NURS 4220A LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth Paper Example

NURS 4220A LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth Paper Example

NURS 4220A LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth AssignmentNURS 4220A LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth Assignment

NURS 4220A LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 4220A – Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare

Assignment Title: NURS 4220A LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth Assignment

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will analyze and apply leadership strategies to promote positive social change, particularly focusing on patient quality and safety. You will address two distinct scenarios, requiring you to evaluate current leadership practices and suggest improvements that foster a supportive and effective healthcare environment.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The primary objective of this assignment is to assess your ability to apply leadership strategies that drive organizational culture and growth. You will explore different leadership styles, the concept of a just culture, and effective delegation and team-building strategies. Your analysis should demonstrate how these elements contribute to enhancing patient quality and safety.

The Student’s Role

As a student, you will take on the role of a leader within a healthcare setting. You will evaluate the scenarios provided, identify issues related to leadership and delegation, and propose actionable strategies to improve outcomes. Your response should reflect an understanding of leadership principles, legal and ethical considerations, and the importance of fostering a positive organizational culture.

Competencies Measured

This assignment will measure your competencies in the following areas:

  • Leadership Styles and Their Appropriateness:
    • Analyze whether the current leadership style is suitable for the given situation.
    • Discuss the outcomes resulting from the leadership approach used.
  • Application of Just Culture:
    • Explain the concept of a just culture.
    • Analyze how implementing a just culture could influence outcomes in a healthcare setting.
  • Legal Principles of Delegation:
    • Apply legal principles related to delegation and drug safety.
    • Provide guidance on appropriate delegation practices.
  • Educational Strategies for Delegation:
    • Develop an educational plan for effective delegation.
    • Identify tasks that can and cannot be delegated.
  • Team-Building and Development:
    • Recommend and apply strategies for team-building.
    • Enhance nursing roles and responsibilities to improve patient quality and safety.

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NURS 4220A LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth Paper Example

Scenario 1: Analysis and Recommendations

  1. Analysis of Ciera’s Leadership Style:

Ciera’s leadership style can be classified as transactional. She relies on her position of authority to enforce rules and apply consequences for errors. While transactional leadership can be effective in certain contexts, it is not appropriate for handling medication errors in a healthcare setting. By emphasizing zero tolerance for errors and punishing nurses who report them, Ciera has created a culture of fear. This has led to underreporting of medication errors, which can compromise patient safety and quality of care (Yoder-Wise, 2019).

The primary outcome of Ciera’s leadership approach is a decrease in reported medication errors. However, this does not indicate an actual reduction in errors but rather a reluctance among staff to report them. This fear-based environment can result in unaddressed mistakes, potentially leading to more severe consequences for patients.

  1. Alternative Leadership Style:

In this scenario, a transformational leadership style would be more effective. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their team members to exceed expectations by fostering a supportive and open environment. They focus on long-term goals, personal development, and team-building. By adopting this approach, I would encourage open communication, provide continuous education, and support staff in learning from their mistakes without fear of punishment (Yoder-Wise, 2019).

  1. Just Culture and Its Impact:

A just culture, as described by Paradiso and Sweeney (2019), emphasizes accountability and learning rather than blame and punishment. In a just culture, errors are seen as opportunities for improvement. Implementing a just culture on the unit would encourage nurses to report medication errors without fear of retribution. This transparency allows for the identification of systemic issues and the implementation of strategies to prevent future errors, thereby improving patient safety and quality of care.

Scenario 2: Delegation and Team-Building

  1. Response to Nursing Assistant:

Upon exploring the state nurse practice act, it is clear that delegation of medication administration to unlicensed personnel is not permissible. According to legal principles of delegation, only licensed nurses are authorized to administer medications. The nursing assistant must not perform tasks outside their scope of practice to ensure patient safety and compliance with legal standards (National Council of State Boards of Nursing [NCSBN], 2016).

  1. Education on Delegation Principles:

An educational plan for delegation should include a thorough review of tasks that can and cannot be delegated according to the state nurse practice act. For instance, Jerry can delegate tasks such as vital signs monitoring and basic care activities but not medication administration. This education should emphasize the importance of understanding each team member’s scope of practice and the legal and ethical implications of improper delegation (NCSBN, 2016).

  1. Strategies for Effective Team Development:

To develop an effective team and ensure consistency with delegation, the following strategies should be implemented:

  • Regular Training Sessions: Conduct regular training sessions on delegation principles and scope of practice to keep all staff updated.
  • Clear Communication Channels: Establish clear communication channels for discussing delegation concerns and seeking guidance when needed.
  • Team Meetings: Hold regular team meetings to review delegation practices, share experiences, and address any issues that arise.
  • Mentorship Programs: Develop mentorship programs where experienced nurses guide less experienced staff in understanding and applying delegation principles effectively (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2019).

