NURS FPX 6103 Applying the Tripartite Model Paper Example

NURS FPX 6103 Applying the Tripartite Model Paper Example

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 2 Applying the Tripartite Model PaperNURS FPX 6103 Assessment 2 Applying the Tripartite Model Paper

NURS FPX 6103 Applying the Tripartite Model Paper Assignment Brief

Course: NURS FPX 6103 The Nurse Educator Role

Assignment Title: Assessment 2 Applying the Tripartite Model Paper

Assignment Overview:

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the tripartite model in nursing education, emphasizing the significance of teaching, service, and scholarship. Through comprehensive analysis and planning, students will delve into the role of nurse educators within various contexts and develop strategies to meet the expectations outlined within this model. By understanding the multifaceted nature of the nurse educator role, students will gain insights into how these components intersect to enhance professional growth and contribute to the advancement of nursing education.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to engage critically with the concept of the tripartite model in nursing education. You will examine various facets of the nurse educator role, considering its implications within different healthcare settings and populations. Through thorough analysis and reflection, you will develop a detailed plan that outlines strategies for meeting the expectations of teaching, service, and scholarship within the nurse educator role. Additionally, you will explore the qualifications and attributes necessary for success in this role and consider the broader impact of nurse educators as change agents within the field of nursing education. By completing this assignment, you will enhance your understanding of the complexities inherent in the nurse educator role and develop practical strategies for achieving excellence within this profession.

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NURS FPX 6103 Applying the Tripartite Model Paper Example


The assessment focuses on understanding the tripartite model in nursing education, which highlights three key areas: teaching, service, and scholarship. The importance of mentoring, orientation, and tenure in a nurse educator’s career is explored. Throughout the assessment, various teaching methods, ways to engage in service, and scholarly activities are discussed, providing examples of excellence in each domain. Additionally, the professional consequences if any of these aspects are neglected are analyzed, and opportunities for additional scholarly pursuits are identified. Finally, the essential traits of a successful change agent in nursing education are assessed, emphasizing qualities like leadership and a willingness to challenge established norms.

Specific Nurse Educator Role and Role Functions

The identified role for the nurse educator is that of a clinical instructor within a university nursing program. As a clinical instructor, this individual holds a crucial responsibility in readying nursing students for actual clinical settings. They closely collaborate with students during their clinical rotations within healthcare facilities. In this capacity, the clinical instructor acts as a facilitator, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge acquired in classrooms and its practical implementation in real-world scenarios (Heinonen et al., 2019). The nurse educator’s role encompasses overseeing clinical experiences and supervising student performance. Specifically, they arrange and manage students’ placements across various healthcare settings. Moreover, they assess students during clinical rotations, offer constructive feedback, pinpoint areas for improvement, and facilitate skill development (Leighton et al., 2021).

Evaluation of Expectations

The assessment of expectations entails discerning the standards within the role of a clinical instructor. To excel in teaching, the instructor must cultivate a supportive learning atmosphere, implement inventive teaching techniques, nurture critical thinking abilities, and facilitate practical clinical experiences (Jaffe et al., 2019). For instance, creating interactive case studies can prompt students to actively apply their knowledge in solving intricate patient scenarios (Hargreaves et al., 2021).

In terms of service, the clinical instructor is expected to actively engage in academic committees, professional organizations, and community endeavors. By contributing to curriculum development committees and participating in community health promotion events like educational workshops, the instructor enriches program content and promotes community well-being (Hargreaves et al., 2021; van Lankveld et al., 2020).

Moreover, exemplary scholarship in this role involves conducting research on innovative teaching methodologies or exploring areas such as the efficacy of simulation-based learning in nursing education. By disseminating their findings through publication in journals and presentations at nursing summits, instructors significantly contribute to the advancement of nursing education and evidence-based practices (Jeffries, 2022).

Plan for Meeting Aspects of Tripartite Model

To ensure adherence to the tripartite model, the educator devises a comprehensive plan encompassing teaching, service, and scholarship. In terms of teaching, the plan incorporates active learning strategies, utilization of technology, provision of regular feedback, and the creation of an inclusive learning environment. Employing methods such as case studies and simulations facilitates student engagement and encourages self-directed learning (Jowsey et al., 2020).

Regarding service, the plan entails active involvement in various committees, mentoring of new faculty members, and engagement with the community. This active participation not only fosters professional networking but also promotes personal growth within the field (van Lankveld et al., 2020).

In the realm of scholarship, the educator commits to engaging in research endeavors, seeking funding opportunities, collaborating on projects, and disseminating findings. These scholarly pursuits contribute significantly to the advancement of nursing education and evidence-based practices.

Failing to address any component of the tripartite model may result in missed opportunities and hindered contributions to the field (Jeffries, 2022). Moreover, neglecting these aspects may lead to compromised knowledge retention and diminished student satisfaction, potentially undermining the educator’s academic standing and hindering opportunities for professional growth, tenure, and promotion.

Additional Qualifications and Change Agent Role

In addition to the fundamental qualifications inherent in the nurse educator role, such as advanced education and clinical expertise, specific attributes are essential for effective change agency within nursing education. These include strong leadership abilities, effective communication skills, a commitment to continuous professional development, and the courage to challenge existing practices. By embodying these traits, nurse educators can serve as catalysts for positive transformation within the field, driving innovation and promoting continuous improvement (Jeffries, 2022).

