NRS-434VN Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child Essay

NRS-434VN Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child Essay

NRS-434VN Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child Essay
Developmental Assessment for Children
Children undergo a series of stages indicating their growth and development, and obtaining important data through assessments are vital. Various aspects are included in the assessment such as speech, cognition, motor skills, etc. Developmental assessments help monitor the developmental stage that a child is in and if it is appropriate for his or her age. In addition to this, the assessments will determine whether there are children with special needs that require extra attention and some modifications in some areas of their lives NRS-434VN Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child Essay. The assessment skills of the one conducting the assessment are important, but the process does not solely lie on the assessor, it also requires the involvement of the parents and the caregiver of the children.
The data gathered during an assessment is subject to differences because of the varying needs of children depending on their age. Aside from age, the data gathering is also different depending on the developmental stage, and skills of a child. An example of this is the level of involvement of the child’s caregiver which appears higher for 5-year-old children in comparison to 12-year old ones because younger children are still learning how to communicate more effectively. Another example is conducting a standardized examination in written form, which is a good technique for children who are skilled in reading and writing but is not appropriate for younger children who have not yet acquired these skills. In addition to these, the exposure of children to different stimuli such as school highly affects the child’s developmental progress (Li, et al. 2017). These factors alter the approach during the assessment of children because the specific needs of children of varying ages and stages should be met (Milner, et al. 2019) NRS-434VN Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child Essay.
The physical development of children also varies, most especially during their growing years. School-age children have good motor skills described as smooth and strong execution, but some aspects are still developing such as endurance, balance, and coordination. These skills including fine motor heavily dictate their ability to perform daily activities like washing the dishes, writing, and buttoning shirts.
Clyde is a 7-year-old boy, delivered as a full-term baby without significant birth issues. Clyde received nutrition through breastfeeding for the first 6 months before he was slowly weaned off to try ingesting soft foods. He demonstrated rolling over at 4 months, sitting without support at 6 months, and standing with a high guard at 9 months which are all considered as expected physical development of children at the given ages. Stair negotiation, ball-kicking, and skipping are also demonstrated promptly. During the following years, improvement in communication skills also became evident. Clyde can follow and understand simple instructions at 2 years of age at 5 years of age, Clyde can speak in clear, full sentences when engaging in a conversation, and can narrate stories with knowledge of reality versus fantasy (Edgar, et al. 2018). Clyde has a great relationship with both parents, and with other members of the family. Some limitations were noted by the mother when Clyde suffered a fracture in the distal radius of his left hand due to a bad fall at 6 years old. This injury resulted in deformation and some limitations in movement minimally affecting fine motor activities. Clyde is showing positive behavior despite dependence on his parents and caregivers due to his past injury.
Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory focuses on an individual’s thought processes. This also tackles how these thought processes influence an individual’s perspective and how he or she interacts with the environment (Sanghvi, 2020). The theory of Piaget mentions four stages of development and at 7 years of age, Clyde is in the concrete operational stage. This stage is when a child begins to have a better understanding of mental operations, wherein logical train of thoughts can be expected regarding a concrete event, but still has difficulty in grasping abstract thoughts (Marwaha, et al. 2017).
During the assessment, Piaget’s cognitive development theory will be helpful with the aid of Clyde’s mother or caregiver to bring out the skills and abilities of Clyde. The child already has skills in communicating with other people and this will make the assessment easier, most especially when giving out instructions to gather data. Using Piaget’s theory, props and other learning aids may be useful when conducting the assessment, because this will not only make Clyde understand and communicate better, but it will also lengthen his attention span and engagement in the activities required by the assessor. Being at a stage that is already logical, physical, behavioral, cognitive skills, and responses of Clyde can be challenged to also address the reported difficulty of Clyde in certain activities. His perspective about the injury and its impact on his life should be also considered as it also affects his mental state and his behavior towards his environment. Activity modification should be provided to aid in a holistic intervention that will improve the quality of life of Clyde NRS-434VN Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child Essay.
Edgar, L., Roberts, S., & Holmboe, E. (2018). Milestones 2.0: a step forward. Journal of graduate medical education, 10(3), 367-369.
Li, Y. W., Han, X., & Wang, T. Y. (2017). Innovation: an eternal theme in the development of pediatrics. Chinese Medical Journal, 130(23), 2773.
Marwaha, S., Goswami, M., & Vashist, B. (2017). Prevalence of Principles of Piaget’s Theory Among 4-7-year-old Children and their Correlation with IQ. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 11(8), ZC111.
Milner, K. M., Bhopal, S., Black, M., Dua, T., Gladstone, M., Hamadani, J., … & Lawn, J. E. (2019). Counting outcomes, coverage and quality for early child development programmes. Archives of disease in childhood, 104(Suppl 1), S13-S21. NRS-434VN Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child Essay.
Sanghvi, P. (2020). Piaget’s theory of cognitive development: a review. Indian Journal of Mental Health, 7(2).
The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-aged child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old and discuss the following:

Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children. Describe how you would modify assessment techniques to match the age and developmental stage of the child. NRS-434VN Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child Essay
Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Identify the age of the child and describe the typical developmental stages of children that age.
Applying developmental theory based on Erickson, Piaget, or Kohlberg, explain how you would developmentally assess the child. Include how you would offer explanations during the assessment, strategies you would use to gain cooperation, and potential findings from the assessment.

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