Nursing Databases

Nursing Databases

Nursing Databases
Best Bets!

CINAHL Plus with Full Text

Best Bet

Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature: a large collection of journals and e-books on many nursing and allied health topics.

Best Bet
Coverage of biomedical literature worldwide that includes MEDLINE, plus many conference abstracts and EU journals not found elsewhere. Particularly strong in drug and pharmacology information. Nursing Databases

MEDLINE with Full Text

Best Bet

Millions of references to journal articles in life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine; indexed with the National Library of Medicine’ Medical Subject Headings (MESH).

ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Database

Best Bet
Place your order now, we write everything from scratch

Includes abstracts and indexing that covers nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and related topics. It also includes dissertations and can be a good source for grey literature.


Best Bet

Includes the MEDLINE database, plus in process-citations, “Ahead of Print” items, NIH-funded research projects, books from the NCBI Bookshelf, and selected items from PubMed Central. Learn how to locate full text available through Walden University Library in PubMed.

TRIP Database

Best Bet

TRIP (Turning Research into Practice) is a freely-accessible database that includes evidence-based synopses, clinical answers, systematic reviews, guidelines, and tools. It does not automatically link to Walden subscriptions; may use Google Scholar to find full text.


CINAHL & MEDLINE Combined Search

CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature and includes peer-reviewed articles, reports of evidence-based practice, case studies, systematic reviews, and more.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

An independent, well-respected source of evidence to inform healthcare decision making. Includes full-text PDF versions of the Cochrane Reviews and the Cochrane Protocols.


Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)

Open Access database that includes critical appraisals of systematic reviews, particularly those addressing the effects of health interventions. While DARE doesn’t include the full text of the systematic reviews, it does include citations to the original research.
Note: This is the archived version. The site was last updated March 31, 2015.


JBI EBP Database (formerly Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database)

Systematic reviews, evidence summaries, and best practice information sheets developed by an Australian-based university research and development institution.


Ovid Nursing Books

Search or browse helpful nursing and medical reference titles.

Ovid Nursing Journals Full Text

This is a small collection of full text nursing journals. They range in scope from general nursing to specializations such as emergency and dermatology nursing. All titles are also indexed in CINAHL.


ProQuest Health & Medical Collection

Similar to ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health, with an overlapping journal set. This resource includes more health administration and consumer health titles.


The largest resource devoted to scholarly peer-reviewed literature in the behavioral sciences and mental health. Also includes book chapters, books, dissertations, and all content from PsycARTICLES (American Psychological Association journals).




Coverage is particularly strong for the life and physical sciences, medicine, and technical fields, but also includes some social sciences and humanities.

Multi-Database Searches

Thoreau Multi-Database Search Best Bet

Thoreau is a tool that searches across many of the Library databases. It is not able to search every database, but it does search enough of our resources to be a useful tool for quick, simple searches.

CINAHL & MEDLINE Combined Search

CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature and includes peer-reviewed articles, reports of evidence-based practice, case studies, systematic reviews, and more.

ERIC and Education Source Combined Search

Search ERIC, a database of 1.3 million bibliographic records maintained by the US Department of Education, and Education Source, one of the largest collections of full-text education journals, at the same time.

Political Science Complete & Business Source Complete Combined Search

The Political Science Complete and Business Source Complete Combined Search contains both practical and scholarly information on policy, legal, economic, and professional topics. Use this search to locate scholarly journal articles, case studies, company profiles, reports, conference papers, financial data, and SWOT analyses. Particularly useful for topics related to business policy and the nonprofit sector.

Psychology Databases Combined Search

Find articles in the field of psychology across multiple databases including, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycEXTRA, and PsycINFO.

PsycTESTS & Health and Psychosocial Instruments Combined Search

PsycTESTS and Health and Psychosocial Instruments are collections of assessment instruments related to a variety of fields. This simultaneous search allows you to search both databases at once to locate assessment instruments.


New / Trial Databases

New, trial, and temporary resources

COVID-19 resources
A list of librarian-recommended resources to find reliable information about the COVID-19 novel coronavirus.

Popular Databases

Frequently-used databases

Education Source


Education Source covers all levels of education–from early childhood to higher education as well as all educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. It is the world’s largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals with many peer-reviewed titles.



ERIC, maintained by the US Department of Education, indexes over a million journal and non-journal sources focused on education research, including including work produced or funded by the U.S. Department of Education, other federal departments, state or local agencies, policy organizations professional associations, and more.

