HRM 6007: Developing and Demonstrating Employability

HRM 6007: Developing and Demonstrating Employability

Learning outcomes

1          Identify and critique the competencies relevant to your future career.

2          Present evidence to demonstrate how your work experience and/or co-curricular activity has enhanced your personal/professional competence and employability.






  1. Critically reflect on your performance within your professional practice and/or co-curricular activities and produce a short to medium term action plan designed to further enhance your own personal/professional development and employability profile.


Indicative Level attainment

Excellent work will address all aspects of the brief in depth. The report will follow a coherent structure, clearly signposted for the reader. The report will demonstrate a grasp of understanding of employer’s requirements, and where the individual addresses those requirements. Evidence of relevant theoretical underpinning. Excellent presentation. Error free.

A satisfactory report will address all aspects of the brief. Evidence of some research and some analysis undertaken. Acceptable presentation, possibly a few minor errors in grammar and/or spelling.

A poor report will fail to address all aspects of the brief. There will be minimal evidence of research, other than that gathered from the employer’s website. No analysis or logical conclusions drawn. Poor presentation. Grammatical and spelling errors.



Individual Portfolio: Assignment Brief


Assessment overview

Assessment is an individual portfolio, comprising a number of sections in which the student evidences the development of the generic and specific competencies relevant to their future career. Competencies and evidence will be specific to each student. The portfolio should contain the following elements:


Part 1: Identifying Competencies


i           Select an organisation/sector/industry you are considering as a potential employer. Your first task is to identify and present the competencies needed by new graduates in this area. You must include include evidence as to where you have found this information, for example the generic competency framework or examples of relevant job descriptions and/or person specifications. This evidence should be referenced. (approx. 400 words)


Part 2: Personal Audit and Evidence of Development


i           Using the list of skills and competencies you identified in Part 1 create a table rating yourself against these requirements.


ii          For each skill/competence you possess you should provide evidence which demonstrates how you have developed this, for example, leadership – give a specific example which supports your claim to have developed competence as a leader; teamworking – give a specific example of how you have contributed to a successful team. As you rate yourself you may find some gaps i.e where you have no evidence.  


  • Each example must be specific – not a general description about , for example, why you think you are good at teamwork.


  • Activities must have occurred during your time at university


  • You should present evidence from a range of activities, which may include
    • Work experience
    • Volunteering / Charity work
    • Internships
    • Employability challenge week activities
    • Passport to practice activities
    • Mentoring
    • Career management activity
    • Intercultural/international activity
    • Student representation / engagement in student groups and societies
    • Music and the arts
    • Sports


Part 3: Reflection on Learning


i           In this section you should reflect on your experiences . Your reflection should be focussed on what you have learned, not what tasks/activites you have undertaken. You could consider particular competencies for example, if you have developed competence in working with others, and given evidence of how you have developed this, what have you learned from this – why is teamwork important, why do some teams work well together? You could consider what you believe to be your major achivements and why they are significant. You should consider what you have learned about yourself through reflecting on your experience?


You should make reference, where appropriate to relevant theory, drawn from this or any of your modules, and should include a bibliography (1500 words )


Part 4: Your Future Planning


ii          Revisit the personal audit you created in Part 2 and consider the gaps where you need to develop and/or improve competencies.

Present a Personal Development Plan which shows what you have identified as your development needs, what you intend to do, how you intend to do this and by when. The skills audit and your reflection should provide the basis for your plan.

  • Is your PDP realistic and achievable?
  • Are there any extra goals or targets you want to add?
  • Who may help you achieve these goals or targets? (from the workplace/organisations/another source)
  • What learning or training course do you need to participate in to help you achieve your goals and targets?
  • Are the target dates practical?












 Marking guidelines


Identify and critique competencies  Present evidence through a personal skills audit   Critical reflection and action plan  Present information in the form of a portfolio audience appropriate
<40% Little evidence of relevant information No evidence of analysis. No application or use of the theories, models and concepts;Lacks PDP Unacceptable in terms of style, language & referencing. No bibliography
40 – 49% Over-reliance on one source/web based sources, rather than a range of credible sources. Little evidence of personal analysis. Information presented from minimal review of experience Minimal application and use of the theories, models and concepts;PDP is evident but unrealistic and limited in scope Major deficiencies in style and language. Questionable attribution of sources.
50 – 59% Some relevant research but lacking in extent and level Weak analysis of personal information. Lacking any obvious consideration of personal development. Some application and use of the theories, models and concepts;PDP is clear but pedestrian. Style and language generally clear. Some minor errorsAttempts at attribution of sources.
60 – 69% Broad research but not all relevant to the assignment brief Generally competent personal audit and realstic analysis but lacking in any real depth Detailed application and use of the theories, models and concepts;PDP is detailed and captures a range of specific realistic   objectives. No major shortcomings in style and language.Appropriate referencing. Well structured
70+%  Extensive research demonstrating breadth of information required. Comprehensive analysis and presentation of presonal audit demonstrating evidence to meet criteria identified. Detailed application and use of the theories, models and concepts. Critical evaluation of the models and concepts.PDP is broad and flows logically from the personal audit. Clear, logical and error-free. Comprehensive bibliography. All sources appropriately referenced.


The marking guidelines indicate areas for reflection for your future work and are to supplement the feedback on your frontsheet.