Applying these strategies will enhance nursing roles and responsibilities, leading to improved patient quality and safety. For example, regular training sessions ensure that all staff members are aware of their roles and the boundaries of their practice, reducing the risk of errors. Clear communication channels and team meetings foster a collaborative environment where staff feel comfortable discussing and resolving delegation issues. Mentorship programs provide ongoing support and guidance, helping to build a competent and confident nursing team (ANA, 2019).


Effective leadership in nursing requires a balance of authority and support. Ciera’s transactional approach created a counterproductive environment of fear. Transformational leadership, combined with a just culture, can foster openness and continuous improvement. Additionally, proper education and strategies for effective delegation and team-building are crucial in enhancing nursing roles and ensuring patient safety and quality care. Through these approaches, leaders can promote positive social change within healthcare organizations.


American Nurses Association. (2019). Creating a nursing culture that drives patient satisfaction. American Nurse.

National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2016). National guidelines for nursing delegation.

Paradiso, L., & Sweeney, N. (2019). Just culture: It’s more than policy. Nursing Management, 50(6), 38-45.

Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2019). Leading and managing in nursing (7th ed.). Mosby Elsevier.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 4220A LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth Paper Assignment

LC4001A Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth

WU Leadership Strategies to Effect Organizational Change Discussion


Apply leadership strategies to effect organizational change for the promotion of patient quality and safety.

In this Assessment, you will review two scenarios and apply leadership strategies to effect organizational change for the promotion of patient quality and safety.

Submission Length: 2- to 3-page paper in response to 2 scenarios


Tower 6 East is a 45-bed medical unit. The nurse leader, Ciera, is a new leader, and one of the measures of her performance is based on the number of medication errors reported on her unit. As a result, she has told everyone very clearly that she will not tolerate errors and that she wants the unit to have zero medication errors each month. When an error does occur, she meets individually with the nurse, writes up the nurse’s error, and puts a report in the nurse’s performance review files. She has put two nurses on performance probation thus far. As a result, the nurses on the unit are afraid to report when an error occurs, and they have begun to cover for each other and not report errors. You are a staff nurse on the unit and you want to serve as a leader and create a blame-free environment.

In your response, address the following:

  1. Identify and explain whether Ciera’s leadership style toward medication errors on the nursing unit is appropriate and explain why. Then, provide at least one outcome result from Ciera’s leadership approach on the nursing unit. (Yoder-Wise, P. (2019, p.498) Leading and managing in nursing (7th ed.). Mosby Elsevier.
  2. Explain what leadership style you would use to effect change in this scenario.
  3. Using the Paradiso & Sweeney article “Just culture: It’s more than policy”, explain a just culture and how a just culture might influence the outcome of medication errors on the unit.
  4. Scenario
  5. you are the charge nurse and the nursing assistant comes to you with the following question concerning an assignment she has been asked to carry out by one of the other RN’s on the floor. “Jerry pulled a patient’s dose of Digoxin and asked me to administer it because he is so behind. Am I allowed to do that?”In your response, address the following:
    1. After exploring your state nurse practice act, explain your response to the nursing assistant citing the applicable legal principles for delegation and promotion of drug safety on the nursing unit.
    2. Explain the education that would need to be provided regarding delegation principles, including the identification of items that can be delegated and items that cannot be delegated by Jerry; and, explain why the delegation educational plan you suggest is appropriate.
    3. Recommend strategies to develop an effective team that should be implemented on the nursing floor to help develop consistency with delegation. Explain how you would apply these strategies to enhance nursing roles and responsibilities for patient quality and safety as described in the scenario.