SAGE Journals


Includes current peer-reviewed journal articles in psychology, political science, management, education, and more.

SAGE Knowledge
This database contains encyclopedias and handbooks in over 20 different subject areas.



Coverage is particularly strong for the life and physical sciences, medicine, and technical fields, but also includes some social sciences and humanities.


Full Databases list


AARP State Data Center

This site provides statistics and reports on Social Security, Medicare, housing, long-term care, poverty level, caregiver estimates and more on a state-by-state level.

ABI/INFORM Collection

ABI/INFORM Collection offers over 2,000 full text resources including peer-reviewed journals, trade publications, business news, reports, and working papers. Topics include all aspects of international business, such as business trends, management practice and theory, corporate strategy and tactics, and the competitive landscape.

Academic Search Complete

A multidisciplinary database containing peer-reviewed journals, conference papers, newspapers, magazines and other materials. This database is a good starting place for topics that cross many subject areas.

Academic Video Online (AVON)

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: AVON
Academic Video Online (AVON) is a multidisciplinary collection of videos of virtually every video type: documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, demonstrations, original and raw footage including tens of thousands of exclusive titles. There are thousands of award-winning films, Academy,® Emmy,® and Peabody® winners plus newly released films and previously unavailable archival material.

Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection

ProQuest Accounting & Tax brings together highly ranked global and scholarly journals with key resources for locating quick and precise results covering current news and topics, as well as the trends and history influencing important accounting and tax issues of the day.

ACM Digital Library

ACM Digital Library is a comprehensive collection of publications put out by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). It includes a 50+year archive of over 40 ACM journals, magazines, and peer-reviewed articles as well as ACM conference proceedings and ACM SIG newsletters.


From the National Agricultural Library, search books and articles in agriculture related subjects like food and nutrition, natural resources and environment, and laws and regulation.

American National Election Studies

The American National Election Studies website provides survey data on public opinion, voting, and more. Registration and agreement to terms is required, however downloading of data is free.

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Offers data on indicators affecting children and families in the United States, including education, family and community, and well-being. Downloadable into graphs and reports.

Annual Reviews

This collection offers comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists.



Science, technology, and medicine publisher of over 290 peer-reviewed journals in Biology, Clinical Medicine and Health.

Bloomsbury Open Archives 2008-2012

Bloomsbury Open offers selected research publications in the humanities and social sciences which are published on open content licenses (Creative Commons and Bloomsbury Open license). For other years, use the following links Bloomsbury Open 2013, Bloomsbury Open 2014, Bloomsbury Open 2015,and Bloomsbury Open 2016

Bureau of Justice Statistics

The Bureau of Criminal Justice Statistics contains United States’ criminal justice statistics. Information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government can be found on this site.

Business Market Research Collection

The database contains profiles of 40,000+ companies, 600 industries, and 225,000 key executives; It includes company overviews, company histories, officers, board members, products/operations, historical financials, and more.

Business Plans Handbook

The Business Plans Handbooks contain sample business plans created by entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses.

Business Source Complete

The Business Source Complete database contains both practical and scholarly business information. You can search Business Source Complete for full text scholarly journal articles, case studies, company profiles, reports, conference papers, financial data, and SWOT analyses.


Child Care & Early Education Research Connections

Data sets from series and individual studies focusing on child development available for download and online analysis.

Child Stats

Publishes annual report “America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being.” Provides data on children by age group, ethnicity, economic status, and family structure. From the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics.

Child Trends

Reports on national trends and research on over 100 key indicators of child and youth well-being.

Children’s Defense Fund

Contains extensive list of fact sheets/data with indicators pertaining to children divided by state, including child welfare, early childhood development, education, and youth at risk.

Chronicle of Higher Education (The)

The Chronicle of Higher Education is a source for news, information, opinions, and jobs relevant to college and university students, faculty members, and administrators.

CINAHL & MEDLINE Combined Search

CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature and includes peer-reviewed articles, reports of evidence-based practice, case studies, systematic reviews, and more.

CINAHL Plus with Full Text

Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature: a large collection of journals and e-books on many nursing and allied health topics.


CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that has focused primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge.

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials

This collection includes reports published in conference proceedings and in many other sources not currently listed in MEDLINE or other bibliographic databases. This index of controlled trials and other healthcare interventions serves as the best available resource for those preparing and maintaining systematic reviews or searching for trials.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

An independent, well-respected source of evidence to inform healthcare decision making. Includes full-text PDF versions of the Cochrane Reviews and the Cochrane Protocols.

