NURS FPX 6111 Course Evaluation Template Paper Example

NURS FPX 6111 Course Evaluation Template Paper Example

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 3 Course Evaluation TemplateNURS FPX 6111 Assessment 3 Course Evaluation Template

NURS FPX 6111 Course Evaluation Template Assignment Brief

Course: NURS-FPX 6111 Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education

Assignment Title: NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 3 Course Evaluation Template

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will develop a standardized template for evaluating courses in a selected program. The objective is to create a comprehensive evaluation tool that aligns with the learning objectives and program outcomes established in previous assessments.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The primary goal of this assignment is to create a standardized course evaluation template that effectively measures the achievement of learning objectives and program outcomes. By developing this template, you will demonstrate your ability to assess the effectiveness of a course in meeting its educational goals.

The Student’s Role

As a student, your role is to thoroughly analyze the learning objectives and program outcomes specified for the selected program. You will then design a standardized course evaluation template that aligns with these objectives and outcomes, ensuring that it provides a clear and accurate assessment of student learning.

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NURS FPX 6111 Course Evaluation Template Paper Example

Course Evaluation Template

A course evaluation is akin to a brief survey administered to students by their instructors upon completion of a course. The objective of the evaluation questionnaire is to elicit comprehensive feedback from students regarding their classroom experiences, thereby facilitating enhancements to the learning environment for subsequent classes. Utilizing the Likert scale, which has been validated for its reliability, serves as the method for evaluating course outcomes in Nursing Informatics. This scale encompasses five levels of agreement, ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree,” with “neutral” serving as a midpoint for impartial feedback. Additionally, it offers two further options for students who are uncertain, labeled as “neither agree nor disagree” (Taherdoost, 2019).

Understanding Evaluation Systems

Various evaluation methods are employed to gain a precise quantitative assessment of opinions. One such method is the Likert scale, a commonly used tool where respondents indicate the extent of their agreement or disagreement with a statement. Responses are typically categorized into five points, from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree,” allowing for a nuanced understanding of students’ perspectives on different aspects of Nursing Informatics (Jebb et al., 2021).

Instructions for Assessment Questionnaire

Students are provided with an assessment questionnaire to ascertain the alignment of the current curriculum with the program’s goals and expected outcomes. Additionally, the questionnaire aims to gauge the extent of students’ growth as learners, particularly in their utilization of healthcare IT expertise for diagnostic procedures. Students are instructed to carefully review the information presented in the table and respond truthfully by selecting the appropriate response on the Likert scale, ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” Each column accepts only a single selection.

Course Evaluation Template

Course Title: Nursing Informatics

Learning Outcomes:


Learning Outcomes Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I now have greater faith in my abilities to argue for focusing on medical practice with technological outcomes.
In my experience, multidisciplinary teams who use technology to communicate and share their findings get better results.
Using statistical analysis, I can determine the most effective course of action for patient prevention across a wide range of diseases.
I can properly analyze the clinical and statistical learning outcomes that are easily applicable to practicing nursing services.


Connection Between Learning Outcomes and Evaluation Table

The term “learning outcomes” refers to the expected levels of understanding, competence, and behavior that students should attain upon completing the course. In our course evaluation program, we utilize the Likert scale to analyze students’ responses based on different learning outcomes. Student opinions are categorized into three groups: disagree, slightly agree, and strongly agree. This allows us to determine the proportions of individuals confident in their knowledge versus those who are not. Additionally, details regarding students’ preparedness to utilize healthcare technology integration are obtained from their responses. Educational outcomes can be assessed using this framework by examining learners’ test results (Pescaroli et al., 2020).

Assessment Strategies

The program’s analysis comprises a mix of both types of questions, including open and closed-ended ones, to provide students with the most accurate reflection of their learning from the experience. Course assessment entails examining whether what was taught in the program aligns with what learners were intended to understand and how instructors planned to achieve those goals.

Addressing Appropriate Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective Domains

The course has facilitated the development of skills in various domains:

Cognitive Domain:

  • Critical thinking skills in virtual settings.
  • Application of knowledge about medical equipment in practice.
  • Critical thinking and rational behavior in various healthcare contexts.
  • Capacity for critical thinking and appropriate action.

Psychomotor Domain:

  • Confidence in using blood pressure measuring devices.
  • Trust in the efficacy of the Electronic Health Record system.
  • Belief in the ability to use telehealth monitoring tools.
  • Ease in using infusion pumps.

Affective Domain:

  • Improved ability to understand and respond to patients’ concerns.
  • Enhanced ability to meet patients’ expectations.
  • Capability to consider the patient’s perspective.


The examination of the program is based on the following assumptions:

  • The quality of education is directly proportional to the efforts put in by teachers.
  • Course objectives or student objectives should be standardized to ensure valid and useful evaluations.
  • Students’ abilities to utilize technology for illness prevention, identification, and treatment are tested across various cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains throughout the curriculum (Schroeder et al., 2019).

Evaluation Format that Adequately Assesses Learning Outcomes

The program’s success in achieving its desired results is evaluated through:

  • Articulating medical practice outcomes related to nursing informatics.
  • Implementing technological improvements through multidisciplinary teamwork.
  • Developing action plans for preventing further illnesses.

