Article Reviews during the semester on a pertinent and applicable topic related to occupational or safety hazard management Custom Essay

Article Reviews during the semester on a pertinent and applicable topic related to occupational or safety hazard management Custom Essay

Article Reviews during the semester on a pertinent and applicable topic related to occupational or safety hazard management Custom Essay

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL MISSOURI SAFE 5430 OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD MANAGEMENT ARTICLE REVIEW PAPER FORMAT REQUIREMENTS Assignment of Article Review: Each student will be required to submit two (2) Article Reviews during the semester on a pertinent and applicable topic related to occupational or safety hazard management. IMPORTANT: In addition to the Article Review Assignment Paper, each student must submit a copy of the literature article as a PDF file attachment for me to read – REQUIRED ITEM! DO NOT PROVIDE A URL OR LINK TO ARTICLE – THIS WILL NOT COUNT FOR POINTS! Format of Paper: • Paper should be two (2) pages in length and a maximum of three (3) pages in length. See Syllabus for Required Course Work for details. • Use single spaced typed pages with one (1) inch margin on all four sides. • Use 12 characters per inch or font size. No larger or smaller font sizes are acceptable. Font of Times New Roman or Arial is a good choice. • Headers and the section order for the review are not optional but requirements. Occupational Hazard Management Review Paper Required Sections: The review paper should include the following sections with these headers and in this order within paper. 1. Cover Page (First Page of Article Review) Course header information, student’s name, title of paper, and date should be included. Center the header information on the page as well as on the lines. UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL MISSOURI SAFE 5430 OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD MANAGEMENT SPRING 2016 LECTURE TR 2 PM HUM 212 COURSE STUDENT’S NAME ARTICLE REVIEW #1 or 2 2. Article Citation (Second Page of Article Review) This should allow the reader to locate the article. It should include a properly formatted (via APA style) full citation. 3. Article Summary The first half of the two-page article review should identify the author’s argument and/or the content of the article. This is where you tell me about the article. You should identify the author’s thesis or main points. Secondary issues can also be identified. Three or four paragraphs should suffice covering the following elements clearly labeled with appropriate headers! • Objective(s) – What was the purpose of the article? Why did the author(s) do the study or the paper? • Methods – How did the author(s) gather the data? What did the author(s) do (procedurally)? • Results – What did the author(s) find (quantitative or qualitative end results)? • Conclusions – How did the author(s) interpret the data? What did they report as the most important aspect of their study? 4. Critique (Reaction, Usefulness or other descriptive header) The last half of the paper should be devoted to your reaction to the article. What did you think about the article? Was it easy to understand? Did the author(s) correctly interpret the data? Did the author(s) provide new information? This is the most important part of your effort. You might choose to agree with the author’s thesis. Unfortunately, this often leads to boring article reviews without much comment. “Me, too” is never an appropriate remark in an article review. Many students may choose to disagree with the author’s thesis. An article review based on this viewpoint are often more interesting to read. However, your disagreement with the author should be based on some factual basis. You will probably need to find some source or sources that support your disagreement. You should include a bibliographic note at the bottom of the page for any articles (other than the article cited at the top of the page) you cite in the body of the article review. Another successful method of approaching an article is to note how the information might be used. You could suggest an audience that would benefit from reading the article, or even suggest how you would use the material in your career. Remember that the safety and industrial hygiene fields are very broad, with many different career paths. Not every career path will find any one article to be of interest. Note: – I will attach an article to be reviewed – I will also attach a sample paper to follow for formatting

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