Assessment 1 – Case study -Research and Report

Assessment 1 – Case study -Research and ReportIn this assessment you will utilise the case study scenario as below. (Please note: Your trainer assessor may also offer an alternative scenario that may be utilised for this task)You will conduct research and answer the criteria with a professional report. This research and report will form part of your marketing plan for Assessment 2 followed by your evaluation of the plan – (future based) Assessment 3Case study and ResearchJ & L Cafe is a licenced café in the Melbourne CBD. The café is owned by Joel and Francis Gleeson. They have owned the café for 5 years and the last 2 years have been reducing in profit this year is showing a loss. They are both hard workers and are heavily involved in the day to day operations. Their life savings are invested into this café and its success is imperative for their financial future. They are desperate to turn this business around and so have come to you as a marketing consultant from your marketing business. They have asked you to ‘Rebrand ‘this business – re-launch it and prepare a plan for the new marketing plan to be implemented.The café is based on the main streets of the city where there is heavy competition with other cafes and restaurants. The name of the business currently is: J & L’s Café. The signage is poor and old Research and Report .Their menu consists of – Indian, Chinese, Italian, modern Australian, Spanish, French, Mexican.Joel does most of the cooking himself with Francis helping where she can although she also works front of house.In relation to their current marketing they report that they have a staff member that stands on the street to hand out coupons. They also place a newspaper ad in the local community paper. They don’t know a great deal about social media marketing. They rely a lot on passing traffic from the nearby office buildings. Lunch times are their busiest service opportunities however the competition is fierce and is increasing all the time.You asked them about what market research they had conducted and who was their target market and they have not done any research and really don’t know who their customers are.They have negotiated an up-front budget of $100,000 and if the business shows a profit in 6 months because of your new marketing and re-branding campaign they are willing to increase and contribute more.Address the following criteria and submit in your report.Your first job is to conduct research and analyse the business identifying the current and relevant marketing issues.• Research and critically analyse INTERNAL business environments relevant to the café,1 Relating to the scenario what would you describe would be the café’s core activities, customer base, business values and current business direction?2 Perform a S.W.O.T analysis of the café in its current situation.Make sure you offer a very minimum of three (3) different bullet points for each section of the SWOT analysis.Ensure you submit in the traditional structure of:3 Describe at least three (3) methods of gathering research.4 What is the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative research?5 Based on the case study – Who do you believe is J&L ‘s target market?6 Consider the following segments/factors in relation to the target market. What does each of these means? Why are they important for a marketing campaign? :(Use the scenario for your examples)a) Demographicsb) Geographicsc) PsychographicsConduct research on each of these and describe for each category relevant to the café.What are the ‘marketing mistakes’ they are making – Explain your answer.Break these down into sections and fully detail each of your responses.Macro analysis:/ External factors7 Research and critically analyse the EXTERNAL business environment. Using the PEST analysis (Political. Economic Social and Technological) perform a PEST analysis on the café- ensure you have a minimum of three (3) answers for each of the PEST and fully explain your answers.8 What is the definition of the Marketing Mix?9 What is meant by the term 4 x “P” s? Explain each of the 4 x “P” s10 Using the scenario apply the 4 x “P” s and give specific examples.After you have conducted market research and determined who is the café’s real target market and the previous mistakes you will now……Create your new concept CAFÉ/RETAURANT(Considers many of the following possible opportunities or more…)? Think of a new name for this café? Think about colours/branding themes that will align with this new name and theme? Will you need to redesign the menu? Research and Report – What will it be? Make sure you explain why you have selected this and match back to your target market?? What is your new USP in this highly competitive area?? What about staff?? What roles and responsibilities will change? Will you adjust the design or layout of the café?? What methods can you use to increase customers and revenue for? What marketing tools /techniques or methods will you utilise. Make sure you choose the relevant options that find the target market and become the BEST ROI for your client.? Ensure that you have fully considered your marketing BUDGET – -In your research ENURE you gain some costings for your marketing strategies as you will NEED these in your marketing plan.All these concepts will be further expanded in detail within your marketing campaign for assessment 2Submit all your research and responses to the questions in a *report format.