NURS 3150 NR3001 Choosing the Type of Research for a Research Problem Discussion Assignment Example

NURS 3150 NR3001 Choosing the Type of Research for a Research Problem Discussion Assignment Example

NURS 3150 NR3001 Choosing the Type of Research for a Research Problem Discussion AssignmentNURS 3150 NR3001 Choosing the Type of Research for a Research Problem Discussion Assignment

NURS 3150 NR3001 Choosing the Type of Research for a Research Problem Discussion Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 3150 – Foundations of Nursing Research

Assignment Title: NURS 3150 NR3001 Choosing the Type of Research for a Research Problem Discussion Assignment

Assignment Instructions Overview

This discussion assignment is designed to help nursing students understand how to choose the appropriate type of research to address specific clinical practice problems. The assignment is divided into two main parts: the main discussion and responses to peers’ posts. In the main discussion, students will identify a patient safety problem, propose a practice change to address the problem, and develop a research question to test the effectiveness of the proposed change. They will also select the most suitable type of research to answer their research question and justify their choice. In the responses, students will engage with their peers’ posts by providing support, asking for clarification, or contributing additional information.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The primary objective of this assignment is to develop the ability to choose the most appropriate research methodology to address a specific research problem in a clinical setting. By engaging in this discussion, students will:

  • Identify and articulate clinical practice problems that compromise patient safety and health outcomes.
  • Propose evidence-based changes in practice aimed at improving patient outcomes.
  • Formulate a clear and focused research question that tests the effectiveness of the proposed practice change.
  • Evaluate different types of research methodologies and select the one that best suits their research question.
  • Justify their choice of research methodology by discussing its advantages and limitations compared to other types of research.

The Student’s Role

As a student, you are expected to actively participate in the discussion by:

  • Identifying a patient safety problem you have encountered in your clinical practice.
  • Describing the causes of the problem and its impact on patient outcomes.
  • Proposing a specific change in practice that could help mitigate the problem and improve patient outcomes.
  • Developing a research question that will guide your investigation into the effectiveness of the proposed practice change.
  • Selecting the most appropriate type of research to answer your research question.
  • Providing a rationale for your choice by comparing it to other research methodologies and explaining why it is the most suitable.

Competencies Measured

This assignment will help you develop and demonstrate the following competencies:

  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Identifying clinical practice problems and proposing evidence-based solutions.
  • Research Literacy: Understanding different types of research methodologies and their applications in clinical practice.
  • Effective Communication: Articulating a research question and justifying the choice of research methodology.
  • Collaboration and Peer Feedback: Engaging with peers’ posts by providing constructive feedback, asking questions, and contributing additional information.

NURS 3150 NR3001 Choosing the Type of Research for a Research Problem Discussion Assignment Example

Part 1: Patient Safety Problem

One significant patient safety problem in many healthcare settings is medication errors. Medication errors can occur at any stage of the medication process, including prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, administering, and monitoring. These errors can result from a variety of causes, such as miscommunication among healthcare providers, similar drug names, poor handwriting, lack of patient information, and distractions during the medication administration process. The impact of medication errors on patient outcomes is profound, leading to adverse drug events, increased morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospital stays, and additional healthcare costs (McIntyre, Cover, & Bonner, 2019).

A specific change in practice to address medication errors is the implementation of a comprehensive medication reconciliation process. Medication reconciliation involves verifying the patient’s medication information at each transition of care to ensure consistency and accuracy. This process includes comparing the patient’s current medications with new orders and resolving any discrepancies. Additionally, using electronic health records (EHRs) and computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems can reduce errors by providing decision support and standardizing medication orders. Education and training of healthcare staff on proper medication administration and the importance of double-checking medications can also play a crucial role in minimizing errors (Gray & Grove, 2021).

Part 2: Research on Patient Safety Problem

To determine the effectiveness of the proposed practice change in improving patient outcomes, the following research question could be developed: “Does the implementation of a comprehensive medication reconciliation process reduce the incidence of medication errors in hospitalized patients?” To answer this research question, a quasi-experimental design would be most appropriate. A quasi-experimental design allows for comparison between groups receiving the intervention (medication reconciliation) and those not receiving it, while not requiring random assignment.

Quasi-experimental designs are advantageous because they are practical and feasible in real-world clinical settings where randomization might not be possible or ethical. They allow for the evaluation of interventions in a naturalistic environment, providing valuable information on the intervention’s effectiveness in routine practice. Additionally, this design can control for confounding variables through statistical methods, enhancing the validity of the findings (Gray & Grove, 2021).

On the other hand, a true experimental design, such as a randomized controlled trial (RCT), might not be suitable for this type of study due to ethical considerations and the difficulty of randomizing patients to different levels of care within a single healthcare setting. Descriptive research, while useful for understanding the scope and nature of medication errors, would not provide information on the causal relationship between the intervention and patient outcomes. Correlational research could identify associations between medication reconciliation and reduced errors but would not establish causality. Qualitative research, although valuable for exploring healthcare providers’ experiences and perceptions, would not quantitatively measure the intervention’s impact on medication error rates (Gray & Grove, 2021).


Gray, J. R., & Grove, S. K. (2021). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.

