Cartoon from the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1898. [Public Domain via Wikimedia] Overview The purpose of this discus


 Cartoon from the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1898. [Public Domain via Wikimedia]
The purpose of this discussion is to think about the rationale for American imperialism in the late nineteenth century and how it affected people.
For this discussion,  review your readings for Unit 5 and study the cartoon carefully. Feel free to do research outside the course if you’d like other points of view.
Prepare a discussion where you explain, based on your readings, what this cartoon is about and what values it expresses.  To do this, adopt the role of ONE of the following individuals and explain who that person was and how that person viewed the events behind this cartoon.
Choose ONE:

Albert Beveridge (Historian and Republican Senator from Indiana)
Carl Schurz (Former German revolutionary and Republican Senator from Missouri)
A resident of one of America’s new Caribbean or Pacific colonies

As with the previous assignments, try to put yourself in the shoes of someone in the past — think about what their life was like, what their behavior and outlook might be. Try to justify your response by describing that life and outlook.

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