ANT250 I – Anatomy and Physiology I Module 4 Case & SLP

ANT250 I – Anatomy and Physiology I Module 4 Case & SLP

In this module, you have learned a considerable amount of the nervous system.  For this case assignment, you will select and explore a behavioral condition or other CNS pathology. In the book, Neurobehavioral Anatomy on your ebrary bookshelf, you will find chapters that investigate various behavioral pathologies.  I recommend beginning here to find your topic.

Additional topics may include:


Post-traumatic stress disorder

Multiple sclerosis


Additional information on these topics may be found in Infectious Behavior:  Brain-Immune Connections in Autism, Schizophrenia, and Depression, Depressive Disorders, Biological Pyschiatry, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Chronic Health Conditions, also located on your ebrary bookeshelf.

After you have independently researched a topic, you will prepare a 2-3 page paper in which you describe:

  1. Describe the regions of the brain believed to be associated with this condition.
  2. Discuss the anatomy/physiology of the pathologic process you have selected. Specifically focus on how normal anatomy/physiology has been altered to present the disease state you have selected.  Be sure to include the brain regions and neurotransmitters potentially involved.

Note: This assignment will require you to engage in independent research to learn about diseases of the central nervous system.

Assignment Expectations


Remember that all of your work should be prepared using appropriate format. This link from your course syllabus page will help reinforce formatting expectations:

Scholarly Content

Your SLP and your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your final work should include a MINIMUM of 10 peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. This does not mean that you must place 10 peer reviewed sources in each module of your Case/SLP. I anticipate that the nature of the questions which must be answered in this project will result in the accumulation of more than 10 references, but 10 is the minimum number. This means by the end of module 5, I should be able to go back and count AT A MINIMUM a total of 10 scholarly-peer reviewed publications in all of your submitted papers. If you are uncertain what a peer reviewed (scholarly) source is, go to

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as “” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers”. None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any registered user which makes it unreliable. It could very well be that those who modify subjects in Wikipedia have a very good knowledge of the subject, however, since we have no way of knowing their credentials or intentions, we cannot guarantee that the source is reliable. It is a good place to start, but should not be used as factual in graduate writing. For graduate study, be sure to stick to peer reviewed journals and scientific sources.

The following site will help:

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper. Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut & paste the questions posed and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session. Your finished paper should read like an academic paper.


Module 4 – SLP
The Nervous System

For your SLP, you have been asked to teach an anatomy and physiology course for a local vocational nursing school. In order to do this, you are going to need to prepare a PowerPoint presentation that will be used in your lectures.

In this SLP, you will prepare a presentation, consisting of 15 slides, in which you provide your audience with information on the following areas:

  1. Choose two cranial nerves to discuss in detail and describe its function including the origination in the brain, the path it follows through the skull, its innervation (what body part it serves), and whether its function is sensory, motor, or both.
  2. Include unlabeled diagrams of the pathway from the brain through the opening(s) in the skull to the organ(s) it innervates.  Label the diagram yourself using textboxes and arrows to identify the region of the brain from which the nerve originates the foramen (or foramina) and cranial bone(s) through which it passes, and the organ(s) that it innervates.

Don’t forget–the speaker notes should be sufficient in depth and breadth to demonstrate to me that you understood the topics under consideration in this module!  Use the resources provided on your bookshelf in the ebrary to get your research started!  For example,Cranial Nerves in Health and Disease is an essential place to start!

SLP Assignment Expectations

Number of Slides: 15

Content of Slides: Your presentation should

Speaker Notes

Each slide will contain speaker notes sufficient to tell me what the purpose of each slide is—specifically, what you would say to a live audience that you were presenting your program to.

Is this the question you were looking for? If so, place your order here to get started!

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