NR-504:  Leadership and Nursing Practice Role Development Course Assignments & Discussions Study Guide

NR-504:  Leadership and Nursing Practice Role Development Course Assignments & Discussions Study Guide

NR-504:  Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development Course Assignments & Discussions Study GuideNR-504 Leadership and Nursing Practice Role Development Course Description

Contact Hours: Lecture – 48, Lab – 0, Clinical – 0

Semester Hours: Theory 3

This course applies leadership principles to the role of the MSN-prepared nurse across a variety of practice settings. Leadership-specific knowledge, skills and attitudes to assure safe, high quality care within a person-centered practice environment are integrated. The role of the MSN-prepared nurse to lead change and facilitate outcome achievement is emphasized.

Prerequisite: NR-500, NR-501, NR-506 or NR-544, NR-512

NR-504: Leadership and Nursing Practice Role Development Course Syllabus

Syllabus Overview

NR-504 Week 8 Discussion: Synthesis and Reflection of Learning (2 Versions)

NR-504 Week 6 Discussion: Collaboration Cafe

NR-504 Week 5 Assignment plus Discussion (Bundle)

NR-504 Week 4 Discussion: Leading Others: Implications of Personal Leadership Style

NR-504 Week 3 Discussion: Leading and Caring for Oneself

NR-504 Week 2 Discussion: Peer Engagement Forum (2 Versions)

NR-504 Week 1 Discussion: Leadership; Theory Application to Advanced Nursing Practice

NR-504 Course Assignments Week 3, 5 and 7

NR-504 Course Discussions: Altogether Week 1 – 8

NR-504 Discussion Questions-Answers Week 1 – 8

NR-504 Entire Course Week 1 – 8

NR-504 Week 7 Discussion: Collaboration Cafe

NR-504 Week 5 Discussion: Collaboration Cafe

NR-504 Week 5 Assignment: Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part I: Concept Map, Part II: Written Paper

NR-504 Peer Engagement Forum Week 2, 5, 6 and 7

NR-504 Week 7 Assignment: Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement Part II: Written Summary

NR-504 Week 7 Assignment, Discussion (Bundle)

NR-504 Week 4 Assignment: Engaging Others with Leadership

NR-504 Week 2 Assignment: Role of Ethics within Leadership

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Course Number: NR504
Course Title: Leadership Within Healthcare Professions
Course Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisite: MSN students: NR500

MPH students: MPH500

Course Description

With an interdisciplinary viewpoint, the student will explore personal and strategic leadership components for diverse healthcare settings. The course emphasizes leadership concepts including communication, ethics, negotiation, advocacy, and work environment. Information related to living leadership within teams, systems, communities, and professional organizations are discussed. With the use of active learning, students will be able to practice problem-solving and change techniques in selected leadership scenarios.

You can also read another study guide on nursing assignments for students from another post on NR-505: Advanced Research Methods Evidence-Based Practice Course Assignments & Discussions.

Textbooks and Resources

Required Textbooks

The following books are required for this course:

Dickson, G. & Tholl, B. (2014). Bringing leadership to life in health: LEADS in a caring environment. London: Springer.

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Optional Textbooks

The following books are required for this course:

Access E-Book

Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: Building better partnerships for sustainable health (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Physical Books and Supplies

To obtain all your books and supplies, visit the online Chamberlain bookstore at

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Textbooks and Resources

Required Textbooks

The following books are required for this course:

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (year of publication). Title of textbook in italics (X ed.). City, ST: Publisher.

Information regarding supplementary material, software, etc.

The following book is required across all FNP courses:

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

The following book is recommended across all FNP courses:

Goroll, A.H., & Mulley, A.G. (2014). Primary care medicine: Office evaluation and management of the adult patient (7th ed.). China: Wolters Kluwer.

Physical Books and Supplies

To obtain all your books and supplies, visit the online Chamberlain bookstore at

Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes of Chamberlain nursing programs can be found in the Program Descriptions section of your College Catalog. You can access your College Catalog at

The MSN program outcomes are aligned with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing publication, The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (2011). Upon completion of the MSN degree program, the graduate will be able to:

  1. Practice safe, high-quality advanced nursing care based on concepts and knowledge from nursing and related disciplines.
  2. Construct processes for leading and promoting quality improvement and safety in advanced nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
  3. Use contemporary communication modalities effectively in advanced nursing roles.
  4. Evaluate the design, implementation and outcomes of strategies developed to meet healthcare needs.
  5. Develop a plan for lifelong personal and professional growth that integrates professional values regarding scholarship, service and global engagement.
  6. Apply legal, ethical and human-caring principles to situations in advanced nursing practice.
  7. Design patient-centered care models and delivery systems using the best available scientific evidence.
  8. Manage human, fiscal and physical resources to achieve and support individual and organizational goals.
  9. Compose a plan for systematic inquiry and dissemination of findings to support advanced nursing practice, patient-care innovation, and the nursing profession.
  10. Collaborate interprofessionally in research, education, practice, health policy and leadership to improve population health outcomes.
  11. Apply principles of informatics to manage data and information in order to support effective decision making.

MPH Program Outcomes

The MPH program outcomes are aligned with the Council for Education of Public Health (CEPH) accreditation criteria (2011) and the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) publication, a Master of Public Health Degree for the 21st Century (2014).

