NRS-451VN Characteristics of Performance Driven Team in Nursing

NRS-451VN Characteristics of Performance-Driven Team in Nursing Example

NRS-451VN Characteristics of Performance-Driven Team in Nursing ExampleDiscussion Assignment Brief: NRS-451VN Characteristics of Performance-Driven Team in Nursing

Assignment Overview:

This assignment is all about understanding and describing what makes a nursing team effective. We’re focusing on clear characteristics of these teams and the motivation that keeps them going.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

Here’s what the assignment is aiming at:

Characteristics of Good Nursing Teams:
  • Explain the important traits of effective nursing teams. Talk about things like good communication, flexibility, teamwork, innovation, and reaching goals together.
  • Share examples or real stories to show how these traits work in actual nursing teams.
Motivation in Teams:
  • Understand and explain the differences between two types of motivation – the one that comes from inside (like personal satisfaction) and the one that comes from outside (like rewards).
  • Discuss how these types of motivation impact nursing teams. Use real-life situations to explain.

Your Role:

As a student, your job is to research and talk about the qualities that make nursing teams work well. Use clear examples to explain these traits. Also, dive into the motivation part – show how intrinsic (inside) and extrinsic (outside) motivation affects real nursing teams.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NRS-451VN Characteristics of Performance-Driven Team in Nursing Assignment

Describe the Characteristics of Performance-Driven Team NRS 451 Topic 3 DQ 2

Describe the characteristics of a performance-driven team. Describe the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and explain why it is important in understanding the types of motivation when it comes to team performance.

NRS-451VN Characteristics of Performance-Driven Team in Nursing Example

NRS-451VN Characteristics of Performance-Driven Team in Nursing Example Initial Discussion Post by Mia Rodriguez

Mia Rodriguez

Jan 15, 2024, 2:00 PM

Hey everyone!

Excited to dive into a discussion about performance-driven teams in the nursing field. From my experience, these teams play a pivotal role in delivering high-quality patient care. Let’s explore the characteristics that make a team truly performance-driven.

A performance-driven nursing team is marked by its goal-oriented nature, specialized qualifications, and effective communication. This type of team is not just a group of individuals but a cohesive unit that collaborates, innovates, and consistently achieves superior results (SHRM, nd). Achieving this level of teamwork requires open communication, rapport among team members, and adaptability to navigate the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

Now, let’s talk about motivation, a key factor in team performance. There are two main types: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is about finding personal satisfaction and accomplishment in tasks, while extrinsic motivation involves external rewards. Understanding the nuances of these motivations is crucial for effective leadership and team dynamics. As Cherry (2022) notes, comprehending how each type of motivation works can help individuals perform tasks and enhance their learning.

Excited to hear your thoughts and experiences on this!


SHRM. (n.d.). Developing and sustaining high-performance work teams. Retrieved from

Cherry, K. (2022, May 23). Extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation: What’s the difference? Verywell Mind. Retrieved


Sophie Thompson

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 16, 2024, 8:45 AM

Hi Mia!

I couldn’t agree more about the importance of performance-driven teams in nursing. Your mention of effective communication and adaptability really struck a chord with me. In my experience, those traits are essential for delivering top-notch patient care. I’m curious, Mia, have you encountered any specific strategies or challenges in fostering open communication within a healthcare team?


LaFerny, M.C. (2018). Point of care: What motivates you as a nurse? Retrieved from [Link]

Thomas, J, S. (2018). Applying servant leadership in practice. In Grand Canyon University (Eds.), Nursing leadership & management: Leading and serving.


Liam Martinez

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 16, 2024, 12:30 PM

Hey Mia!

Great post! I’ve seen how goal-oriented teams can truly make a difference in patient outcomes. Your mention of adaptability is spot on, especially in the fast-paced healthcare environment. I’m interested to know if you’ve come across any specific examples of successful team adaptations in response to unexpected challenges?


Ndambo, M. K., Munyaneza, F., Aron, M. B., Nhlema, B., & Connolly, E. (2022). Qualitative assessment of community health workers’ perspective on their motivation in community-based primary health care in rural Malawi. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1–13.

Nickerson, C. (2021). Differences of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.


Emma Turner

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 16, 2024, 3:15 PM

Hi Mia!

Your insights into performance-driven teams are enlightening. The idea of collaboration, innovation, and consistently achieving superior results resonates with me. I’m curious, Mia, in your experience, have you observed any specific leadership styles that particularly foster these qualities in a nursing team?


