Consider new ways in which you might use technology to foster new connections and seek information and advice Custom Essay

Consider new ways in which you might use technology to foster new connections and seek information and advice Custom Essay

Consider new ways in which you might use technology to foster new connections and seek information and advice. Use the Template to complete this assignment. The template can be found in attached to this order. Submit paper describing your PLN. Your paper should include the following: Text you might include in a professional profile, which you could use on a social media site (like Twitter, or LinkedIn) to identify yourself and your interests for those who might be interested in following you or joining your PLN Annotated list of five people or groups in which you might find people to add to your PLN (through their Twitter feed, blog, or LinkedIn page, etc.) o For each person or group, give a brief (1–2 paragraphs) rationale for why you would include the person or group in your PLN. o Then, give a 1- to 2-paragraph description of the process by which you found the person or group you added to your PLN. For example, you may find one person by browsing a group’s Twitter feed and then decide to add to your own PLN another person who it follows, or you may find a group on Facebook and decide to send a friend request to an individual within that group. Desired References: Grantham, N. (2012, April 17). 5 steps to building a healthy PLN with Twitter [Blog post]. Retrieved from • Grantham, N. (2012, January 24). 5 education Twitter profiles you can really learn from [Blog post]. Retrieved from profiles/ • Marin, V., Negre, F., & Perez, A. (2014). Construction of the foundations of the PLE and PLN for collaborative learning. Comunicar, 21(42), 35-42. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. • Thompson, S. (2012, May 20). Personal learning networks (PLN) 101: Twitter [Blog post]. Retrieved from -101/ • Thompson, S. (2012, July 19). Deepen your digital footprint: A beginner to intermediate guide to increasing online traffic and web presence [Blog post]. Retrieved from n-your-digital-footprint-a-beginner-to-intermediate-guide-to- increasing-online-traffic-and-web-presence/

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