Mark _________ %                           

Learning outcomes

1          Identify and critique the competencies relevant to your future career.

2          Present evidence to demonstrate how your work experience and/or co-curricular activity has enhanced your personal/professional competence and employability.

  1. Critically reflect on your performance within your professional practice and/or co-curricular activities and produce a short to medium term action plan designed to further enhance your own personal/professional development and employability profile.


Indicative Level attainment

Excellent work will address all aspects of the brief in depth. The report will follow a coherent structure, clearly signposted for the reader. The report will demonstrate a grasp of understanding of employer’s requirements, and where the individual addresses those requirements. Evidence of relevant theoretical underpinning. Excellent presentation. Error free.

A satisfactory report will address all aspects of the brief. Evidence of some research and some analysis undertaken. Acceptable presentation, possibly a few minor errors in grammar and/or spelling.

A poor report will fail to address all aspects of the brief. There will be minimal evidence of research, other than that gathered from the employer’s website. No analysis or logical conclusions drawn. Poor presentation. Grammatical and spelling errors.



Individual Portfolio: Assignment Brief


Assessment overview

Assessment is an individual portfolio, comprising a number of sections in which the student evidences the development of the generic and specific competencies relevant to their future career. Competencies and evidence will be specific to each student. The portfolio should contain the following elements:


Part 1: Identifying Competencies


i           Select an organisation/sector/industry you are considering as a potential employer. Your first task is to identify and present the competencies needed by new graduates in this area. You must include include evidence as to where you have found this information, for example the generic competency framework or examples of relevant job descriptions and/or person specifications. This evidence should be referenced. (approx. 400 words)


Part 2: Personal Audit and Evidence of Development


i           Using the list of skills and competencies you identified in Part 1 create a table rating yourself against these requirements.


ii          For each skill/competence you possess you should provide evidence which demonstrates how you have developed this, for example, leadership – give a specific example which supports your claim to have developed competence as a leader; teamworking – give a specific example of how you have contributed to a successful team. As you rate yourself you may find some gaps i.e where you have no evidence.  


  • Each example must be specific – not a general description about , for example, why you think you are good at teamwork.


  • Activities must have occurred during your time at university


  • You should present evidence from a range of activities, which may include
    • Work experience
    • Volunteering / Charity work
    • Internships
    • Employability challenge week activities
    • Passport to practice activities
    • Mentoring
    • Career management activity
    • Intercultural/international activity
    • Student representation / engagement in student groups and societies
    • Music and the arts
    • Sports


Part 3: Reflection on Learning


i           In this section you should reflect on your experiences . Your reflection should be focussed on what you have learned, not what tasks/activites you have undertaken. You could consider particular competencies for example, if you have developed competence in working with others, and given evidence of how you have developed this, what have you learned from this – why is teamwork important, why do some teams work well together? You could consider what you believe to be your major achivements and why they are significant. You should consider what you have learned about yourself through reflecting on your experience?


You should make reference, where appropriate to relevant theory, drawn from this or any of your modules, and should include a bibliography (1500 words )


Part 4: Your Future Planning


ii          Revisit the personal audit you created in Part 2 and consider the gaps where you need to develop and/or improve competencies.

Present a Personal Development Plan which shows what you have identified as your development needs, what you intend to do, how you intend to do this and by when. The skills audit and your reflection should provide the basis for your plan.

  • Is your PDP realistic and achievable?
  • Are there any extra goals or targets you want to add?
  • Who may help you achieve these goals or targets? (from the workplace/organisations/another source)
  • What learning or training course do you need to participate in to help you achieve your goals and targets?
  • Are the target dates practical?












 Marking guidelines


Identify and critique competencies  Present evidence through a personal skills audit   Critical reflection and action plan  Present information in the form of a portfolio audience appropriate
<40% Little evidence of relevant information No evidence of analysis. No application or use of the theories, models and concepts;Lacks PDP Unacceptable in terms of style, language & referencing. No bibliography
40 – 49% Over-reliance on one source/web based sources, rather than a range of credible sources. Little evidence of personal analysis. Information presented from minimal review of experience Minimal application and use of the theories, models and concepts;PDP is evident but unrealistic and limited in scope Major deficiencies in style and language. Questionable attribution of sources.
50 – 59% Some relevant research but lacking in extent and level Weak analysis of personal information. Lacking any obvious consideration of personal development. Some application and use of the theories, models and concepts;PDP is clear but pedestrian. Style and language generally clear. Some minor errorsAttempts at attribution of sources.
60 – 69% Broad research but not all relevant to the assignment brief Generally competent personal audit and realstic analysis but lacking in any real depth Detailed application and use of the theories, models and concepts;PDP is detailed and captures a range of specific realistic   objectives. No major shortcomings in style and language.Appropriate referencing. Well structured
70+%  Extensive research demonstrating breadth of information required. Comprehensive analysis and presentation of presonal audit demonstrating evidence to meet criteria identified. Detailed application and use of the theories, models and concepts. Critical evaluation of the models and concepts.PDP is broad and flows logically from the personal audit. Clear, logical and error-free. Comprehensive bibliography. All sources appropriately referenced.


The marking guidelines indicate areas for reflection for your future work and are to supplement the feedback on your frontsheet.


Mark _________ %                     

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