FC099 Business Management: CASE STUDY AirSec Lt

FC099 Business Management: CASE STUDY AirSec Lt

Assignment Title:             CASE STUDY AirSec Ltd.
  • This Assignment is worth 50% of the overall mark for this module.
  • You need to complete all the tasks set out below.
  • Your answer should be 2000 -2500 words in length.
  • Your work must be formally submitted through Turnitin and to academic services before the deadline.
  • Each piece of assessment submitted to student services must have a completed and signed submission form attached.
  • Work submitted after this date will be subject to LIC rules for late submission.



DO NOT SHOW OTHER STUDENTS WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN – this is collusion and is a serious academic offence.


DO NOT COPY ANOTHER STUDENT’S WORK OR FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE – this is plagiarism and is a serious academic offence.


Remember, when you submit your work, you sign a declaration confirming that it does not contravene the LIC Regulations on Academic Misconduct.


Marking Criteria – Marks for this report are awarded according to the following criteria:


  1. The relevance of the factors used to undertake the set task.
  2. The quality and depth of the discussion of the issues.
  3. The extent to which the answers are coherently structured.
  4. The overall presentation of the assignment.
  5. The application of module-related information to the assignment tasks.



Hints and Tips


  1. The most important thing you must do in completing this assignment is to make sure that you answer the task that has been set.


  1. Ensure that you remain within the word limits given. The word limit is to test whether you can write concisely, thereby getting all the main points down without wandering ‘off-topic’.


  1. It is best to avoid using too many sub-headings and to not use lots of bullet points or the numbering of paragraphs. Otherwise your answer will look like a set of notes/instructions/textbook and appear disjointed. Using continuous prose enables you to develop arguments and to inter-link issues you are raising.


  1. This is not a research-based assignment and, in the main, you will rely on your lecture notes and module text book. However, if you do use other sources they should be academic sources like textbooks and journals. Everything you read in an academic source will have been peer-reviewed which means that experts in the field will have seen it and agree that the ideas are reasonable and accurate. Web sites such as Wikipedia are not peer reviewed and therefore do not count as academic sources. Make sure you follow the guidelines for referencing as explained in your Study Skills modules


  1. You should not copy text from a book, another person’s work or Internet sites and imply that it is your own work. This is known as plagiarism and is an academic offence. Plagiarism is the word academics use for ‘copying’. If you want to quote directly from a book, you should indicate that it is a quote (by using quotation marks “…”) and the name of the author whose work you have cited in the main body of your assignment. You should avoid excessive use of quotes as the work you submit must be your own – not simply a collection of quotes.  Your answer must be word-processed, using 1.5 or double spacing and a 12 or 14 font size. Always leave a margin so that there is space to insert any comments that the tutor would like to make when reading your work.


  1. When you hand your work in, please ensure that all the pages are stapled together in the correct order and that pages are numbered. You should keep a copy of your work, as the tutor will retain the original.


  1. The marking scheme will resemble that of a university and it will include:


40% and above: Pass

50% and above: Equivalent to a 2.2

60% and above: Equivalent to a 2.1

70% and above: Equivalent to a First



You will not get a second chance to improve on the mark that you are given for this assignment. Thus, if you are given a mark equivalent to 55%, that is the mark that will be entered onto your mark sheet. Similarly, if you are unfortunate and fail the assignment, that fail mark will be added to your other assessment marks to determine your overall score for the module.


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