Analyze the data of each subgroup within the schools to demonstrate the achievement level.

Alignment of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment provides the necessary roadmap for teachers to systematically improve student learning. Teachers who utilize achievement data ensure positive student outcomes.
After collecting and examining data, quantify how the alignment of a standards-driven curriculum, instruction, and assessments creates a meaningful and equitable learning environment.
Step 1. Collect
Collect secondary data from three schools with similar demographics, and disaggregate the data of each sub-group. An exemplary source of secondary data is School Improvement Plan (SIP) reports.
Step 2. Analyze
Analyze the data of each subgroup within the schools to demonstrate the achievement level. Interpret the data and indicate the level of mastery for each subgroup.
Step 3. Examine
Examine the data and other information gathered from the three schools to assess how the alignment of the curriculum standards, instruction, and assessments impacted the results.
Step 4. Organize
Organize the data into a slide presentation to report whether student achievement levels increased or decreased by subgroup. Provide a narrative at the end of the presentation to justify the quantitative data and address strategies to ensure a learning environment is meaningful and equitable. Provide a script or talking points for each slide in the notes sections.

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