*Please check the report guidelines on the next page.Report GuidelinesIn your report you must ensure the following.Your report must be professionally prepared/printed. Use the font style Times New Roman and font size 12.Your report must be prepared using the correct report writing structure:? Introduction? Body? ConclusionIntroduction – should be at least 2 -3 sentences long/1 paragraph andgives the reader an idea of what your report is going to be about.The body is where you will address each of the points/criteria on the previous page. Try to start a new paragraph for each new point.You can add pictures, graphs, charts, use headings/sub headings, coloured fonts etc. to make your report easy to read and presentable.Your report as a very minimum should be 500 words to 1000.The conclusion should also be 2-3 sentences and is a closing summary of all your ideas in the report It is important that you use referencing to show evidence of your research, refer to any website links, textbooks, government articles etcPlease Note:It is important that you address every part of the questions otherwise you will receive a Not Satisfactory (NS) result and Not Yet Competent (NYC) for the unit.Date for Submission: _____________________Assessment 1 -Assessor Checklist –Assessor Use ONLYThis checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed for each student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task to the unit requirements.Please complete belowStudent Name:Student ID No:Did the student: Satisfactory CommentsInternal ResearchConsider and outline the structure and focus / direction of the business ? Yes ? NoConfirm core activities, customer base, business values ? Yes ? NoIdentify and consider current and past marketing activities ? Yes ? NoReview business performance information to identify strengths, weaknesses and critical success factors ? Yes ? NoIdentify and monitoring Programs specific to the product or Service ? Yes ? NoIdentify and record current capabilities and resources, including the need for specialist assistance ? Yes ? NoIdentify and outline the capabilities of the organisation in relation to the product / service to be marketed including:o Hours of operation o Available staff o Staff skill levels and need for specialist assistance/ professional development o Access to product or services o Equipment capacity o Financial capacity (can this be funded and maintained)o Business location / position ? Yes ? NoExternal ResearchIdentify and consider the target market ? Yes ? NoIdentify and consider external influences including:Customer trends ? Yes ? NoConsumer demographics ? Yes ? NoAnalysing projected changes in the labour force ? Yes ? NoAnalysing projected changes in the population ? Yes ? NoEconomic influences and economic activity ? Yes ? NoIdentify and analyse social, customer and industry trends and developments ? Yes ? NoExpected market growth or decline and associated ? Yes ? NoAnalyse comparative markets (Competition) in terms of:o What they are offering o Who they are o How they are perceived by consumers o Service levels o Consumer satisfaction o Market saturation o Costs / financial? Yes ? NoEmerging technologies and innovations that will affect product / service ? Yes ? NoLegal implications (requirements of legislation / regulations / codes of practices) ? Yes ? NoEthical implications ? Yes ? NoSustainability (environmental, financial and social) ? Yes ? NoMethods of recording and reporting information according to organisational requirements. ? Yes ? NoStudent Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Name: ________________________Signature: ________________________Date: ____/_____/_____Assessor Use OnlyCommentsResult(Please Circle) Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryAssessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedbackAssessor: _________________________________Signature: ________________________Date: ____/_____/_____Assessment 2 – Project -Marketing PlanNow that you have completed the research, and identified your marketing is time to develop the marketing plan.A marketing plan is a comprehensive document that details every part of your entire marketing campaign for the organisation.If you have not prepared a marketing plan previously please use the template in this assessment booklet to help guide you.Of course, you may also use other templates so long as it covers the basic categories for this assessment task.An electronic copy may be obtained from sources such as:…/Marketing-Plan-Template.docxThese a fully editable for your purposes.Please download and adjust to the scenario in Assessment 1.Your marketing plan must be specific, actionable and provide enough detail for another person to implement without guidance from you It needs to communicate priorities, responsibilities, timelines and budgets – Research and Report.Be sure to• Detail tactics to implement each marketing strategy in terms of:o scheduling, o costing, o accountabilities and o persons responsible• Identify coordination and monitoring mechanisms for scheduled activities• Ensure all tactics are achievable within organisations projected capabilities and budget• Ensure all tactics meet legal and ethical requirements• Ensure all tactics provide for ongoing review of performance against objectives and budgets, and allow marketing targets to be adjusted if necessaryTemplate – Marketing PlanContentsMarketing Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 24Marketing Plan Summary ………………………………………………………………………… 27Your Business ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 28Business name: ………………………………………………………………………………….. 