NRS 430 Nursing Standards Discussions

NRS 430 Nursing Standards Discussions

NRS 430 Nursing Standards Discussions

NRS 430 Nursing Standards Discussions

NRS 430 Topic 4 Discussions GCU
NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1
Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state, including discussion of the entities involved in developing the standards of practice and how the standards of practice influence the nursing process for your areas of specialty.


A professional organization has a responsibility to its members and to the
public it serves to develop the scope and standards of practice for its profession. The American Nurses Association (ANA), the professional organization
for all registered nurses, has long assumed the responsibility for developing
and maintaining the scope of practice statement and standards that apply to
the practice of all professional nurses and also serve as a template for evaluation of nursing specialty practice. Both the scope and standards do, however,
belong to the profession and thus require broad input into their development
and revision. Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, Third Edition describes
a competent level of nursing practice and professional performance common
to all registered nurses.

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Description of the Scope of Nursing Practice
The Scope of Nursing Practice describes the “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,”
“why,” and “how” of nursing practice. Each of these questions must be answered
to provide a complete picture of the dynamic and complex practice of nursing
and its evolving boundaries and membership. The definition of nursing provides a succinct characterization of the “what” of nursing. Registered nurses
and advanced practice registered nurses comprise the “who” constituency and
have been educated, titled, and maintain active licensure to practice nursing.
Nursing occurs “when”ever there is a need for nursing knowledge, wisdom,
caring, leadership, practice, or education, anytime, anywhere. Nursing occurs
in any environment “where” there is a healthcare consumer in need of care,
information, or advocacy. The “how” of nursing practice is defined as the ways,
means, methods, and manners that nurses use to practice professionally. The
“why” is characterized as nursing’s response to the changing needs of society
to achieve positive healthcare consumer outcomes in keeping with nursing’s
social contract with an obligation to society. The depth and breadth in which
individual registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses engage in
the total scope of nursing practice is dependent on their education, experience,
role, and the population served.
These definitions are provided to promote clarity and understanding for all
Healthcare consumers are the patients, persons, clients, families, groups, communities, or populations who are the focus of attention and to whom the registered nurse is providing services as sanctioned by the state regulatory bodies.
This more global term is intended to reflect a proactive focus on health and
wellness care, rather than a reactive perspective to disease and illness.

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