At the completion of the Chamberlain MPH program, the graduate will be able to

  1. Articulate the history and philosophy of the professional discipline of public health relative to its core values, concepts, functions, and leadership roles.
  2. Utilize quantitative methods and epidemiologic tools to assess, monitor, and review the health status of populations and their related determinants of health and illness.
  3. Apply evidence-based reasoning and health informatics approaches to the process of program planning, development, budgeting, management, and evaluation in public health organizations and public health interventions to improve community health outcomes.
  4. Specify approaches for assessing, preventing, and controlling environmental hazards that pose risks to human health and safety.
  5. Apply theoretical constructs of social change, health behavior, and social justice in planning public health interventions.
  6. Develop public health programs and strategies responsive to the diverse cultural values and traditions of the communities being served.
  7. Practice systems thinking techniques and problem solving to understand and respond to the dynamic interactions among sectors, organizations and public health professionals in improving public health.
  8. Demonstrate leadership abilities as effective collaborators and coordinators within and across organizations and as members of interdisciplinary and interprofessional teams.
  9. Communicate public health messages to a variety of audiences using targeted written, mass media and electronic communication, and social marketing.
  10. Apply the ethical, legal, economic, political, and regulatory dimensions of healthcare and public health policy to developing, evaluating, and advocating for public health policies.

Course Outcomes

Chamberlain College of Nursing courses are built to align course content with specific Course Outcomes (COs). The COs define the learning objectives that the student will be required to comprehend and demonstrate by course completion. The COs that will be covered in detail each week can be found in the Overview page in that particular week. Whenever possible, a reference will be made from a particular assignment or discussion back to the CO that it emphasizes.

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to do the following.

  1. Analyze leadership qualities that facilitate collaboration and cooperation at the individual, team, community, and organizational levels within diverse healthcare settings to foster human health. (MPH PO 1, MSN PO 1, 7)
  2. Analyze goal-directed leadership actions that foster positive healthcare outcomes and effective processes at individual, community, and global healthcare settings. (MPH PO 7, MSN PO 2)
  3. Develop personal and strategic communication modalities that foster negotiation, advocacy, and positive work environments within diverse healthcare settings. (MPH PO 9, MSN PO 3)
  4. Incorporate evidenced-based reasoning and a questioning attitude to influence a culture of sustainable innovation and change to strengthen current and future healthcare organizations. (MPH PO 3, MSN PO 4)
  5. Incorporate ongoing leadership character development, values and ethical principles into a living leader role that collaborates with and engages individuals, teams, agencies, and organizations locally as well as globally. (MPH PO 8, MSN PO 5)
  6. Analyze techniques that foster goal-directed decision-making that foster priority setting, innovation, and dynamic interactions within diverse healthcare settings. (MPH PO 6, MSN PO 6, 8)

NR-504: Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development Course: A Comprehensive Guide

NR 504 Week 8 Discussion:

In this section NR 504 Week 8 Discussion, you will have the chance to synthesize what you’ve learned and reflect on your education thus far. Have deep conversations in which you investigate other points of view.

NR 504 Week 6 Discussion:

Leadership in the nursing profession relies heavily on collaboration. During the sixth week of NR 504 Week 8 Discussion: Collaboration Cafe is a meeting place for nurses to collaborate and share ideas.

NR 504 Week 5

Work Added On Assignment and discussion are combined into one convenient package called “NR 504 Week 5 Discussion.” Research the idea of “leading a culture of excellence” in depth, and then show what you’ve learned by composing a concept map and an essay.

NR 504 Week 3 Discussion:

Self-care is the foundation of effective leadership. NR 504 Topics for the NR 504 Third Week The need of self-care for nursing leaders is highlighted in Leading and Caring for Oneself. NR 504 Discuss ways to keep yourself healthy and happy, and compare notes on what works for you.

NR 504 Week 2 Discussion:

Peer interaction is a useful learning opportunity. NR 504 Discussion from NR 504 Week 2: The Peer Engagement Forum provides a venue for deep conversations with your peers. Develop a strong network while sharing your knowledge and absorbing that of others.

NR 504 Week 1 Discussion:

In advanced nursing practice, leadership theories are crucial. The NR 504 first week’s discussion in NR 504 on Leadership: NR 504 Theory Application to Advanced Nursing Practice examines how leadership theories are used in the nursing profession. Participate in discussions and evaluate their applicability to your practice.

NR 504 Course Assignments Week 3, 5, and 7

NR 504 Course Assignments provide a set of tasks intended to improve your knowledge and leadership abilities. Each task focuses on a different facet of leadership and offers chances for introspection and personal development.

NR 504 Course Discussions:

From NR 504 Course Discussions Weeks 1 through 8, you’ll have lively group conversations with your classmates about a wide range of issues connected to leadership and nursing practice. Learn more by hearing other people’s viewpoints and discussing what you’ve learned.

NR 504 Discussion Questions-Answers

Each NR 504 Discussion week’s worth of material includes a set of questions designed to promote in-depth thought and lively discussion. If you want to impress people with your expertise and have interesting conversations, try your hand at these questions.

NR 504 Entire Course

All of the NR 504 course material is covered in NR 504 Weeks 1 through 8, providing a thorough education. Get involved with the course content, the assignments, the conversations, and the growth of your leadership abilities.

NR 504 Week 7 Discussion

Successful leaders understand the importance of teamwork. The Seventh Week of NR 504: The goal of the NR 504 Collaboration Cafe is to highlight the value of working together to accomplish goals. NR 504 Discuss, compare notes, and look for ways to improve your teamwork.

NR 504 Week 5 Discussion:

In this session of NR 504 Week 5 Collaboration Cafe, you will discuss the importance of teamwork in nursing administration. Take part in group conversations, exchange suggestions for improvement, and gain insight from the experiences of others.

NR 504 Week 5 Assignment:

Fostering a World-Class Work Environment Part I of the NR 504 Week 5 Paper: Concept Map The Written Paper is a deep dive into the topic of creating an excellent culture of leadership. Create a concept map and research paper that demonstrates your knowledge and ability to lead others.