28Business structure: ……………………………………………………………………………… 28ABN: …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28ACN: …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28Business location: ……………………………………………………………………………….. 28Date established: ………………………………………………………………………………… 28Business owner(s): ……………………………………………………………………………… 28Owner/s experience: ……………………………………………………………………………. 29Products or Services: …………………………………………………………………………… 29Market Overview …………………………………………………………………………………….. 30Target market: ……………………………………………………………………………………. 30Customer profile: ………………………………………………………………………………… 30Competitor profile: ………………………………………………………………………………. 30Marketing Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………. 31Goals/objectives: ………………………………………………………………………………… 31Marketing Strategy ………………………………………………………………………………….. 32Your strategy and marketing mix: …………………………………………………………… 32Action Steps ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33Top 10 Action Steps: ……………………………………………………………………………. 33Background Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………. 34Business overview ………………………………………………………………………………….. 35Business name: ………………………………………………………………………………….. 35Business structure: ……………………………………………………………………………… 35 ABN: …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35ACN: …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35Business location: ……………………………………………………………………………….. 35Date established: ………………………………………………………………………………… 35Business owner(s): ……………………………………………………………………………… 36Owner/s experience: ……………………………………………………………………………. 36Vision statement: ………………………………………………………………………………… 36Mission statement: ………………………………………………………………………………. 36Business objectives: ……………………………………………………………………………. 36Short Term goals: ……………………………………………………………………………….. 36Long Term goals: ………………………………………………………………………………… 36Products: …………………………………………………………………………………………… 37Financial Analysis: ………………………………………………………………………………. 37SWOT analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………. 38SWOT activity sheet ……………………………………………………………………………. 39 The Market Overview ………………………………………. Error! Bookmark not defined.Your Market …………………………………………………………………………………………… 40Market research and environmental/industry analysis: ………………………………. 40Your Customers ……………………………………………………………………………………… 41Target customers: ……………………………………………………………………………….. 41Customer profile: ………………………………………………………………………………… 41Your Competitors ……………………………………………………………………………………. 42Competitor analysis: ……………………………………………………………………………. 42Competitor profile: ………………………………………………………………………………. 43Your Marketing ………………………………………………………………………………………. 44Marketing Strategy: …………………………………………………………………………………. 45Your PRODUCT or service ………………………………………………………………………. 46The PRICING of your product or service …………………………………………………….. 47Your POSITION (Place) in the marketplace ………………………………………………… 48 Sales and distribution channels …………………………………………………………….. 48The PROMOTION of your product or service ………………………………………………. 49The PEOPLE in your business (salespeople, staff etc.) ………………………………… 51The PROCESS represents the buying experience ……………………………………….. 53The PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT where the good/services are presented ……….. 54PRODUCTIVITY is an essential part of meeting a customer’s needs ………………. 55Marketing Activity ……………………………………………………………………………………. 56Your Finances ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 57Marketing Budget {YEAR} …………………………………………………………………….. 57Organisational Implications ………………………………………………………………………. 58Contingencies …………………………………………………………………………………….. 58Monitoring/measurement activities …………………………………………………………….. 59Supporting documentation ……………………………………………………………………….. 60Glossary ……………………………………………………….. Error! Bookmark not defined.Marketing Plan SummaryGuidance: Complete this page last. The marketing plan summary is a snapshot of your more detailed answers from your marketing plan. It should be easy to read and simple to follow.Start writing hereYour BusinessBusiness name:Guidance: What’s your business registered business name? If you haven’t registered a business name, add your proposed business name here.Start writing hereBusiness structure:Guidance: What’s the formal structure of your business? Are you a sole trader, in a partnership, a trust or company?Start writing hereABN:Guidance: What’s your registered Australian Business Number? Start writing hereACN:Guidance: What’s your registered Australian Company Number, if applicable?Start writing hereBusiness location:Guidance: Where does your business operate from?Start writing hereDate established:Guidance: When did you begin trading?Start writing hereBusiness owner(s):Guidance: Who are the owners of the business?Start writing hereOwner/s experience:Guidance: Create a summary of your (and other owner’s) experience in the industry and any major achievements/awards.Start writing hereProducts or Services:Guidance: What products and/or services do you sell?Start writing hereMarket OverviewTarget market:Guidance: In one or two sentences, summarise the key statistics for your target market. This may include the size and growth potential of your market, as well as key demographics such as age, gender, income level etc.Start writing hereCustomer profile:Guidance: What’s the profile of an ideal customer for your business? In one or two sentences, clearly define your ideal customer – their needs, buying patterns and motivations for buying. Start writing hereCompetitor profile:Guidance: What’s the profile of a typical competitor for your business? What marketing mix do they use?Have you identified any gaps in their marketing strategy?