NURS FPX 5003 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population Essay Example

NURS FPX 5003 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population Essay Example

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 3: Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse PopulationNURS FPX 5003 Assessment 3: Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population

NURS FPX 5003 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population Assignment Brief

Course: NURS FPX 5003 Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 3 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population

Assignment Overview:

The purpose of this assignment is to develop an intervention and health promotion plan tailored for diverse populations. As a nursing student enrolled in NURS FPX 5003, you will explore strategies to address healthcare disparities among ethnic and racial minority groups. Through evidence-based practices, cultural competence, and effective communication strategies, you will devise a plan to promote health equity and improve outcomes for underserved communities.

The Student’s Role:

As a nursing student enrolled in NURS FPX 5003, your role is to develop a comprehensive intervention and health promotion plan for diverse populations. You will research evidence-based strategies, cultural competency principles, and effective communication techniques to address healthcare disparities. Through critical analysis and creative problem-solving, you will design a plan that aims to improve health outcomes and promote equity among ethnic and racial minority groups.

NURS FPX 5003 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population Essay Example

Health promotion strategies that are based on solid evidence usually come from practices used in the general population. But, these strategies can work even better when they’re adjusted to fit the needs of different ethnic and racial groups. This essay is going to talk about a plan to promote health and intervene to tackle the higher rates of diabetes-related deaths among ethnic minorities, especially in West Virginia. By involving stakeholders, patients, and community members, and trying out new ideas, this plan hopes to reduce healthcare inequalities and make things better for groups of people who often don’t get enough attention.

Key Components of the Intervention and Health Promotion Plan

Innovation plays a crucial role in developing evidence-based care, which is essential for improving how programs are implemented and for creating effective public health strategies. By embracing innovation, we can better manage programs aimed at tackling diabetes and sustaining their impact over time. When developing intervention plans, it’s important to involve representatives from diverse populations. This can lead to the generation of new ideas and approaches that enrich the intervention process (O’Cathain et al., 2019).

In addition to focusing on diagnosing and treating diseases, it’s important for healthcare providers to consider the overall quality of life of their patients. Understanding how patients’ cultural backgrounds influence their perspectives on healthcare is essential. Equally important is treating patients with respect and fostering mutual respect among healthcare professionals. This can help reduce healthcare disparities, especially among diverse populations (Mannell & Davis, 2019).

Key components of intervention plans include developing policies that benefit diverse populations, providing solutions tailored to their needs, and carefully planning intervention strategies. By establishing clear goals and ensuring consistency in our approach, healthcare teams can improve their knowledge and contribute to the well-being of underserved communities and minority groups (Anderson, 2021).

Evaluation Criteria for Success

Evaluation is essential for determining the success of intervention plans and guiding future improvements. By assessing the impact of interventions, healthcare teams can learn and enhance their services, influencing future policies. Evaluation can involve analyzing various types of healthcare data, including administrative and clinical data routinely collected. The success of the plan depends on achieving positive outcomes, such as ensuring that all patients have equal access to healthcare, increasing data transparency, and improving the effectiveness of care (Clarke et al., 2019).

Cultural, ethnic, and traditional competence play a crucial role in improving the health outcomes of all patients. Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services tailored to individual preferences helps reduce health disparities across diverse populations. Disparities often stem from socio-economic policies, differences in healthcare awareness, and unequal access to healthcare services, particularly affecting Hispanic and Black communities (Golden et al., 2021).

Addressing Disparities in Diverse Populations

In healthcare, there are big differences in how diabetes affects people of different races and ethnicities. Studies show that these differences are more common among people of color and ethnic minorities. Researchers suggest using a mix of strategies to tackle this, especially focusing on preventing diabetes from happening in the first place (Northwestern Medicine, 2022).

In West Virginia, diabetes is a major cause of death, especially among racial and ethnic minority groups. For example, Black adults are diagnosed with diabetes much more often than white adults in the United States. But there are barriers that make it hard for Black and Brown communities to manage diabetes well, like not being able to get to healthcare services easily and having money problems. Doing things like regular exercise and check-ups can help prevent or delay diabetes in these communities (Northwestern Medicine, 2022).

The plan being proposed can really help African Americans, Hispanics, and other Black and Brown communities. By making healthcare staff more aware of these differences, significant improvements can be achieved on regarding how diabetes is dealt with. Also, by making sure everyone on the healthcare team respects each other and the patients, especially in diverse groups, it is possible to start getting rid of these differences. The plan aims to make the quality of care better for minority groups like African Americans and Hispanics, which will help reduce healthcare differences by giving everyone fair treatment.

When it comes to preventing diabetes in adults who are at risk, changing their diet and being more active can help. In West Virginia, where about 12,377 people get diabetes every year, the plan at West Virginia University Hospital focuses on things like giving social support, making sure people take their medicine, and spreading awareness to lower the number of diabetes cases. Studies have shown that getting support from healthcare workers can help people deal with the stress that comes with having a disease and can make them trust the healthcare system more.