NR 504 Week 2 Assignment:

The ability to lead ethically is essential. NR 504 Week 2 Ethical Considerations in the Workplace (NR 504 Week 2) Ethical issues in nursing administration are given special attention in leadership. Examine leadership scenarios through the lens of ethics, both theoretical and practical.

NR 504 Leadership and Nursing Practice:

If you want to learn how to lead others and have a deeper grasp of nursing practice, enroll in NR 504: Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development. Participate actively in class discussions and in-class activities; this will be an educational experience that will change your life.


NR 504 Week 3 Assignment: Reflective Essay


The purpose of this assignment is to promote introspective reflection related to leadership competencies which positively influence others and cultivate healthful working relationships. Students will reflect upon personal strengths and opportunities for enhancement with respect to leadership competencies, and implications of leadership competency in the selected are of MSN specialty practice.


Based upon readings and learning activities within the class lessons, reflect upon specific leadership-related competencies which you possess and leadership competencies where there is an opportunity for enhancement. Identify two specific areas of strength, and two areas for improvement. How will those competencies impact future practice as a MSN-prepared nurse in your specialty area?

NR 504 Week 5 Assignment: Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part I: Concept Map, Part II: Written Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to consider the value of a culture of excellence and leadership strategies which support a culture of excellence within the student’s selected MSN track. Students will identify organizational characteristics which support a culture of excellence. In addition, students will identify an existing organizational mission, vision, and values and create an original concept map to portray the interrelationships between each element. The extent to which the organizational mission, vision, and values reflect a culture of excellence will … examined. Leadership strategies which promote a culture of excellence and support the Chamberlain Care Model will be applied.

NR 504 Week 7 Assignment: Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement Part II: Written Summary


The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize insights gained through learning activities and personal reflection in order to create a personal leadership style and change advocacy statement. Students will record a video of themselves presenting their individual leadership style and change advocacy statement. Students will conclude by noting how the selected leadership style can facilitate the change process. A concise summary paper is included.

Course Schedule

Week, Course Outcomes, and Topics Readings Assignments
Week 1

CO 1

General Leadership

Dickson, G., & Tholl, B. (2014). Bringing leadership to life in health: LEADS in a caring environment. London: Springer.

  • Chapter 1: LEADS – A New Perspective on Leadership in Health
  • Chapter 4: Learning LEADS – A Lifelong Journey

Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: Building better partnerships for sustainable health (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

  • Chapter 1: A New Vessel for Leadership: Changing the Health Landscape in an Age of Reform

Delmatoff, J., & Lazarus, I. (2014). The most effective leadership style for the new landscape of healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Management59(4), 245-249. link to article

Graded Discussion
Week 2

COs 1 and 5

Personal Leadership Development

Arya, D. (2014). So, you must be a leader-everyone is! Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. 9(2), 8–12. link to article

Dickson, G., & Tholl, B. (2014). Bringing leadership to life in health: LEADS in a caring environment. London: Springer.

  • Chapter 2: The LEADS in a Caring Environment Capabilities Framework: The Source Code for Health Leadership
  • Chapter 3: Learning LEADS: A Lifelong Journey

Pater, R. (2013). The art of creative, high-performance leadership. Professional Safety, 58(9), 37-39. link to article

Pater, R. (2014). Overcoming the top 10 leadership mistakes. Professional Safety59(6), 30-32. link to article

Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: Building better partnerships for sustainable health (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

  • Chapter 2: Ten Complexity Principles for Leaders for Thriving in the Quantum Age

Westcott, R. (2014). Leadership challenges. The Journal for Quality & Participation, 37(1), 8-12, 32. link to article

Role of Ethics Within Leadership 

Graded Discussions

Week 3

COs 1 and 5

Personal Leadership Skills

Delmatoff, J. & Lazarus, I. (2014). The most effective leadership style for the new landscape of healthcare.     Journal of Healthcare Management59(4), 245-249. link to article

Dickson, G., & Tholl, B. (2014). Bringing leadership to life in health: LEADS in a caring environment. London: Springer.

  • Chapter 5: The LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework: Lead Self

Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: Building better partnerships for sustainable health (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

  • Chapter 8: Living Leadership: Vulnerability, Risk Taking, and Stretching  

Quiros, E. (2014). Leading people through change. Strategic Finance, 95(11), 15-16. link to article

Roop, M. (2014). Leading from behind. Strategic Finance, 96(6), 17-18, 63. link to article

Graded Discussions
Week 4

COs 1, 5, and 6

Leadership at the Team Level

Dickson, G., & Tholl, B. (2014). Bringing leadership to life in health: LEADS in a caring environment. London: Springer.

  • Chapter 6: The LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework: Engage Others

Kumar, S., Deshmukh, V. & Adhish, S. (2014). Building and leading teams. Indian Journal of Community Medicine39(4), 208-213. link to article

Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: Building better partnerships for sustainable health (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

  • Chapter 6: Leadership and Normative Conflict: Managing the Diversity of a Multifocal Workplace
  • Chapter 10: The Fully Engaged Leader: Integrated Capacity for Success 

Shetach, A. (2012). Conflict leadership: Navigating toward effective and efficient team outcomes. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 35(2), 25-30. link to article

Orientation to Second Life (required but not graded)

Engaging Others with Leadership 

Graded Discussions

Week 5

COs 2 and 3

Leadership at the Agency Level – Meso System

Porter-O’Grady, T. & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: Building better partnerships for sustainable health (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishing.

