NURS 4105 HP4005 Advocacy for Policy Change Letter Example

NURS 4105 HP4005 Advocacy for Policy Change Letter Example

NURS 4105 HP4005 Advocacy for Policy Change Letter Assignment

NURS 4105 HP4005 Advocacy for Policy Change Letter Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 4105 – Advocacy Through Healthcare Policy

Assignment Title: NURS 4105 HP4005 Advocacy for Policy Change Letter Assignment

Assignment Instructions Overview

This assignment focuses on the crucial role nurses play in advocating for policy changes to improve patient outcomes. As healthcare professionals with firsthand experience and knowledge, nurses are uniquely positioned to influence healthcare policies. The assignment involves drafting a letter to a state or federal legislator to advocate for a specific policy change. This exercise helps nursing students to develop their advocacy skills and underscores the importance of political activism in nursing.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The primary objective of this assignment is to empower nursing students to engage in policy advocacy. By researching current nursing policy issues and communicating with legislators, students will learn how to effectively advocate for changes that can lead to better patient outcomes. The assignment aims to:

  • Enhance understanding of the legislative process and how it impacts healthcare.
  • Develop skills in articulating and defending a policy position.
  • Promote the importance of evidence-based advocacy in nursing practice.

The Student’s Role

In this assignment, students take on the role of nurse advocates. They will:

  • Select a Policy: Choose a local, state, or national policy relevant to their practice area.
  • Research the Policy: Understand the policy’s implications and current status by consulting credible sources such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) and other recommended resources.
  • Identify Legislators: Find appropriate legislators or policymakers to contact regarding the chosen policy.
  • Draft a Letter: Write a compelling letter that outlines their stance, provides evidence-based arguments, and suggests actionable recommendations for policy improvement.

Competencies Measured

This assignment assesses several key competencies:

  • Policy Analysis: Understanding and analyzing healthcare policies and their impact on patient outcomes.
  • Advocacy Skills: Effectively communicating policy positions and advocating for change.
  • Evidence-Based Practice: Using current, scholarly resources to support policy recommendations.
  • Professional Writing: Demonstrating professional and respectful communication skills in written form.

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NURS 4105 HP4004 Evaluating Health Policy Essay & Brochure Assignment Example

NURS 4105 HP4005 Advocacy for Policy Change Letter Example



[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]



[Legislator’s Name]

[Legislator’s Title]

[Office Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]


Dear [Legislator’s Name],

Subject: Advocacy for Policy Change in ICU and CCU Visitation Policies

I am writing to you as a Registered Nurse with five years of experience, including four years in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and three years specifically in the Coronary Care Unit (CCU). I obtained my LVN from a private program and completed the LVN to RN transition ADN program at Lee College in Baytown, Texas. My career has provided me with comprehensive knowledge and practical experience in critical care nursing, making me acutely aware of the impact of visitation policies on patient outcomes.

I am advocating for a revision of ICU and CCU visitation policies to support better patient outcomes and the well-being of families. Current restrictive visitation policies, though well-intentioned, often do not consider the emotional and psychological needs of patients and their families. Research indicates that flexible visitation policies can lead to improved patient outcomes, such as reduced anxiety and delirium, shorter hospital stays, and increased patient satisfaction (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017).

Nurses play a critical role in patient care, providing continuous monitoring, support, and education to patients and their families. We observe firsthand the distress that restrictive visitation policies cause. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, strict no-visitor policies were necessary to prevent virus spread. However, this led to significant emotional distress for patients and families, highlighting the need for a balanced approach (Changes to Visitation Policies and Communication Practices in Michigan ICUs During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020).

To address these issues, I propose the following policy changes:

Implement Flexible Visitation Hours: Allowing for extended and more flexible visitation hours can provide emotional support to patients and involve families more actively in care decisions. This approach can reduce patient anxiety and improve overall outcomes (DeLano, Abell, & Main, 2020).

Establish Visitor Education Programs: Educating visitors on infection control and the specific needs of ICU patients can mitigate the risks associated with increased visitation. This can ensure that visitors contribute positively to patient recovery without compromising safety (Arabi et al., 2014).

These policy changes are supported by scholarly research and align with the American Nurses Association’s advocacy for patient-centered care. By revising visitation policies, we can enhance the healing environment in ICUs and CCUs, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and family satisfaction.

Thank you for considering this proposal. As a frontline healthcare provider, I am committed to advocating for policies that improve patient care and support families during critical times. I look forward to your support in this important matter.




[Contact Information]



Arabi, A., Rafii, F., Cheraghi, M. A., & Ghiyasvandian, S. (2014). Nurses’ policy influence: A concept analysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 19(3), 315.

Changes to visitation policies and communication practices in Michigan ICUs during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020, September). PubMed Central (PMC).

DeLano, A. R., Abell, C. H., & Main, M. E. (2020). Visitation policies on the adult ICU: Nurses’ satisfaction and preferences. Nursing Management, 51(2), 32-36.

Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare transformation and changing roles for nursing. Orthopedic nursing, 36(1), 12.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 4105 HP4005 Advocacy for Policy Change Letter Assignment


Select a policy that relates to your personal practice and draft a letter to a state or federal legislator explaining your stance and offering recommendations on how best to improve the policy.


To complete this Assessment, do the following:

All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

Letter to a Legislator (1- 2-pages)

As one of more than 3.6 million nurses in the United States, you are in the unique position to share your professional insights to influence policy at all levels of government. Aiding important initiatives to gain state and national attention is an important part of professional nursing advocacy. After all, as the number one most trusted profession in the country (Norman, J., 2016), nurses can really make a difference in the policy arena to effectively advocate for patients.

One way to ensure effective advocacy is to contact and enlist the support of those in positions of power. In this Assessment, you will compose a 1- to 2-page letter to a legislator concerning a local, state, or national policy and that is similar to those that come across the desks of legislators every day. (Note: You must select a different policy than one you chose for previous Competencies in this Area of Expertise).

This activity allows you to share your nursing expertise with a legislator and to inform that legislator of current research that supports a policy position.

  • Step 1: Choose a local, state, or national policy issue that is of concern to you. Go to the American Nurses Association (ANA) web page—Advocacy at
    to read about current nursing policy issues in the United States.
  • Step 2: Locate legislators or policymakers in your city, state, or country who you will contact regarding your selected policy. You can find a list of local legislators in the United States at:
  • Step 3: Draft a letter suggesting a policy change.
    • Read pg. 22—23 of the AACN’s “From Patient Advocacy to Political Action: AACN’s Guide to Understanding Healthcare Policy and Politics” at to view a sample letter.
    • Using the AACN sample letter as a guide, format your letter as follows:
      • Describe your education and career experiences;
      • Describe your qualifications and expertise in a policy area using at least two examples;
      • Analyze the critical role nurses play in improving care, as they are at the point of care;
      • Summarize the key points of your chosen policy;
      • Defend your stance on the policy using at least two current, scholarly resources in support of your position; and
      • Recommend at least two actions for change with regards to the selected policy.

Note: Be respectful, professional, and direct with your written request. Avoid using arguments of emotion and focus only on those arguments based in fact.

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