Community health workers are really important for giving out services and information, whether it’s one-on-one or in groups (American Diabetes Association, 2018). Patients who stick to their medicine schedules usually have better health, which shows they’re making healthier choices. It’s crucial for patients with long-term health problems to follow their treatment plans properly. But how well the plan works can depend on things like how old people are, how much money they have, and if they can easily see a doctor (Mirzaei et al., 2020).

Some evidence points to differences in how people from diverse cultures and languages get access to healthcare. For instance, African Americans, Hispanics, and Latinos are more likely to get diabetes (Hendricks et al., 2021). Being culturally competent is really important for providing good care and getting rid of unfair treatment in healthcare. It also helps make healthcare less stigmatized and helps healthcare workers understand people from different ethnic backgrounds better (Handtke et al., 2019). Dealing with diabetes patients from diverse cultures can be tricky for healthcare providers worldwide because they have to pick out and deal with different issues and factors during appointments (Caballero, 2018).

Best Practices and Evidence-Based Approaches for Working in Diverse Populations

Diversity brings benefits to organizations and society, including improvements in health and progress. Healthcare workers in the United States have a crucial role in this. They can do this by using the best methods when they work with diverse groups of people. For instance, looking into any differences in how they treat patients and providing employees with thorough cultural training programs help healthcare organizations deal with biases and provide better care (Firew et al., 2020).

Cultural Competence in Healthcare Delivery

Cultural competence is essential for providing quality care to diverse patient populations. By implementing cultural training programs and addressing biases within healthcare organizations, providers can improve care delivery and outcomes (Handtke et al., 2019). Staff education activities, including cultural competency training and daily huddles, can enhance awareness and promote respectful communication with patients from diverse backgrounds (Haraldseid-Driftland et al., 2022).

Staff Education Activities

Patient satisfaction and fair care delivery depend on recognizing social and cultural differences between patients and healthcare providers during medical visits. Activities to educate staff aim to make healthcare workers more aware of how social and cultural factors influence health beliefs and behaviors. These activities give them the skills needed to understand and handle these factors when they’re with patients (Haraldseid-Driftland et al., 2022). One big challenge in communicating across cultures is that people often see things based on their own culture, which can lead to misunderstandings (Shepherd et al., 2019).

Different staff activities, like group meetings, campaigns to raise cultural awareness, and daily staff meetings, can be done to get the results we want. Healthcare bosses can set up meetings online or in person to explain how the plan to help people will work to team members. Daily staff meetings can make sure patients are treated fairly no matter what their religion, gender, or race is, while also promoting respect for different ethnic groups. Hiring more staff from minority groups can also help with these goals.

Professional Communication of Plan

Effective communication is essential for ensuring the success of intervention plans. Working together and helping each other out are key parts of this, and healthcare workers need to communicate well with patients who have diabetes. Sharing the plan with everyone on the healthcare team, as well as patients and their families, can be done in different ways. Making sure everyone gets complex health information clearly can help patients get better (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020). Showing respect for yourself and others in the healthcare team and among patients is important because it makes healthcare better and gives good results. Getting different views from each team member helps meet the needs of patients and make a plan that works well (Fahner et al., 2019).

Communication Interventions

Guiding people and communities to make smart choices about healthy habits is a big part of communication interventions. Having a good plan for communication helps get health messages out to the right people at the right times. Planning for good communication should be done carefully and on time.


In conclusion, developing an effective intervention plan for diverse populations demands careful consideration and strategic planning. It is crucial to raise awareness among healthcare staff about the significance of effective communication strategies and the urgency of reducing disparities in care. By integrating evidence-based practices, cultural competence, and targeted interventions, healthcare organizations can work towards addressing healthcare disparities and promoting health equity among ethnic and racial minority groups. Through collaborative efforts and continuous evaluation, the success of intervention plans can be optimized, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for all individuals regardless of their background or ethnicity.


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American Diabetes Association. (2018). Standards of medical care in diabetes-2018. Diabetes Care, 41(Supplement 1), S1-S159.

Buljac-Samardzic, M., Doekhie, K. D., & van Wijngaarden, J. D. (2020). Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care: A systematic review of the past decade. Human Resource Management Review, 30(1), 100693.

Caballero, A. E. (2018). Understanding the Hispanic/Latino patient. American Diabetes Association.

Clarke, A. R., Goddu, A. P., Nocon, R. S., Stock, N. W., & Chyr, L. C. (2019). Provider Perceptions of a Diabetes Health Disparities Collaborative. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 56(3), S28-S36.

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Shepherd, S. M., Willis-Esqueda, C., & Paradies, Y. (2019). Racial and Cultural Minority Experiences and Perceptions of Healthcare Provision in a Mid-Western Region. Critical Public Health, 29(2), 200-213.

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