  • Chapter 9: Healing Brokenness: Error as Opportunity

Article Readings:

Barach, P. & Johnson, J.K. (2006). Understanding the complexity of redesigning care around the clinical microsystem. Quality Safety Health Care, (Suppl 1), 10-16.

         Link to article

Pranzer, R.J., Gitomer, R.S., Greene, W.H., Reagan Webster, P., Landry, K.R., & Riccobono, C.A. (2013). Increasing demands for quality measurement. JAMA, 310(18), 1971-1979. Link to article

Singer, S., Rivard, P. Hayes, J., Shokeen, P., Gaba, D., & Rosen, A. (2013). Improving patient care through leadership engagement with frontline staff: A department of Veterans Affairs Case Study. The Joint Commission, 398, 349-360. Link to article

Optional Readings:

McInnes, E., Middleton, S., Gardner, G., Haines, M., Haertsch, M., Paul, C,. & Castaldi, P. (2012). A qualitative study of stakeholder views of the conditions for and outcomes of successful clinical networks. BMC Health Services Research, 1472(12), 1-12. Link to article

Parsons, M. L. & Cornett, P. A. (2011). Sustaining the pivotal organizational outcome: Magnet recognition. Journal of Nursing Management, 19, 277-286. Link to article

Graded Discussion
Week 6

COs 2 and 5

Transformation and Change – Meso System

Porter-O’Grady, T. & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: Building better partnerships for sustainable health (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishing.

  • Chapter 1: A New Vessel for Leadership: Changing the Health Landscape in an Age of Reform
  • Chapter 2: Ten Complexity Principles for Leaders Thriving in the Quantum Age
  • Chapter 12: Coaching for Unending Change: Transforming the Membership Community

Optional Readings:

Pascale, R. & Sternin, J. (2005). Your company’s change agents. Harvard Business Review, 74-81. Link to article

Wolf, G. & Greenhouse, P. (2007). Blueprint for design: Creating models that direct change. Journal of Nursing Administration JONA, 37(9), 381-386. Link to article

Meso Level Leadership: Care Clinic Improvement Project

Graded Discussion

Week 7

COs 3 and 5

Leadership at the Professional Level

Kegler, M., Rigler, J., & Honeycutt, S. (2010). How does community context influence coalitions in the formation stage? A multiple case study based on the community coalition action theory. Public Health, 10(90), 1-11. Link to article

Nargiso, J., Friend, K., Egan, C., Florin, P., Stevenson, J., Amodei, B., & Barovier, L. (2013). Coalitional capacities and environmental strategies to prevent underage drinking. American Journal of Community Psychology, 51, 222-231. Link to article

Walsh, L., Craddock, H., Gulley, K., Strauss-Riggs, K., & Schor, K. W. (2015). Building health care system capacity: Training health care professionals in disaster preparedness health care coalitions. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 30(2), 123-130. doi:  Link to article

Wells, R. & Alexander, J. (2008). What motivates people to participate more in community-based coalitions? American Journal of Community Psychology, 42, 94-104. Link to article

Williams, E. M., Terrell, J., Anderson, J., & Tumiel-Berhalter, L. (2016). A Case Study of Community Involvement Influence on Policy Decisions: Victories of a Community-Based Participatory Research Partnership. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 13(5), doi:10.3390/ijerph13050515 Link to article

Optional Readings:

Kegler, M. & Swan, D. (2012). Advancing coalition theory: The effect of coalition factors on community capacity mediated by member engagement. Health Education Research, 27(4), 572-584. Link to article

The Professional Coalition/ Organization  Project 

Graded Discussion

Week 8

COs 1 and 6

Leadership at the Community Level

There are no assigned readings. Graded Discussion

Late Assignment Policy

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment.

In the event of an emergency that prevents timely submission of an assignment, students may petition their instructor for a waiver of the late submission grade reduction. The instructor will review the student’s rationale for the request and make a determination based on the merits of the student’s appeal. Consideration of the student’s total course performance to date will be a contributing factor in the determination. Students should continue to attend class, actively participate, and complete other assignments while the appeal is pending.

This Policy applies to assignments that contribute to the numerical calculation of the course letter grade.

Evaluation Methods

The maximum score in this class is 1,000 points. The categories, which contribute to your final grade, are weighted as follows.

Graded Item Points Weighting

(Weeks 1-7) 50 points each week

(Week 8) 25 points

375 37.5%

Role of Ethics Within Leadership

(due Week 2)

100 10%
Engaging Others with Leadership

(due Week 4)

200 20%
Meso Level Leadership: Care Clinic Improvement


(due Week 6)

200 20%
The Professional Coalition/Organization
PowerPoint Project
(due Week 7)
125 12.5%
Total 1000 100%

No extra credit assignments are permitted for any reason.

All of your course requirements are graded using points. At the end of the course, the points are converted to a letter grade using the scale in the table below. Percentages of 0.5% or higher are not raised to the next whole number. A final grade of 76% (letter grade C) is required to pass the course.

Letter Grade Points Percentage
A   940–1,000 94% to 100%
A-  920–939 92% to 93%
B+ 890–919 89% to 91%
B   860–889 86% to 88%
B-  840–859 84% to 85%
C+ 810–839 81% to 83%
C   760–809 76% to 80%
F   759 and below 75% and below

NOTE: To receive credit for a week’s discussion, students may begin posting no earlier than the Sunday immediately before each week opens. Unless otherwise specified, access to most weeks begins on Sunday at 12:01 a.m. MT, and that week’s assignments are due by the next Sunday by 11:59 p.m. MT. Week 8 opens at 12:01 a.m. MT Sunday and closes at 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday. Any assignments and all discussion requirements must be completed by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of the eighth week.

