ARC 294-TT: Villa Capra “La Rotonda” by Andrea Palladio

ARC 294-TT: Villa Capra “La Rotonda” by Andrea Palladio




Maybe never architectural art has reached such a level of magnificence” (J. W. Goethe, after the visit at La Rotonda). Andrea Palladio an Italian architect who dedicated his life for architecture built an outstanding piece of architectural art the Villa Capra. The Villa Capra is a building that consciously recalls ancient Roman classical models but its innovative design had a lasting impact for future generations of architects in Italy and abroad. it has an amazing interior design that makes people emotional and the exterior design has special cause it is completely symmetrical and has an entrance that shows the greatness of it.


  1. BODY:

           Andrea Palladio’s early life:


  1. Roman


  • Wife: Allegradonna, daugther of Marcantonio.
  • five children, Leonida, Marcantonio, Orazio, Silla and Zenobia.


  • year: November 29, 1508
  • country: Padua


  • year: August 19, 1580 or probably at Maser (Treviso)
  • country: in Vicenza or probably at Maser (Treviso)


  1. Villa Capra, or the Rotonda (1550-1551)
  2. Palazzo Chiericati (now the Museo Civico)
  3. the Palazzo Iseppo Porto (ca. 1550-1552)
  4. The Villa Barbaro
  5. monastery of S. Giorgio Maggiore
  6. the church of S. Giorgio Maggiore (1565-1610)
  7. church of S. Francesco della Vigna (ca. 1565)
  8. The facade (designed 1565, executed 1607-1610)
  9. The Palazzo Valmarana (1565-1566) in Vicenza ….etc.

Villa Capra:

  • design (A major classic of the Pantheonic type, often known as the Villa Rotonda. Very symmetrical quartet plan)
  • structural analysis.
  • Hierarchy
  • Approach
  • Circulation
  • Exterior : courthyard
  • Interior: rotunda
  • Style : Italian Renaissance


The Villa Barbaro:

  • design
  • structural analysis.
  • Hierarchy
  • Approach
  • Circulation




– what Andrea Palladio designed for the interior of the villa was a major success because of that it is one of the most famous pieces of architecture.

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