Determine whether or not a contract has been formed using the basic contract principles of offer, acceptance, and consideration.

Please prepare a 2–3-page double-spaced memorandum in size 12 Times New Roman font discussing the following in the order presented:
Determine whether or not a contract has been formed using the basic contract principles of offer, acceptance, and consideration. State whether or not any of the crucial parts of the initial offer may be missing.
Discuss whether or not Camille and Sonya’s prior course of dealings has an impact on the parties’ communications and whether or not Sonya would be successful against CARDWARE Inc. should a breach of contract lawsuit be brought against her.
Do not forget to provide your legal research within your memorandum. You may use case law to make comparisons, your textbook, and reliable Internet research to provide in-text citations for your work. Do not use Wikipedia.

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