Students agree that, by taking this course, all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use posted on the site.

Participation for MSN

Threaded Discussion Guiding Principles

The ideas and beliefs underpinning the threaded discussions (TDs) guide students through engaging dialogues as they achieve the desired learning outcomes/competencies associated with their course in a manner that empowers them to organize, integrate, apply and critically appraise their knowledge to their selected field of practice. The use of TDs provides students with opportunities to contribute level-appropriate knowledge and experience to the topic in a safe, caring, and fluid environment that models professional and social interaction. The TD’s ebb and flow is based upon the composition of student and faculty interaction in the quest for relevant scholarship. Participation in the TDs generates opportunities for students to actively engage in the written ideas of others by carefully reading, researching, reflecting, and responding to the contributions of their peers and course faculty. TDs foster the development of members into a community of learners as they share ideas and inquiries, consider perspectives that may be different from their own, and integrate knowledge from other disciplines.

Participation Guidelines

Each weekly threaded discussion is worth up to 25 points. Students must post a minimum of two times in each graded thread. The two posts in each individual thread must be on separate days. The student must provide an answer to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week. If the student does not provide an answer to each graded thread topic (not a response to a student peer) before the Wednesday deadline, 5 points are deducted for each discussion thread in which late entry occurs (up to a 10-point deduction for that week). Subsequent posts, including essential responses to peers, must occur by the Sunday deadline, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week.

Direct Quotes

Good writing calls for the limited use of direct quotes. Direct quotes in Threaded Discussions are to be limited to one short quotation (not to exceed 15 words). The quote must add substantively to the discussion. Points will be deducted under the Grammar, Syntax, APA category.

Grading Rubric Guidelines

Performance Category 10 9 8 4 0

Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic decisions.

  • Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry clearly stating how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions
  • Evaluates literature resources to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis.
  • Uses valid, relevant, and reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion
  • Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry but does not clearly state how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Evaluates information from source(s) to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
  • Uses some valid, relevant, reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.
  • Discusses using scholarly inquiry but does not state how scholarly inquiry informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is taken from source(s) with some interpretation/evaluation, but not enough to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
  • Little valid, relevant, or reliable outside sources are used to contribute to the threaded discussion.
  • Demonstrates little or no understanding of the topic.
  • Discusses using scholarly inquiry but does not state how scholarly inquiry informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is taken from source(s) without any interpretation/evaluation.
  • The posting uses information that is not valid, relevant, or reliable
  • No evidence of the use of scholarly inquiry to inform or change professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is not valid, relevant, or reliable
Performance Category  10 9 8 4 0
Application of Course Knowledge –

Demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles and concepts learned in the course lesson and outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

  • Posts make direct reference to concepts discussed in the lesson or drawn from relevant outside sources;
  • Applies concepts to personal experience in the professional setting and or relevant application to real life.
  • Posts make direct reference to concepts discussed in the lesson or drawn from relevant outside sources.
  • Applies concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Interactions with classmates are relevant to the discussion topic but do not make direct reference to lesson content
  • Posts are generally on topic but do not build knowledge by incorporating concepts and principles from the lesson.
  • Does not attempt to apply lesson concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Does not demonstrate a solid understanding of the principles and concepts presented in the lesson
  • Posts do not adequately address the question posed either by the discussion prompt or the instructor’s launch post.
  • Posts are superficial and do not reflect an understanding of the lesson content
  • Does not attempt to apply lesson concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Posts are not related to the topics provided by the discussion prompt or by the instructor; attempts by the instructor to redirect the student are ignored
  • No discussion of lesson concepts to personal experience in the professional setting and or relevant application to real life
Performance Category  5 4 3 2 0
Interactive Dialogue

Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days.

(5 points possible per graded thread)

  • Exceeds minimum post requirements
  • Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts three or more times in each graded thread, over three separate days.
  • Replies to a post posed by faculty and to a peer
  • Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week.
  • Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days
  • Replies to a question posed by a peer

Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week.

  • Meets expectations of 2 posts on 2 different days.
  • The main post is not made by the Wednesday deadline
  • Does not reply to a question posed by a peer or faculty
  • Has only one post for the week
  • Discussion posts contain few, if any, new ideas or applications; often are a rehashing or summary of other students’ comments
  • Does not post to the thread
  • No connections are made to the topic
  Minus 1 Point Minus 2 Point Minus 3 Point Minus 4 Point Minus 5 Point
Grammar, Syntax, APA

Note: if there are only a few errors in these criteria, please note this for the student in as an area for improvement. If the student does not make the needed corrections in upcoming weeks, then points should be deducted.

Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.

The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition

  • 2-3 errors in APA format.
  • Written responses have 2-3 grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is generally clear, focused, and facilitates communication.
  • 4-5 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 4-5 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is somewhat focused.
  • 6-7 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is slightly focused making discussion difficult to understand.
  • 8-10 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is not focused, making discussion difficult to understand.
  • Post contains greater than 10 errors in APA format.
  • Written responses have more than 10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style does not facilitate communication.
  • The student continues to make repeated mistakes in any of the above areas after written correction by the instructor
0 points lost       -5 points lost
Total Participation Requirements

per discussion thread

The student answers the threaded discussion question or topic on one day and posts a second response on another day. The student does not meet the minimum requirement of two postings on two different days
Early Participation Requirement

per discussion thread

The student must provide a substantive answer to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course instructor (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week. The student does not meet the requirement of a substantive response to the stated question or topic by Wednesday at 11:59 pm MT.