}Start writing hereMarketing ObjectivesGoals/objectives:Guidance: In one or two sentences, summarise the key marketing objectives for your business – Research and Report. Your objectives may be financial, with a goal to increase sales, marketing focused to build awareness of your product or service, or online to build engagement with online customers and business networks.Start writing hereMarketing StrategyYour strategy and marketing mix:Guidance: Use this section to summarise the overall strategy and marketing mix (The 7 P’s) you will use to position yourself within the market to meet your customers’ needs. Your strategy and marketing mix should consider the activities that are relevant for your business. Remember to consider your digital strategy, which focuses on achieving your online objectives. Whatever your strategy, aim to differentiate yourself from your competitors to encourage customers to choose your business first.Start writing hereAction StepsTop 10 Action Steps:Guidance: Create a list of the Top 10 action steps that will bring your theoretical objectives (your marketing strategy and objectives) to life. E.g. Finish SWOT Activity Sheet, complete marketing budget}Start writing hereBackground AnalysisThe background analysis should give a snapshot of where you are right now, where you have been and where you want to go. Undertaking this process will help you to define your businesss capabilities and find opportunities within your market. Finally, defining your core business elements will ensure that your marketing plan and overall business strategy work together seamlessly.Start writing hereBusiness overviewGuideline (remove when done): The overview should cover the nuts and bolts of your business including:The name, structure and date of establishmentDetails about the owners (their names, roles and levels of experience etc.)What your business is about (your business mission, vision and values)The key business objectives you would like to achieveAn outline of the main products and services soldA financial analysis of your business including sales and profitabilityA SWOT analysis of your business to set a line in the sandBusiness name:Guidance: What’s your business registered business name? If you haven’t registered a business name, add your proposed business name here.Start writing hereBusiness structure:Guidance: What’s the formal structure of your business? Are you a sole trader, in a partnership, a trust or company?ABN:Guidance: What’s your registered Australian Business Number?ACN:Guidance: What’s your registered Australian Company Number, if applicable?Business location:Guidance: Where does your business operate from?Date established:Guidance: When did you begin trading?Business owner(s):Guidance: Who are the owners of the business?Owner/s experience:Guidance: Create a summary of your (and other owner’s) experience in the industry and any major achievements/awards.Vision statement:Guidance: A Vision statement should describe WHERE you want your business to be in the future. It should communicate both the PURPOSE and VALUES of your business and answer the question, Why are we here?Mission statement:Guidance: A Mission statement should outline HOW you will get to where you want your business to be in the future (Your Vision). It should define the PURPOSE and PRIMARY OBJECTIVES of your business and answer the question, What do we do?Business objectives:Guidance: What are your short and long-term goals for your business?Short Term goals:Guidance: What are three primary short-term goals for your business (6 Months)?Goal/Objective Description By when{insert Goal/Objective name} {insert Brief goal/objective description} {insert Date of completion}Long Term goals:Guidance: What are three primary long-term goals for your business (1-3 Years)?Goal/Objective Description By when{insert Goal/Objective name} {insert Brief goal/objective description} {insert Date of completion}Products:Guidance: What products and/or services do you sell?Product/Service Description Price{insert Product/service name} {insert Brief product/service description} {insert Unit price including GST}Financial Analysis:Guidance: In this section provide a high-level analysis of your current financial situation, specifically addressing sales and profitability.Part 1 – Sales AnalysisGuidance: Use this section to summarise the current sales data for your industry (if available) and your business. The areas that you can analyse include:Sales for your overall marketSales for your businessSales for your competitorsIf you wish to dig deeper, you can expand the analysis to Sales by Product Categories, Sales by Distribution Channels and Sales by Geography.Start writing herePart 2 – Profitability AnalysisGuidance: Use the sales numbers above to identify realised revenues rather than just projections and then breakdown marketing expenses in terms of direct (expenses directly tied to products) and indirect or proportional (general administrative or broad marketing expenses).Start