Assessment Rubric

LC4001A: Leadership for Organizational Culture and Growth: Apply leadership strategies for organizational culture and growth to promote positive social change. Assessment Rubric Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Module 1: Leadership Roles and Style Explain whether Ciera’s leadership style toward medication errors on the nursing unit is appropriate and explain why. Learning Objective 1.1: Analyze leadership styles as they pertain to medication errors Response does not adequately explain whether Ciera’s leadership style toward medication errors on the nursing unit is appropriate or does not adequately explain why. Response adequately explain whether Ciera’s leadership style toward medication errors on the nursing unit is appropriate and adequately explains why. Response clearly and completely explain whether Ciera’s leadership style toward medication errors on the nursing unit is appropriate and clearly and completely explains why. Provide at least one outcome result from Ciera’s leadership approach on the nursing unit. Learning Objective 1.2: Analyze the outcomes resulting from leadership approaches Response does not adequately provide at least one outcome result from Ciera’s leadership approach on the nursing unit. Response adequately provides at least one outcome result from Ciera’s leadership approach on the nursing unit. Response clearly and completely provides at least one outcome result from Ciera’s leadership approach on the nursing unit. Explain what style you would use to affect change in Scenario 1. Response does not adequately explain the style you would use to Response adequately explains the style you Response clearly and thoughtfully explains the style you would use to © 2020 Walden University 2 Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Learning Objective 1.3: Recommend leadership styles to address challenging scenarios affect change in the scenario. would use to affect change in the scenario. affect change in the scenario. Module 2: Just Culture Explain how a just culture might influence the outcome of medication errors on the unit. Learning Objective 2.1: Explain the impact of a Just Culture on medication error Response does not adequately explain how a just culture might influence the outcome of medication errors on the unit. Response adequately explains how a just culture might influence the outcome of medication errors on the unit. Response clearly and completely explains how a just culture might influence the outcome of medication errors on the unit. Module 3: Delegation Explain your response to the nursing assistant citing the applicable legal principles for delegation and promotion of drug safety on the nursing unit. Learning Objective 3.1: Apply legal principles on delegation and promotion of drug safety to nursing scenarios Response does not adequately explain your response to the nursing assistant citing the applicable legal principles for delegation and promotion of drug safety on the nursing unit. Response adequately explains your response to the nursing assistant citing the applicable legal principles for delegation and promotion of drug safety on the nursing unit. Response clearly and completely explains your response to the nursing assistant citing the applicable legal principles for delegation and promotion of drug safety on the nursing unit. Explain the education that would need to be provided regarding delegation principles, including the identification of items that Response does not adequately explain the education that would need to be provided regarding delegation principles or Response adequately explains the education that would need to be provided regarding delegation principles, including the Response clearly and completely explains the education that would need to be provided regarding delegation principles, © 2020 Walden University 3 Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations can be delegated and items that cannot be delegated by Jerry. Learning Objective 3.2: Analyze the education needed to appropriately apply delegation principles does not include the identification of items that can be delegated or items that cannot be delegated by Jerry. identification of items that can be delegated and items that cannot be delegated by Jerry. including the identification of items that can be delegated and items that cannot be delegated by Jerry. Explain why the delegation educational plan you suggest is appropriate. Learning Objective 3.3: Justify the selection of an educational plan Response does not adequately explain why the delegation education plan you suggest is appropriate. Response adequately explains why the delegation education plan you suggest is appropriate. Response clearly and completely explains why the delegation education plan you suggest is appropriate. Module 4: Team-Building Strategies Recommend team building strategies that should be implemented on the nursing floor to help develop consistency with delegation. Learning Objective 4.1: Recommend team-building strategies for developing delegation consistency Response does not adequately recommend team-building strategies that should be implemented on the nursing floor to help develop consistency with delegation. Response adequately recommends team-building strategies that should be implemented on the nursing floor to help develop consistency with delegation. Response thoughtfully and clearly recommends teambuilding strategies that should be implemented on the nursing floor to help develop consistency with delegation. Explain how you would apply these team-building strategies to enhance nursing roles and Response does not adequately explain how you would apply the selected team-building Response adequately explains how you would apply the selected teambuilding strategies to Response clearly and completely explains how you would apply the selected team-building © 2020 Walden University 4 Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations responsibilities for patient quality and safety as described in Scenario 2. Learning Objective 4.2: Apply team-building strategies to enhance nursing roles and responsibilities strategies to enhance nursing roles and responsibilities for patient quality and safety as described in the scenario. enhance nursing roles and responsibilities for patient quality and safety as described in the scenario. strategies to enhance nursing roles and responsibilities for patient quality and safety as described in the scenario. Professional Skills Assessment Professional Writing Professional Writing: Clarity, Flow, and Organization Content contains significant spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax errors. Writing does not demonstrate adequate sentence and paragraph structure and requires additional editing/proofreading. Key sections of presented content lack clarity, logical flow, and/or organization. Content contains few spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax errors. Writing demonstrates adequate sentence and paragraph structure and may require some editing. Content presented is satisfactorily clear, logical, and/or organized, but could benefit from additional editing/revision. Content is free from spelling, punctuation, and grammar/syntax errors. Writing demonstrates appropriate sentence and paragraph structure. Content presented is clear, logical, and well-organized. Professional Writing: Context, Audience, Purpose, and Tone Content minimally or does not demonstrate awareness of context, audience, and/or purpose. Writing is not reflective of professional/scholarly tone Content demonstrates satisfactory awareness of context, audience, and purpose. Tone is adequately professional, scholarly, and/or free from Content clearly demonstrates awareness of context, audience, and purpose. Tone is highly professional, scholarly, and free from bias, and style is © 2020 Walden University 5 and/or is not free of bias. Style is inconsistent with the professional setting/workplace context and reflects the need for additional editing. bias, and style is mostly consistent with the professional setting/workplace context. appropriate for the professional setting/workplace context. Professional Writing: Originality, Source Credibility, and Attribution of Ideas Content does not adequately reflect original writing and/or paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates inconsistent adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and reference. There are numerous and/or significant errors. Content adequately reflects original writing and paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates adequate adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and references. There are one or two minor errors. Content reflects original thought and writing and proper paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates full adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and references.

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