Evaluation of Course Assessment Methods

Utilization of Likert Scale for Evaluating Program Goals

The Likert scale is being employed to assess the alignment between the program’s intended goals and its actual outcomes. Researchers are utilizing this scale to gauge the extent to which the program is meeting its objectives and whether students are progressing as expected. Through the analysis of Likert scale data, areas requiring improvement in teaching can be identified to enhance student performance (Considine et al., 2021).

Evaluation Criteria Based on the Likert Scale

Evaluation criteria for the learning program are established using the Likert Scale, offering students a range of options including strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, strongly disagree, and disagree. This enables students to provide specific and accurate responses, reducing the likelihood of errors in assessment (Brown Tyo & McCurry, 2019).

Validity and Reliability of Evaluation Methods

The assessment methodology, comprising both open-ended and closed-ended questionnaires, is deemed to possess good validity and reliability. The Likert Scale, in particular, is renowned for its high level of reliability, with a dependability rate of 94%. This assessment places reliance on the Likert Scale due to its efficiency and accuracy in data collection (Considine et al., 2021).

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Likert Scale

While the Likert Scale offers several advantages such as simplicity, clear answer choices, and efficiency, it also presents some drawbacks. Challenges may arise in accommodating responses falling within the “neither agree nor disagree” category. Moreover, individuals may exhibit a tendency to agree with every statement if they possess an acquiescence tendency. Additionally, respondents may not consistently provide truthful responses, and there exists a possibility of incomplete survey submissions (Brown Tyo & McCurry, 2019).

Executive Summary

In summary, the course evaluation template developed for NURS FPX 6111 encompasses various elements essential for assessing learning outcomes and program effectiveness in Nursing Informatics. Through the utilization of the Likert scale, students’ perspectives on different aspects of the course are captured, providing valuable feedback to enhance the learning environment. The evaluation criteria, based on the Likert scale, offer students specific options for response, ensuring accuracy in assessment. Moreover, the assessment methods demonstrate good validity and reliability, with the Likert scale being particularly recognized for its dependability. While the Likert scale offers simplicity and efficiency, challenges such as accommodating certain responses and ensuring respondent honesty exist. Overall, the evaluation template provides a robust framework for evaluating course effectiveness and student learning outcomes in Nursing Informatics.


Considine, J., Berry, D., Allen, J., Hewitt, N., Oldland, E., Sprogis, S. K., & Currey, J. (2021). Specific elements of team-based learning used in nursing education. Nurse Educator, 46(5), E84–E89.

Brown Tyo, M., & McCurry, M. K. (2019). An integrative review of clinical reasoning teaching strategies and outcome evaluation in nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 40(1), 11–17.

Pescaroli, G., Velazquez, O., Alcántara-Ayala, I., Galasso, C., Kostkova, P., & Alexander, D. (2020). A Likert scale-based model for benchmarking operational capacity, organizational resilience, and disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 11(3), 404–409.

Schroeder, K., Garcia, B., Phillips, R. S., & Lipman, T. H. (2019). Addressing social determinants of health through community engagement: An undergraduate nursing course. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(7), 423–426.

Taherdoost, H. (2019, March 29). What Is the Best Response Scale for Survey and Questionnaire Design; Review of Different Lengths of Rating Scale / Attitude Scale / Likert Scale.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 6111 Course Evaluation Template Assignment


Develop a standardized template for evaluating courses in a selected program. Include a 2–3-page executive summary containing the rationale and justification for the methods selected.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon one another and you are required to complete them in the order in which they are presented.

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

  • What are the key components of an end-of-course evaluation?
  • How can you determine if educational outcomes meet the needs and goals of a health care setting?
  • What are examples of alternative evaluation methods for learning outcomes in nursing education?
  • What types of questions should be included in a clinical evaluation questionnaire?

Assessment Instructions

Note: Assessments in this course must be completed in the order in which they are presented. You must complete Assessment 2 before beginning this assessment.


This is a two-part assessment. The first part is the development of a standardized course evaluation template. The second part is an executive summary addressed to a workplace supervisor.


Use the Capella University Library and the Internet to ensure you are familiar with the following:

  • Explore a variety of methods that can be used to evaluate the achievement of the learning objectives as well as program outcomes.
  • Understand the steps in assembling and administering the tests for learning outcomes.
  • Examine how validity and reliability of evaluation methods for courses and program outcomes are measured and established.
  • Find examples of course evaluations. If you choose to incorporate ideas from other examples, you must provide proper APA citations and format.


Determine the best approach for evaluating whether the learning objectives and program outcomes are being assessed adequately in your course. Make use of your work from the previous assessments in the creation of your standardized course assessment template.

  • Create a standardized template that clearly measures the course’s ability to achieve the learning objectives and outcomes stated in your earlier assessments in this course.
    • There is no page limit for this template. Page length should be appropriate to the context.

Note: You are encouraged to integrate feedback received for your earlier assessments to continue tweaking your application of the concepts in this course.


Once you have completed your standardized template, construct an executive summary to discuss the rationale for it.

In the executive summary, include the following critical elements that align with the grading criteria:

  • A summary of how the course evaluation aligns with the stated learning objectives and program outcomes.
  • A justification for the methods chosen to evaluate the achievement of learning outcomes.
  • A description of how validity and reliability of evaluation methods will be established.

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