Health | Nursing homework help

Holistic Assessment of the Older Adult
For the PowerPoint and recorded presentation, create a presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the prompts or questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least four (4) scholarly sources throughout your presentation, referencing in APA style. Include title and references slides in the presentation. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Ensure that you have permission from your older adult to conduct the health assessment and ensure that they are not identified on the PPT. Review the Signature Assignment rubric criteria for this assignment.
Part 1: Assessment: Choose an adult (65 years or older) friend or relative and perform a holistic health assessment. Clearly discuss your discovered holistic health assessment data. Your assessment should include the following parts for the holistic assessment:

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