Breaking the Chain: The Patient with an Infectious Communicable Disease

Breaking the Chain: The Patient with an Infectious Communicable Disease

Paper must consist of 2 parts (each part must be a minimum of 3 pages in length, plus cover and reference page). Chose one(1) of the following diseases: HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Pertussis, Tuberculosis. Part 1:The chain of infection-(describe each of the 6 elements in the chain of the infection in the disease you chose (infectious agent, reservoir, the portal of exit, means of transmission, the portal of entry, susceptible host) provide supporting evidence, epidemiologic statistics etc. Part 2:Nursing management-(Identify treatment options utilized to break the chain, explore evidence-based practice nursing interventions when managing short-term and long-term consequences for the patient with the disease you chose. Consider and describe how nurses would support patient adherence to these treatment options).

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