APA Assignment: Leadership Style Reflective Essay NUR 514

APA Assignment: Leadership Style Reflective Essay NUR 514
APA Assignment: Leadership Style Reflective Essay NUR 514
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Self-awareness is essential for developing leadership skills. Recognizing your own strengths, weaknesses, and values, and understanding emotional intelligence and learning styles can help you to be a more effective nurse leader.
For this assignment, you have the opportunity to take a variety of self-assessments to learn more about yourself and identify your assets and weaknesses as a leader. This will assist you in discovering how you can improve your own self-leadership skills. You will be asked to think critically about your results and submit a reflection as directed below.
Refer to the study materials. Select and complete three self-assessments. Be sure to document the results of each assessment to assist you in completing the reflection portion of the assignment below.
Self-Assessment Reflection
Becoming self-aware is an ongoing process requiring introspection. The more often people practice self-reflection, the more opportunities they have to understand their own behaviors and adapt their approaches to working with other people, which can improve both your own and other’s abilities to meet their professional goals.
In a 1,000-1,250 word reflective essay, address the following:

Provide a rationale and brief summary for selecting each self-assessment. Summarize the results you obtained on each assessment.


Identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style.
Reflect on how you might incorporate elements of that particular style as you exercise leadership in a practice or health care organization setting.
Discuss any particular areas for improvement the assessments helped you identify and some steps for improving your leadership capabilities.
Analyze the characteristics of an effective professional nurse leader, or individuals in nursing leadership. Discuss the characteristics and explain why they are effective for leadership in nursing.
Analyze different leadership theories and leadership styles. Select one theory and leadership style, different from your own, and explain how they each support a professional nurse leader or individual in nursing leadership. Consider how the theory shapes the nurse leader in such things as collaboration, conflict resolution, decision making, and negotiation.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.
Complete the “APA Writing Checklist” to ensure that your paper adheres to APA style and formatting criteria and general guidelines for academic writing. Include the completed checklist as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.
Leadership Style Reflective Essay
Reflective practice is an important element that contributes to the development of the desired leadership skills among nurses. Reflection allows nurses to learn from their experiences and explore the ways of improving on future performance. It provides insights into one’s strengths, weaknesses, and initiatives that need to be implemented for one to become effective in undertaking their assigned tasks. Effective nurse leaders use reflective practice to strengthen their competencies and minimize the impacts of their weaknesses. As a result, it is essential that nurse leaders engage in activities that will build their leadership knowledge and skills. Therefore, this paper explores my leadership style, its use in practice, and areas of improvement based on the self-assessment results.
Self-Assessment Results
I undertook personality assessment, emotional intelligence assessment, and leaning styles assessment tests. I took the emotional intelligence assessment since I wanted to learn about my abilities to handle different situations. I wanted to learn about my abilities to respond to critical situations that demand the use of my critical thinking and problem solving skills. Effective nurse leaders are emotionally intelligent (Porter-O’Grady et al., 2019). They know how to employ effective methods of getting things done that will match the needs and expectations of those they lead. On the other hand, I took the personality assessment to determine the effect of my personality on the ways in which I perceive situations. I wanted to know whether my personality influences the decisions that I make on a daily basis. Lastly, I took the learning styles assessment to understand more about my learning abilities in different environments.
The emotional intelligence assessment showed that I am reasonably skilled in relation to the ability to identify, perceive, and express my emotions to others. I can easily read and understand others’ feelings. Overall, I had a score of 65 out of 100. My personality assessment test showed that my mind is 67% extraverted and 33% introverted. It also showed that my energy is 55% observant and 45% intuitive. It showed my nature to be 31% thinking and 69% feeling. Further, it showed my tactics to be 67% judging and 33% prospecting. Lastly, the personality assessment test revealed my identity to be 60% assertive and 40% turbulent. My learning style assessment showed that I scored 10 in kinesthetic, one in read/write, 5 in aura, and 0 in visual.
Leadership Style
One of the leadership styles that align with my philosophy of nursing care is participative leadership style. This is a type of leadership where focus is placed on the input of the employees in the decision-making process (Alvinius, 2017). The management and leadership of an organization ensure that the inputs from the employees are considered during the decision-making process. There is open communication where the employees and senior staff share ideas on the things to be done in the organization (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2016).