writing hereSWOT analysisGuidance: Use the table below to list each of your businesses Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities or Threats (S.W.O.T.).Strengths WeaknessesStart writing here Start writing hereOpportunities ThreatsStart writing here Start writing hereStudent copyAssessment Booklet -SITXMPR007 Version 4.20 Copyright Pax Institute CRICOS No. 03152D RTO No. 22207 Page 38SWOT activity sheetGuidance: Outline how and when you plan to address each of the weaknesses/threats from your SWOT analysis above.SWOT weakness/ threat Activity to address weakness/threat Completion dateStudent copyAssessment Booklet -SITXMPR007 Version 4.20 Copyright Pax Institute CRICOS No. 03152D RTO No. 22207 Page 39Your MarketTarget market:Guidance: Summarise the key statistics for your target market – Research and Report. This may include the size and growth potential of your market, as well as key demographics such as age, gender, income level etc.Start writing hereMarket research and environmental/industry analysis:Guidance: What research have you completed to help analyse your market? Did you utilise a survey/questionnaire? If so, you may like to attach a copy of your survey/questionnaire and findings to the back of this plan. In this section, detail the results of the market research you have performed. Consider questions such as:Is the area experiencing population growth or decline?Does the region where you operate have a stable economy?Are there any seasonal variations that might affect sales?What is the size of the market?What recent trends have emerged in the market?Is there potential for growth in the market? How will you be able to capitalise on any opportunities?How will your entrance affect the market/customers?What external factors will affect your customers?Start writing hereStudent copyAssessment Booklet -SITXMPR007 Version 4.20 Copyright Pax Institute CRICOS No. 03152D RTO No. 22207Page 40Your CustomersTarget customers:Guidance: Who are your target customers and how do they behave? Include specific demographics such as age, social status, education and gender. What are your customers’ lifestyles, activities, values, needs, interests or opinions? Where are they located? Please adjust the column headings as required.Customer Age Gender Ethnicity Education Location Lifestyle Values Interests{insert Target customer – choose a name} {insertCustomer’sAge} {insertCustomer’s Gender} {insertCustomer’s ethnic background} {insertCustomer’s education level} {insertCustomer’s location} {insertCustomer’slifestyle} {insertCustomer’s values} {insertCustomer’sinterests}Customer profile:Guidance: What’s the profile of an ideal customer for your business? In a paragraph or two, clearly define your ideal customer – their needs, buying patterns and motivations for buying. This process will help you to develop a mental image of your ideal customer (often referred to as a customer avatar).Student copyAssessment Booklet -SITXMPR007 Version 4.20 Copyright Pax Institute CRICOS No. 03152D RTO No. 22207 Page 41Your CompetitorsCompetitor analysis:Guidance: Use the table below to analyse at least 5 competitors.}Competitor Established date Size Market share (%) Value offered to customers Strengths Weaknesses{insert Competitor’s name} {insert When was their business established?} {insertNumber ofstaff and/or turnover} {insertEstimated percentage of market share} {insert Unique value to customers, e.g. quality, price or customer service?} {insert What are your competitors main strengths?} {insert What are your competitors main weaknesses?}Competitor profile:Guidance: What’s the profile of a typical competitor for your business? In a paragraph or two, clearly define a typical competitor – their size, market share, unique value proposition, strengths and weaknesses. This process will help you to develop a mental image of your typical competitor.Start writing hereYour MarketingMarketing Objectives:Guidance: Summarise the key marketing objectives for your business. Your objectives may be financial, with a goal to increase sales, or marketing focused, to build awareness of your product or service. An effective (and accountable) way to define your marketing objectives is to follow the ‘SMART’ acronym (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)1.Examples of SMART marketing objectivesTo achieve a 20% return on capital employed by April 2014 (Profitability Objective)To gain 15% of the market for sports socks by November 2018 (Market Share Objective)To make X brand of juice the preferred brand of 21-29 year old females in Australia by August 2019 (Branding Objective)Detail your SMART marketing objectives in the table below:Objective Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely{insert Your specific marketing objective} { Is your objective specific?} { Can your objective be measured?} { Is your objective achievable?} { Is your objective realistic?} { Have you set a specific date for your objective to be achieved?