McIntyre, M., Cover, D., & Bonner, A. (2019). Nursing-sensitive indicators: A concept analysis. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 51(4), 399-407.

Responses to Colleagues

Response to Ahmed

Ahmed, your discussion on the importance of a comprehensive medication reconciliation process to reduce medication errors is insightful. The distinction you made between a true experimental design and a quasi-experimental design is crucial in understanding their application in real-world clinical settings. While a true experimental design, like an RCT, offers high internal validity through randomization, the feasibility and ethical considerations often limit its use in healthcare settings (Gray & Grove, 2021). Quasi-experimental designs, although lacking randomization, provide a more practical approach, especially when evaluating interventions already integrated into clinical practice. Your emphasis on the need for practical feasibility in research design is well-founded, considering the dynamic nature of healthcare environments.

Response to Merilyn J. Long

Merilyn, your exploration of the differences between true experimental and quasi-experimental designs in implementing practice changes is very well-articulated. You highlighted key considerations such as time, cost, ethical implications, and sample size, which are essential in selecting an appropriate research design (Gray & Grove, 2021). The practical limitations you mentioned regarding experimental designs in healthcare settings, such as withholding standard care, underscore the ethical dilemmas researchers often face. Your approach to discussing the feasibility and applicability of quasi-experimental designs in real-world clinical settings aligns well with the need for research that can be seamlessly integrated into existing healthcare practices. This perspective is vital for ensuring that research findings are not only valid but also applicable in improving patient outcomes.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 3150 NR3001 Choosing the Type of Research for a Research Problem Discussion Assignment


This discussion is divided in two parts

  1. Main discussion
  2. Two replies


How do you choose the type of research to conduct to address a research problem? What information should you keep in mind to ensure that your research process will adequately address your research problem?

Understanding the different types of research is a critical skill for the nurse researcher and nursing professional. As a current nursing professional, consider how understanding the different types of research may be conducive to achieving a particular mission in your health care setting, such as developing an intervention to address a quality or patient safety problem. This knowledge can also be a step toward assuming a nursing leadership position. As a critical component of your nursing toolkit, differentiating between the types of research is a fundamental step toward enacting change through the process of research.

For this Discussion, please review the following:

  • Think about clinical practice problems you have seen in health care that compromise patient safety and health outcomes. For example, nursing-sensitive indicators reflect high-priority practice problems, which are described in the article by McIntyre, Cover, and Bonner (2019).
  • Choose one of the clinical practice problems you have seen in your current or past job in a health care setting. Consider the possible causes of this problem and how you think it is, or was, affecting patient outcomes.
  • Some patient safety problems are solved by making changes in clinical practice. For example, decreasing catheter-associated urinary tract infections in hospitalized patients often requires changes in clinical practice such as better adherence to preventive measures when catheters are inserted (e.g., use of disposable gloves, maintaining sterile fields, cleansing urethral meatus). For the problem you identified, what specific change in practice do you think is needed?
  • When a practice change is implemented, it is important to verify whether or not the change has improved patient outcomes. One way to determine this is by conducting research. One of the first steps in the research process involves developing a research question that will later serve as the foundation for your study. Using information from Chapter 5 in your textbook and the handout on developing research questions, think about a research question and about the effectiveness of the practice change you proposed in improving patient outcomes.
  • Another step in the research process involves identifying which type of research could be conducted to best answer your research question. In Chapter 5 of your textbook you will find a list of different types of research in the first column in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2. You can learn more about these different types of research in both Chapter 2 and the Glossary in your textbook. To locate even more information, you can also use an Internet search engine for more in-depth descriptions and examples. After learning more about the different types of research, think about which one you think is best for determining how well the clinical practice change you identified will improve patient outcomes.

Post a description of how you would address the following:

Part 1: Patient Safety Problem

Describe the patient safety problem you identified, its causes, and the impact you think it has on patient outcomes. For this problem, describe a specific change in practice that could help improve patient outcomes.

Part 2: Research on Patient Safety Problem

Develop a research question that tests the effectiveness of your practice change in the improvement of one or more patient outcomes. What type of research would you use to answer this question? Describe the reasons why you think this is the best approach and why you would not use the other three types of research.

Note: Post a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use  evidence  Links to an external site.   in-text citations  Links to an external site. , and  essay-level Links to an external site. writing skills, including the use of  transitional material Links to an external site. and  organizational frames Links to an external site. . Use the writing resources and the Discussion Rubric to develop your post.

By Day 7

Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question.

Respond to two or more of your colleagues with a comment that asks for clarification, provides support for, or contributes additional information.


Merilyn J Long

Response to Ahmed,

The question does ask a question with a nursing intervention and an outcome. To test the effectiveness of the change in practice and advance the discussion topic on research designs, what is the difference between a true experimental design and a quasi-experimental design based on the readings this week as it relates to changing a practice based on existing evidence? Some considerations for using an experimental design are limited with respect to implementing a change in practice and elements of feasibility such as time, cost,  ethical approach to withholding standard of care, sample size and what the question is asking are some of the elements of research designs (Gray & Grove, 2021).

Gray, J. R. & Grove, S. K. (2021).  Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.

Dr. Long

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