Akhtar, P., Frynas, J., Mellahi, K., & Ullah, S. (2019). Big Data‐Savvy Teams’ Skills, Big Data‐Driven Actions and Business Performance.

Lynch, J., & West, D. (2017). Agency Creativity: Teams and Performance.


Elijah Baker

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 17, 2024, 9:20 AM

Hey Mia!

Your post highlights crucial aspects of performance-driven teams. Open communication is indeed a game-changer. I’m wondering, Mia, how do you think the introduction of technology has influenced communication within nursing teams? Has it enhanced or posed challenges in your experience?


LaFerny, M.C. (2018). Point of care: What motivates you as a nurse?

Ndambo, M. K., Munyaneza, F., Aron, M. B., Nhlema, B., & Connolly, E. (2022). Qualitative assessment of community health workers’ perspective on their motivation in community-based primary health care in rural Malawi. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1–13.


Olivia Garcia

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 17, 2024, 2:45 PM

Hi Mia!

Your post resonated with my experiences in nursing. Achieving superior results through collaboration and innovation is the essence of a high-performance team. I’m curious, Mia, do you have any insights on how to maintain team morale during challenging times? It’s something I’ve been thinking about lately.


Akhtar, P., Frynas, J., Mellahi, K., & Ullah, S. (2019). Big Data‐Savvy Teams’ Skills, Big Data‐Driven Actions and Business Performance.

Thomas, J, S. (2018). Applying servant leadership in practice. In Grand Canyon University (Eds.), Nursing leadership & management: Leading and serving.


Nathan Reed

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 18, 2024, 10:10 AM

Hi Mia!

Your post captured the essence of what makes a nursing team truly effective. I’m interested in the aspect of adaptability. Have you encountered situations where the team had to adapt rapidly, and if so, how did it impact the overall team performance?


Ndambo, M. K., Munyaneza, F., Aron, M. B., Nhlema, B., & Connolly, E. (2022). Qualitative assessment of community health workers’ perspective on their motivation in community-based primary health care in rural Malawi. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1–13.

Nickerson, C. (2021). Differences of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.


Eva Turner

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 18, 2024, 3:30 PM

Hey Mia!

Your post brought out some crucial points on performance-driven teams. I’m particularly intrigued by the adaptability aspect. Have you ever encountered resistance to change within a nursing team, and if so, how was it addressed to ensure a smooth transition?


Akhtar, P., Frynas, J., Mellahi, K., & Ullah, S. (2019). Big Data‐Savvy Teams’ Skills, Big Data‐Driven Actions and Business Performance.

Thomas, J, S. (2018). Applying servant leadership in practice. In Grand Canyon University (Eds.), Nursing leadership & management: Leading and serving.


Daniel Chen

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 19, 2024, 9:55 AM

Hi Mia!

Your post emphasizes the essential elements of a high-performance nursing team. I’m curious about the role of continuous learning. How do you think fostering a culture of continuous learning impacts the adaptability and innovation of a nursing team?


LaFerny, M.C. (2018). Point of care: What motivates you as a nurse?

Lynch, J., & West, D. (2017). Agency Creativity: Teams and Performance.


Ava Martinez

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 19, 2024, 2:20 PM

Hi Mia!

Your insights into performance-driven teams are on point. I’m particularly interested in the adaptability aspect. Have you ever encountered resistance to change within a nursing team, and if so, how was it addressed to ensure a smooth transition?


Akhtar, P., Frynas, J., Mellahi, K., & Ullah, S. (2019). Big Data‐Savvy Teams’ Skills, Big Data‐Driven Actions and Business Performance.

Ndambo, M. K., Munyaneza, F., Aron, M. B., Nhlema, B., & Connolly, E. (2022). Qualitative assessment of community health workers’ perspective on their motivation in community-based primary health care in rural Malawi. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1–13.


Liam Rodriguez

Replied to Mia Rodriguez

Jan 20, 2024, 10:30 AM

Hey Mia!

Your post brilliantly encapsulates the characteristics of a high-performance nursing team. The focus on collaboration and consistently achieving superior results is crucial. I’m wondering, Mia, how do you think these traits contribute to the overall patient experience and outcomes?


LaFerny, M.C. (2018). Point of care: What motivates you as a nurse?

Lynch, J., & West, D. (2017). Agency Creativity: Teams and Performance.

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