EH 102: Composition II: Research Paper Prompt

EH 102: Composition II: Research Paper Prompt

Research Paper Prompt


Due Date: Wednesday, December 9th, on Sakai by 5 p.m.

Note: There will be no extensions. Failure to upload your research paper, with Works Cited page, by the deadline will result in failure of the course.


Length: 6-10 pages, not including the Works Cited page. Essays must be double-spaced, with 12-

point font, and 1” margins.


Sources: You must have at least five total sources. This includes:

  • 1 scholarly source (at least)
  • 2 sources that we have read together as a class.
  • 2 other sources of your choosing

You must quote from each source.


Topic: You may choose your own topic. I will not give you a topic, but I will be more than happy to help you come up with one if you meet with me.


You may not write on:

  • Marijuana legalization/medical marijuana
  • Dull hot-button topics that you may have been asked to write on in Comp 101 or high school. These include abortion, the death penalty, prison reform, education reform, etc.


Format/structure: Your paper must begin with an introduction and end with a conclusion. You must have a strong, assertive thesis statement at the end of your introduction. This means that you must make an argument in your research paper; it will not be enough to merely explain an issue or idea.


Do not overburden this paper with summaries. The priority now is on your argument and your analysis. Only summarize enough as is necessary for the argument you are making; in the case of most sources, this means no more than a few sentences of summary.


All quotes must be properly formatted. This means that all quotes must be introduced as part of your own sentence, and that you give the page number(s) of the quote in parentheses after the quotation marks. Remember that you must quote from each source that you use.


The last page of your document will be your Works Cited page. Do not rely on online citation-generators; double-check all of your citations against the Purdue Owl website that I have shown you, or the LB Brief, or the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. All citations must be in MLA format.

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