Both parts needs to be done within 12 hrs from now

In public health, data are often gathered from separate groups in order to describe health-related behavior for a topic of interest. In practice, a larger sample is often surveyed, and then focus groups or interviews can be conducted with a smaller subset of the sample. The quantitative survey data from a larger group helps to identify health-related trends and patterns within the sample group. The qualitative data collected with the smaller group complements the quantitative survey data and helps to determine why and how a phenomenon exists. The cumulative findings can then help public health professionals form a conclusion about the health issue and inform future public health research, policy, and practice. 
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze qualitative and quantitative data from two separate groups, propose a research question, and then disseminate your findings in a mixed-methods manuscript. The survey and focus group are both on the topic of nutrition. The quantitative data is adapted from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), and the qualitative data is from a focus group transcript in which 9th grade girls discussed healthy eating.
For this assignment, you will use:

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