Activity- 13 exe project | Computer Science homework help

Case 13.3 “Dear Mr. President—Please Cancel our Project!”: The Honolulu Elevated Rail ProjectThis case is a great current example of a very expensive project that was kicked off because of an assumed need—to relieve congestion in downtown Honolulu through an elevated urban rail system.  Critics argue that in addition to having a ballooning cost, the actual planning was poorly conceived, leaving Honolulu with an intrusive and ugly rail system through the downtown area, ruining panoramic views, and impeding traffic.  Additionally, advocates underestimated the power needs for the rail system, requiring the transport authority to renegotiate electricity fees for the system.  Finally, the original costs that were assumed for the project were calculated during an economic downturn and with the economy booming again, the costs of the project have gone up dramatically.  All of these elements points to a state Governor who is anxious to be rid of the project and hoping that President Trump will deny additional federal funding, in which case the project will likely be cancelled.Questions

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