}Marketing Strategy:Guidance: Use this section to detail the overall strategy you will use to position yourself within the market to meet your customers’ needs. Whatever your strategy, you goal should be to differentiate yourself from your competitors to encourage customers to choose your business first. The specific elements that make up your marketing strategy are typically referred to as the marketing mix. Each element can be varied to broaden the appeal of products and services, and will therefore have a direct impact on sales.The 8 Ps of marketingYour PRODUCT (or SERVICE)The PRICING of your product or serviceYour POSITION (place) in the marketplaceThe PROMOTION of your product of serviceThe PEOPLE in your business (salespeople, staff etc.)The PROCESS represents the buying experienceThe PHYSICAL environment where the good/services are presentedPRODUCTIVITY and Quality is an essential part of meeting customer needsClick any of the links above to find out more about a specific element and how it can be applied.Start writing hereYour PRODUCT or serviceGuidance: Here you should describe your long-term product strategy in detail. If you are providing a service then you should consider your service(s) as your product(s).You will need to consider:What features and benefits do you offer?The unique selling position – what makes your product/service different from your competitors’?Potential spin-off products or services?Product or Service Features Benefits Unique SellingPosition Support Spin Offs{What is your product or service?} {What are the features of your product or service? {What are the customer benefits of your product or service?} {What makes your product or service unique?} {What additional support do you offer? E.g. warranty, money back etc.} {Are there any potential spin-off products or services you can offer?}The PRICING of your product or serviceGuidance: Price is a critical component of your marketing mix. Why? Because choosing the right price for your products or services will help you to maximise profits and also build strong relationships with your customers. By pricing effectively you will also avoid the serious financial consequences that can occur if you price too low (not enough profit) or too high (not enough sales).Setting prices for your products and services might seem like a daunting task, however, it doesn’t need to be … just remember:you are in business to make a profit (and that’s ok!) most business owners underprice the value that they deliver your sales and marketing strategy should defend your pricesYour overall pricing strategy will depend on your marketing, business and lifestyle objectives. So, before you start the research process spend some time defining your income (and net profit) aspirations – Research and Report. Also look at the small business expected income benchmarks on the ATO website.Product or Service Price Costs Net Profit Comp. Price Value{What is your product or service?} {What is the price of your product or service?} {What is the total cost of selling your product or service?} {What Net Profit is made from selling your product or service?} {What is your competitor’s pricing for this product or service? {What unique value does your product or service offer/deliver?}Your POSITION (Place) in the marketplaceGuidance: Place refers to the channels and locations for distributing your product, related information, and support services. This is how you will position your product or service in the marketplace.This includes:the place where the product/service can be bought the distribution channelsPlace represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel. This may include any physical store (supermarket, departmental stores) as well as virtual stores (e-markets and e-malls) on the Internet. This is crucial as this provides the place utility to the consumer, which often becomes a deciding factor for the purchase of many products across multiple product categories.Sales and distribution channelsChannel type Products/services Percentage of sales (%) Channel strategy{e.g. Shopfront, internet, direct mail, export or wholesale.} {List all the products/services sold via this channel} {What percentage of overall sales do you expect to sell via this channel?} {Why have you decided to use this channel type? How and when will you use it? What is the strategy behind using this channel type for this product/service?}The PROMOTION of your product or serviceGuidance: State how you currently promote and market your business now (or intend to). Compare (where applicable) what your competitors do for promotion, noting what does and doesn’t work for them as well as yourself. Regardless of how good your business is, if you don’t promote it and tell people you exist, it’s unlikely you will make many sales.Promotion is more than selling and advertising your business. It’s about attracting the right people to use and reuse your business. There are many techniques to use and they can be combined in various ways to create the most cost-effective strategy for your needs.Detail your promotion techniques into six categories:• online• public relations• advertising• promotion• packaging or personal selling• branding•Direct marketing is often added to the marketing mix despite being part of advertising rather than marketing.Product or Service Online PublicRelations Advertising Promotion Packaging Branding{What is your product or service?} {What online strategies are you using?} {What PRstrategies are you using? {What advertising strategies are you using?} {What promotion strategies are you using?} {What packaging strategies are you using?} {What branding strategies are you using?}The PEOPLE in your business (salespeople, staff etc.)Guidance: Every employee in your business (if you have them) can influence the marketing of your products and service

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