NOTE: To receive credit for a week’s discussion, students may begin posting no earlier than the Sunday immediately before each week opens. Unless otherwise specified, access to most weeks begins on Sunday at 12:01 a.m. MT, and that week’s assignments are due by the next Sunday by 11:59 p.m. MT. Week 8 opens at 12:01 a.m. MT Sunday and closes at 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday. Any assignments and all discussion requirements must be completed by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of the eighth week.

Participation for MSN

   The Threaded Discussion Grading Grid and Rubric document can be found in Course Resources.

Participation Guidelines

Due Date: First initial posting to the required threaded discussion topic is due by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT. Peer and instructor responses are due by Sunday 11:59 pm MT. All posts for week 8 are due by the close of class on Wednesday 11:59 pm MT. Please note that the late assignment policy does not apply to the threaded discussions.

Total Points Possible: Varies with course, please see specific course syllabus. These guidelines are for a required threaded discussion worth 50 points. Please note that week 8 will be worth only 25 points.


Description of the Assignment

  1. Initial posting: This is defined to be the initial post in which the student responds to the required threaded discussion topic. The first posting by a student within the required discussion area is considered to be the initial posting and will be evaluated using the rubric criteria. Scholarship in communication is expected. Required scholarly source(s) provide specific information that thoroughly address the required topic. For the initial posting, one scholarly source must be presented. The scholarly source must be an outside source. The student may use the required course textbook (s), assigned readings and lesson information in the initial post; however, these are not considered outside scholarly sources.

The initial posting must occur before Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT. Initial postings must be at a minimum of 300 words. References do not apply toward word count. ONLY in Week 8, the initial posting must be a minimum of 200 words with a scholarly reference. It remains due by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT

  1. Peer responses: As part of the threaded discussion requirements, the student must provide a substantive response to a peer. Substantive responses pose new ideas, ask questions, and/or generally add to the discussion topic in a meaningful and constructive way.

The peer response must occur on a separate day from the initial posting and instructor response (see below). This peer response must occur before Sunday, 11:59 pm MT. This response does not require a scholarly reference unless information is paraphrased and/or direct quotes are used, then APA guidelines apply. Peer responses must be a minimum of 150 words. References do not apply toward word count.

  1. Instructor response: The student must respond to an instructor’s follow-up questions. The instructor’s question may be directed to the student or may be a question directed to another student in the section. The response must be comprehensive and scholarly in nature. Instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words. References do not apply toward word count.

The response to the instructor must occur on a day different from the initial post and a day different from the peer response. Responses to the instructor must occur before Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.

  1. For week 8 only:Students are expected to post a peer response or an instructor post but are not required to do both. These posts must be a minimum of 100 words. References do not apply toward word count. The peer or instructor response must be on a different day than the initial post and must occur before Wednesday, 11:50 pm MT due to the shorter week.

Posting Requirements:

  1. The initial posting must be provided before Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.
  2. The initial posting must have at least one scholarly outside source that is cited within the posting and referenced. Required course textbooks, assigned readings and lesson information are not considered to be outside scholarly sources.
  3. Initial posting must be a minimum of 300 words; peer responses and instructor responses a minimum 150 words.
  4. The peer responses and instructor responses must be provided before Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.
  5. All postings are substantive and relate to the graded threaded discussion topic.
  6. Only one small quote (15 words or less) within the entire initial posting is accepted.
  7. Postings must occur on 3 separate days.
  8. For week 8 only: the required postings are amended due to the shorter week. Two posts are required. One initial post and either a peer response or an instructor response. Initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and the peer or instructor response must be a minimum of 100 words. Both posts are required to be on two separate days. All posts must be made by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT

Criteria for Content

  • Scholarliness: In this category, the student will conduct a search of the current databases and locate valid, relevant, and reliable information for the required topic. Each reference must be scholarly.
  • Application of Course Knowledge: In this category, the student demonstrates the ability to analyze and apply principles, knowledge, and information learned in the course lesson and outside readings. This information is then applied to a real-life professional situation as an example.
  • Interactive Dialogue: In this category, the minimum requirements are to provide an initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT of each week. In addition, one peer response and one instructor response are required. These postings must be completed by Sunday, 11:59 pm MT of each week. The initial posting, peer response, and instructor response must be on 3 separate days.
  • Grammar, Syntax, APA: Proper grammar, APA, and syntax is required for all posts. Students should follow the APA Manual 6th Edition. Additional APA information is available in Course Resources.
  • Participation Requirement: One initial posting, one peer response and one instructor response (for a total of 3 posts for the week) are required on 3 separate days.
  • Participation Deadline: The student must provide a substantive response to the graded threaded discussion topic. This must be posted by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT of each week. Peer and instructor responses must be posted by Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.
  • For week 8 only: the required postings are amended due to the shorter week. Two posts are required. One initial post and either a peer response or an instructor response. Initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and the peer or instructor response must be a minimum of 100 words. Both posts are required to be on two separate days. All posts must be made by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. Instructor reserves the right to submit any threaded discussion posting to TurnItIn in order to verify the originality.
  2. When journals are used as the outside source of information, it is preferred that the journal be peer reviewed. The Chamberlain online librarian is very helpful in assisting you to find an article related to your topic. If you have questions concerning scholarly sources, please refer to the handout entitled “What is a scholarly source” located under “Course Resources” tab.
  3. Web sites vary in quality and scholarship. It is the responsibility of the student to determine the scholarly nature of the web site. If the instructor determines that the site failed to demonstrate scholarship, points maybe deducted. Students are cautioned to use care regarding .com sites. Some .com sites are excellent such as American Heart Association, but others are built by individuals and scholarliness is lacking. It is recommended that you check with your instructor before using a .com website as a reference.
  4. Only one small quote (15 words or less) within the entire initial posting is acceptable. It is expected that the student will paraphrase the information when presenting information from a scholarly source. The scholarly source(s) for the paraphrased information must be cited using APA format. Do not include a number of small quotes even if they are just a few words as your instructor considers a quote to be a quote no matter its limited size.