Notably, nurse educators play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare education by leveraging their specialized expertise. They can seize various scholarship opportunities tailored to their specific skills. For instance, educators specializing in nursing simulation can delve into research on the efficacy of simulation-based learning or the development of cutting-edge simulation scenarios. Their findings can find a home in esteemed journals like “Clinical Simulation in Nursing,” while conferences like the International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference provide ideal platforms for presenting their work (Bryant et al., 2020).

Similarly, nurse educators focusing on clinical teaching strategies can explore innovative approaches to clinical instruction or the formulation of effective preceptorship models. Their research outcomes can be disseminated through publications such as the “Journal of Nursing Education.” Additionally, events like the “National League for Nursing Education Summit” offer valuable opportunities for showcasing their inventive strategies (Kaas, 2019).


In conclusion, the tripartite model of nursing education, comprising teaching, service, and scholarship, serves as a fundamental framework for fostering excellence in nurse educators’ professional growth. Throughout this assessment, the critical role of mentoring, orientation, and tenure in shaping nurse educators’ careers has been underscored. Additionally, the importance of exemplary teaching methods, active service engagements, and scholarly pursuits has been emphasized, highlighting the integral nature of each component. Neglecting any facet of this model may result in missed opportunities and hindered contributions to the field, potentially compromising both student outcomes and the educator’s academic advancement. By fully embracing the responsibilities inherent in the tripartite model and embodying the qualities of effective change agents, nurse educators can pave the way for continuous innovation and excellence within nursing education.


Bryant, K., Aebersold, M. L., Jeffries, P. R., & Kardong-Edgren, S. (2020). Innovations in simulation: Nursing leaders’ exchange of best practices. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 41, 33-40.e1.

Hargreaves, L., Zickgraf, P., Paniagua, N., Evans, T. L., & Radesi, L. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic impact on nursing student education: Telenursing with virtual clinical experiences. SAGE Open Nursing, 7, 237796082110446.

Heinonen, A.-T., Kääriäinen, M., Juntunen, J., & Mikkonen, K. (2019). Nursing students’ experiences of nurse teacher mentoring and beneficial digital technologies in a clinical practice setting. Nurse Education in Practice, 40, 102631.

Jaffe, L. E., Lindell, D., Sullivan, A. M., & Huang, G. C. (2019). Clear skies ahead: Optimizing the learning environment for critical thinking from a qualitative analysis of interviews with expert teachers. Perspectives on Medical Education, 8(5), 289–297.

Jeffries, P. (2022). Clinical simulations in nursing Education: Advanced concepts, trends, and opportunities. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Jowsey, T., Foster, G., Cooper-Ioelu, P., & Jacobs, S. (2020). Blended learning via distance in pre-registration nursing education: A scoping review. Nurse Education in Practice, 44, 102775.

Kaas, M. J. (2019). Will we be ready? Preparing psychiatric-mental health nurses for future practice. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 26(1), 1078390319878767.

Leighton, K., Kardong-Edgren, S., McNelis, A. M., Foisy-Doll, C., & Sullo, E. (2021). Traditional clinical outcomes in prelicensure nursing education: An empty systematic Review. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(3), 136–142.

van Lankveld, T., Thampy, H., Cantillon, P., Horsburgh, J., & Kluijtmans, M. (2020). Supporting a teacher identity in health professions education: AMEE Guide No. 132. Medical Teacher, 43(2), 124–136.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 6103 Applying the Tripartite Model Paper Assignment


Create a 2-page plan addressing the scholarship, service, and teaching elements of a specific nurse educator role in a specific context.

When we say we are nurse educators, the image that comes to mind for many is that of a nursing instructor in an undergraduate nursing program. The work that person is engaged in is teaching others how to be nurses. While that is certainly one aspect of the nurse educator role, the setting and the work may vary greatly. Some nurse educators, especially in university settings, will hold joint appointments as nursing faculty in a college of nursing and as clinicians in the university hospital. Other educators will work exclusively in a hospital or community setting, educating staff, patients, or community. Regardless of the setting, the role of educator encompasses more than teaching; there is also an expectation for scholarship and for service.

In this tripartite role, faculty in universities and colleges are expected to teach, participate in scholarly activities, and participate in service, which is defined as activities contributing to the good of the community, university, or profession beyond one’s defined job description. Many health care institutions will also have similar expectations for nurses in upper-level positions.

Assessment Instructions

Create a short (approximately 2 pages) plan reflecting on how the three aspects of the tripartite model of teaching, service, and scholarship could be met for a particular nurse educator position in a context of interest to you.

In your plan, do the following:

  • Describe the nurse educator role that your plan addresses, as well as any other pertinent details about that role. Be sure to give the role’s title and explain the context in which that role works.
  • Analyze the teaching, service, and scholarship expectations for that role as you understand them, and how those expectations fit with the role.
  • Identify publications, journals, and conferences that could be a fit for the scholarship conducted in this role. Explain the kinds of scholarship that would be a good fit for person in this role and with this expertise.
  • Generate a plan that could be used by a person in this role for meeting each of the expectations you analyzed.
  • Analyze additional qualifications that you believe are needed for this role (additional education, certifications, skills, and so on), explaining why they are necessary.
  • Analyze the qualifications and areas of expertise related to this role that would facilitate serving as a change agent.


Your plan should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of grammar and spelling errors that distract from the content.
  • APA format: Use correct APA format, including running head, page numbers, and a title page. Citations and references (if used) are to be in correct APA format.
  • Format: Submit your assessment as a Word document.
  • Length: Approximately two double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point.

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