, permanently or for a specified period of time.
b. The decision of the Dean or Director to impose any of the above sanctions is final.
D. In addition to the above sanctions, a Dean or Director may recommend to the Provost any of the following sanctions:
a. Revocation of a degree (the student’s official and unofficial transcript may reflect that revocation was the result of academic dishonesty);
b. Expulsion from the University without expectation of readmission (the student’s official and unofficial transcript may reflect that expulsion was the result of academic dishonesty);
c. Suspension from the University for a specific period of time (the student’s official and unofficial transcript may reflect that suspension was the result of academic dishonesty);
d. Other sanctions as consistent with this policy and the Student Code of Conduct.
E. Final Sanctions
a. The student will receive written notice of the decision and recommendations of the Dean or Director.
b. If the sanctions do not include suspension from the university, expulsion from the university or revocation of the degree, the recommendations of the Dean or Director will be final.
c. If the sanctions include suspension from the university, expulsion from the university or revocation of the degree, but the student does not object in writing to the recommendations of the Dean or Director within 10 days, the recommendations of the Dean will be final.
d. If the sanctions include suspension from the university, expulsion from the university or revocation of the degree, and if the student provides written notice to the Provost of an objection to the recommendations of the Dean within 10 days, the Provost will convene a University Hearing Board to review the recommendations.
F. Mitigating and aggravating circumstances may be considered in determining the appropriate sanction for a violation of this policy.

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