Grading Rubric

Performance Category 100% or highest level of performance


16 points

Very good or high level of performance


14 points

Acceptable level of performance


13 points

Inadequate demonstration of expectations


11 points

Deficient level of performance


9 points


Failing level

of performance

55% or less

0 points

 Total Points Possible= 50           16 Points    14 Points 13 Points        11 Points           9 Points          0 Points

Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic topics.

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information
 16 Points  14 Points  13 Points 11 Points 9 Points  0 Points
Application of Course Knowledge

Demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply principles, knowledge and information learned in the outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from and scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three of the following elements

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information and scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
   10 Points 9 Points  6 Points  0 Points
Interactive Dialogue

Initial post should be a minimum of 300 words (references do not count toward word count)

The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each (references do not count toward word count)

Responses are substantive and relate to the topic.

Demonstrated all of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 3 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 2 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 1 or less of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
  8 Points 7 Points  6 Points         5 Points          4 Points  0 Points
Grammar, Syntax, APA

Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.

The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition

Error is defined to be a unique APA error. Same type of error is only counted as one error.

The following was present:

  • 0-3 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 0-3 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is generally clear, focused on topic,and facilitates communication.
The following was present:

  • 4-6 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 4-5 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is somewhat focused on topic.
The following was present:

  • 7-9 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is slightly focused on topic making discussion difficult to understand.

The following was present:

  • 10- 12 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 8-9 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand.

The following was present:

  • 13 – 15 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand.


  • The student continues to make repeated mistakes in any of the above areas after written correction by the instructor.
The following was present:

  • 16 to greater errors in APA format.


  • Responses have more than 10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


  • Writing style does not facilitate communication
  0 Points Deducted 5 Points Lost


Demonstrated the following:

  • Initial, peer, and faculty postings were made on 3 separate days
Failed to demonstrate the following:

  • Initial, peer, and faculty postings were made on 3 separate days
  0 Points Lost 5 Points Lost
Due Date Requirements Demonstrated all of the following:

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer and one instructor responses are to be posted within the course no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.

Demonstrates one or less of the following.

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer and one instructor responses are to be posted within the course no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.


Grading Rubric Guidelines Week 8 ONLY

Performance Category  100% or highest level of performance


Very good or high level of performance


Acceptable level of performance


Inadequate demonstration of expectations


Deficient level of performance


Failing level of performance

55% or less

         8 Points         7 Points       6 Points           5 Points          4 Points          0 Points

Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic topics.

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
          8 Points        7 Points       6 Points          5 Points             4 Points       0 Points
Application of Course Knowledge –

Demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply principles, knowledge and information learned in the outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.

Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from and scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three of the following elements

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information and scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned scholarly resources to a professional experience.

Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.

Interactive Dialogue

For Week 8 only:

Initial post should be a minimum of 200 words (references do not count toward word count)

The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 100 words each (references do not count toward word count)

Responses are substantive and relate to the topic.

Demonstrated all of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 200 words.
  • The peer or instructor responses must be a minimum of 100 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 3 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 200 words.
  • The peer or instructor responses must be a minimum of 100 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
Demonstrated 2 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 200 words.
  • The peer or instructor responses must be a minimum of 100 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 1 or less of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 200 words.
  • The peer or instructor responses must be a minimum of 100 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
       4 Points 3 Points        2 Points       0 Points
Grammar, Syntax, APA

Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.

The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition

Error is defined to be a unique APA error. Same type of error is only counted as one error.  

The following was present:

  • 0-4 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 0-4 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is generally clear, focused on topic, and facilitates communication.


The following was present:

  • 5-9 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 5-9 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is slightly focused on topic making discussion difficult to understand

The following was present:

  • 10- 13 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 10-13 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand

The following was present:

  • 14 to greater errors in APA format.


  • Responses have more than 14 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


  • Writing style does not facilitate communication
           0 Points   5 Points Lost
Participation Requirements For Week 8 ONLY:

Demonstrated the following:

  • Initial, and peer or faculty postings were made on 2 separate days
Failed to demonstrate the following:

  • Initial, and peer or faculty postings were made on 2 separate days
      0 Points Lost      5 Points Lost
 Requirements For Week 8 ONLY:

Demonstrated all of the following:

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer or one instructor response is to be posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT


Demonstrates one or less of the following.

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.
  • A minimum of one peer or one instructor response is to be posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

NOTE: To receive credit for a week’s discussion, students may begin posting no earlier than the Sunday immediately before each week opens. Unless otherwise specified, access to most weeks begins on Sunday at 12:01 a.m. MT, and that week’s assignments are due by the next Sunday by 11:59 pm MT. Week 8 opens at 12:01 a.m. MT Sunday and closes at 11:59 pm MT Wednesday. Any assignments and all discussion requirements must be completed by 11:59 pm MT Wednesday of the eighth week.

