Criminology: Juvenile Justice Project

Criminology: Juvenile Justice Project

It is now time to submit your final project to your instructor. Your final project should include the following:

  • Paper must support the thesis statement, provides an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Paper must be 3-4 pages in length (not including the title page and references page.)
  • A minimum of five sources must be used and APA formatting should be used throughout the paper.
  • Document should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.




Page 1 – Title page in APA format

Pages 2 – 5:

Paragraph 1: Introduction – should provide an overall summary of your paper. What topics will be    incorporated? Include your thesis statement as the final sentence(s).

Paragraphs 2/3/4: Discussion of the historical context of your topic. Make sure to include in-text citation.

Paragraphs 4/5/6: Discussion of the current use/status of your topic. Make sure to include in-text citation.

Paragraphs 6-9 (approximately): Discussion of AT LEAST two benefits of your topic and AT LEAST two drawbacks of your topic. Make sure to include in-text citation.

Paragraphs 10/11: Incorporate your opinion. Based on your research, how do you feel about the topic?

Final paragraph: Conclusion – provide a closing summary that reiterates the main points.

Last page – Reference page. Make sure you have incorporated 5 scholarly sources in-text and each are listed on the reference page in APA format.




The following grading rubric will be used:

Project includes an introduction and conclusion that provide an overall summary – 5 points

Project discusses the historical context of the topic – 5 points

Project discusses the current status of the topic – 2 points

Project discusses AT LEAST two benefits and two drawbacks – 8 points

Project incorporates the opinion of the student – 5 points

Project includes a minimum of five scholarly sources and is in APA format – 10 points

TOTAL: 35 points

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