The above leadership style aligns with my nursing philosophy since I believe that nursing should be participative in nature. The nurse should focus on ensuring that shared decision-making is encouraged in their settings. The patients should have a critical role in determining the path of care that they need. Other members of the healthcare team should also be involved in the assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of care. Therefore, active involvement of all the stakeholders is expected to result in outcomes such as patient and provider satisfaction with the care that they give and minimal adverse events in healthcare settings. One of the things that appeal to me with this leadership style is its focus on active stakeholder involvement. It recognizes the fact that people have diverse views on how organizational issues should be handled. Therefore, the diversity should be incorporated into the decision-making. The other thing that appeals to me with the style is that it minimizes resistance to change. It ensures that those to be affected are aware of the change and the interventions that they should embrace.
I will incorporate the elements of participative leadership style in my practice in many ways. Firstly, I will encourage patient-centeredness in the provision of nursing care. Further, I will ensure that the patient’s perception on the ways in which healthcare needs can be met are prioritized. I will also encourage active involvement of the patients in decision-making. In my leadership, I will encourage the use of shared decision-making since it increases the patient satisfaction with the care that they receive. I will also seek inputs from other nurses on the ways in which strategies should be implemented. Moreover, I will involve them in assessing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating change initiatives in the organizations that I lead. I will also create workplace environment where open communication is practice. Open communication will allow the staffs to express their ideas and concerns without fear of being intimidated. Through these interventions, I hope to transform nursing practice in the institutions I will be working with in the future.
Areas of Improvement
One of the areas of improvement that I need to address is learning styles. I need to learn how I can optimize my learning using a wide range of styles to increase my understanding of the concepts that I am exposed to in class and clinical environment. I also have to learn more about how to control my feelings when making decisions. Moreover, the analysis revealed that I need to focus on the reality of the situations rather than my subjective feelings about them. I also have to focus more on ensuring that I become more assertive than being turbulent in my leadership (Mencl, Wefald, & van Ittersum, 2016). Being assertive will allow me to get most of the activities that I lead to be done in ways in which they are expected. Lastly, I need to explore further the ways in which I can use my understanding of other peoples’ emotions to get organizational tasks in an orderly manner. I need to learn about ways in which their emotional needs can be supported, as a way of promoting the realization of the desired organizational goals.
The above weaknesses in my areas of leadership can be improved using certain steps. The very first step in addressing them entails developing situational awareness, which will allow me to see the bigger picture and consequently anticipate challenges before they happen (Schmitt, Den Hartog, & Belschak, 2016; Mencl, Wefald, & van Ittersum, 2016). Secondly, I will need to keep learning. The process of learning will allow me to handle situations such as emotional turbulence appropriately. Lastly, my leadership demands that I develop discerning skills. Acquiring these skills will be important in enabling me to resolve some of the issues affecting my juniors.
In summary, leadership is a critical skill that determines the ability of nurse leaders to influence others. Nurse leaders should understand their emotional intelligence, values, personality, and learning styles for them to lead others effectively. They should know the ways in which their personal and professional experiences can be incorporated into their leadership to get organizational things done in the right manner. Therefore, it is important that nurse leaders understand their areas of strengths as well as weaknesses for them to engage in activities that optimize the presented opportunities in their organizations.
Alvinius, A. (2017). Contemporary leadership challenges. Rijeka: Croatia InTech .
Mencl, J., Wefald, A. J., & van Ittersum, K. W. (2016). Transformational leader attributes: interpersonal skills, engagement, and well-being. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(5), 635-657.
Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2016). Leadership in nursing practice: Changing the landscape of health care. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Porter-O’Grady, T., Weberg, D. R., Mangold, K., & Malloch, K. (2019). Leadership in nursing practice: Changing the landscape of health care. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Schmitt, A., Den Hartog, D. N., & Belschak, F. D. (2016). Transformational leadership and proactive work behaviour: A moderated mediation model including work engagement and job strain. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 89(3), 588-610.
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