*Scholarly source: Per the APA Guidelines in Course Resources, only scholarly sources should be used in assignments and threaded discussions. These include peer reviewed publications, government reports, or sources written by a professional or scholar in the field. Your textbook and lesson are not considered to be an outside scholarly source. For the discussions, reputable internet sources such as websites by government agencies (URL ends in .gov) and respected organizations (often ends in .org) can be counted as scholarly sources. The best outside scholarly source to use is a peer reviewed nursing journal. You are encouraged to use the Chamberlain library and search one of the available data bases for a peer reviewed journal article. The following sources should not be used: Wikipedia, Wikis, or blogs. These web sites are not considered scholarly as anyone can add to these. Please be aware that .com websites can vary in scholarship and quality. For example American Heart Association is a .com site with scholarship and quality. It is the responsibility of the student to determine the scholarship and quality of any .com site. Ask your instructor before using any site that you are unsure of. If the instructor determines that the site does not demonstrate scholarship or quality, points will be deducted for not using scholarly sources. Current outside scholarly sources are required for the initial posting. This is defined to be 5 years or less. Instructor permission must be obtained if using a source that is older than 5 years.

Participation for MSN

Discussion Guiding Principles

The ideas and beliefs underpinning the threaded discussions (TDs) guide students through engaging dialogues as they achieve the desired learning outcomes/competencies associated with their course in a manner that empowers them to organize, integrate, apply and critically appraise their knowledge to their selected field of practice. The use of TDs provides students with opportunities to contribute level-appropriate knowledge and experience to the topic in a safe, caring, and fluid environment that models professional and social interaction. The TD’s ebb and flow is based upon the composition of student and faculty interaction in the quest for relevant scholarship. Participation in the TDs generates opportunities for students to actively engage in the written ideas of others by carefully reading, researching, reflecting, and responding to the contributions of their peers and course faculty. TDs foster the development of members into a community of learners as they share ideas and inquiries, consider perspectives that may be different from their own, and integrate knowledge from other disciplines.

Participation Guidelines

Students must post a minimum of two times in each graded thread. The two posts in each individual thread must be on separate days. The student must provide an answer to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week. If the student does not provide an answer to each graded thread topic (not a response to a student peer) before the Wednesday deadline, 5 points are deducted for each discussion thread in which late entry occurs (up to a 10 point deduction for that week). Subsequent posts, including essential responses to peers, must occur by the Sunday deadline, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week.

Grading Rubric

Criteria A

Outstanding or highest level of performance


Very good or high level of performance 


Competent or satisfactory level of performance


Poor or failing unsatisfactory level of performance

 Total Points Possible= 100
 25 Points  20 Points   15 Points   0 Points
 Application of Course Knowledge Post contributes unique perspectives or insights consistent with current standards of practice applicable to the results from the case study. Post contributes unique perspectives or insights, but may be lacking some applicability to the case presentation.  Post has limited perspectives or insights and limited application to case presentation.  Post perspectives are not consistent with current practice.
  25 Points   20 Points   15 Points  0 Points
Support from Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Discussion posts are supported by evidence from appropriate sources published within the last 5 years. In-text citations and full references are provided. Discussion posts partially supported by evidence from appropriate sources published within the last 5 years.

In-text citations and full references are provided.

Evidence-based, peer reviewed journal article cited but may not fully support the discussion.

Discussion posts partially supported by evidence.

Sources may not be scholarly in nature or may be older than 5 years.

In-text citations and/or full references may be incomplete or missing.

Citations to non-scholarly websites given as rationale to support differential diagnoses and/or treatment plan. No evidence-based, peer reviewed journal article cited.
   25 Points 20 Points  15 Points   0 Points
Organization Post presents case study findings in a logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence; clearly relevant to topic. Post presents case study findings and plan or intervention that is sometimes unclear to follow, though relevant to topic. Post presents case findings and plan or intervention that are sometimes unclear to follow and may not always be relevant to topic. Post is not relevant to discussion question.
  25 Points 20 Points 15 Points  0 Points
Interactive Dialogue Presents findings and responds substantively to at least one topic-related post of a student peer and respond to all faculty questions posted by Friday. A substantive post adds content or insights to the discussion and is supported by references and citations as appropriate. Presents findings and responds substantively to at least one topic-related post of a student peer. Responds to some faculty questions posted by Friday. Responds to a student peer and/or faculty, but the nature of the response is not substantive. Does not respond to a topic-related peer post. Does not respond to faculty questions posted by Friday.
  0 Points Deducted 8 Points Deducted 7 Points Deducted 10 Points Deducted
Grammar, Syntax, APA

(Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing)

APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero to three errors. Four to six errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation noted Seven to nine errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are noted Post contains greater than nine errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.
  0 Points Deducted – 5 Points per Discussion Part
Participation Enters first post to part one by 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday; First post to part two by 11:59 p.m. MT on Friday. *5 points deducted per discussion part if this criteria is not met. Enters first post to part one by 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday; first post to part two by 11:59 p.m. MT on Friday; and submits written summation by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT. *5 points deducted per discussion part if this criteria is not met.

Discussion posts partially supported by evidence from appropriate sources published within the last 5 years.

In-text citations and full references are provided.

Evidence-based, peer reviewed journal article cited but may not fully support the discussion.

Webliography Disclaimer

The purpose of the Webliography is to provide students with annotated bibliographies of world wide websites relevant to their courses. These websites are not meant to be all inclusive of what is available for each course’s subjects and have not been sanctioned as academically rigorous or scholarly by Chamberlain College of Nursing. Please exercise caution when using these websites for course assignments and references.

Professional Portfolio

Select assignments from courses across the FNP program will be compiled as artifacts within a Professional Portfolio to demonstrate your professional growth and expertise. Your final portfolio, which will be submitted in the final course NR661, will be assessed against the learning outcomes of the program. The Professional Portfolio will include the following:

  • Reflections from Week 8 for all FNP courses
  • Five exemplar case studies (student selects top five)
  • eLogs portfolio
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Professional development plan paper from NR510

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