Cochrane Methodology Register

The register indexes studies relevant to the methods of systematic reviews of healthcare and social interventions. This database includes journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, conference abstracts, and reports of ongoing methodological research.

Communications and Mass Media Complete

This database contains full text articles in the area of communications, public relations, and mass media studies. It also includes profiles of noted authors in the field.

Comparative Agendas Project

This website collects information on policy changes across countries. Data may be exported into customizable charts.

Computer Science Database

Whether you’re an expert in the field or an undergraduate, ProQuest Computing delivers vital information directly to your desktop from scholarly journals and trade publications as well as consumer titles. The database includes product reviews, database design and management, software, hardware, e-commerce, website development, intranets and extranets, and technology management.

Computers and Applied Sciences Complete

This database contains journals covering the many engineering disciplines, computer theory & systems, new technologies, and social & professional context.

Counseling and Therapy in Video (See Academic Video Online )

Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volume V

The collection helps recognize mental health disorders and provide accurate diagnoses via 400+ streaming mental health videos aligned to DSM-5®/ICD-10 content. Films are used to introduce and improve understanding, recognition, and diagnosing of psychiatric disorders as well as improve clinical competency.

COVID-19 resources
A list of librarian-recommended resources to find reliable information about the COVID-19 novel coronavirus.

CQ Researcher

CQ Researcher provides in-depth reports on current events and topics of current interest. Each report provides historical background on the topic, outside commentary, pro/con arguments, chronological information, and a substantial bibliography. CQ Researcher addresses a wide range of topics including legal, political, and social issues, communication and mass media, health, education, science, and technology.

Criminal Justice Database

The Criminal Justice database contains a wide selection of journals on criminal justice, family law, drug enforcement, and rehabilitation. It contains full text journals and periodicals.

Criminological highlights

An open source Toronto-based publication, produced by academics, faculty, and librarians, which focuses on current criminological research. Archived from 1998 to present.


Data USA

Visualizations of U.S. government data.

Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)

Open Access database that includes critical appraisals of systematic reviews, particularly those addressing the effects of health interventions. While DARE doesn’t include the full text of the systematic reviews, it does include citations to the original research.
Note: This is the archived version. The site was last updated March 31, 2015.

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: DOAB
Free, academic books from over 100 publishers.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: DOAJ
Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. They cover all subjects and languages. There are over 6000 free, full-text available journals in the directory.

Disability Statistics

Created and maintained by the Employment and Disability Institute, Cornell University. Includes an interactive search tool.

Dissertations & Theses @ Walden University

The database contains full text of dissertations and theses written by Walden students.



Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: E-Commerce Statistics
E-Stats is the U.S. Census Bureau’s Internet site devoted exclusively to “Measuring the Electronic Economy.” This site features recent and upcoming releases, information on methodology, and background papers.

EBSCO ebooks

Access full-text e-books covering a wide variety of topics. The collection includes theoretical works, primary source materials, writing and research guides, technical help books, reference materials, and more.


Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system
EDGAR, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Its primary purpose is to increase the efficiency and fairness of the securities market for the benefit of investors, corporations, and the economy by accelerating the receipt, acceptance, dissemination, and analysis of time-sensitive corporate information filed with the agency.

Education Commission of the States

Search Education Commission of the States’ database. Browse by education issue, legislation, or search the knowledge base for any topic. ECS partners with education policy leaders to address issues by sharing resources and expertise.

Education Research Starters

Education Research Starters contain brief overviews of popular education topics.

Education Source


Education Source covers all levels of education–from early childhood to higher education as well as all educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. It is the world’s largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals with many peer-reviewed titles.


Coverage of biomedical literature worldwide that includes MEDLINE, plus many conference abstracts and EU journals not found elsewhere. Particularly strong in drug and pharmacology information.

Emerald Insight

Emerald is a leader in publishing management research for both the scholar and the practitioner. Be sure to search within My subscribed content to find full-text content.



ERIC, maintained by the US Department of Education, indexes over a million journal and non-journal sources focused on education research, including including work produced or funded by the U.S. Department of Education, other federal departments, state or local agencies, policy organizations professional associations, and more.

ERIC and Education Source Combined Search

Search ERIC, a database of 1.3 million bibliographic records maintained by the US Department of Education, and Education Source, one of the largest collections of full-text education journals, at the same time.

European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is an intergovernmental organisation set up for the promotion of free trade and economic integration to the benefit of its four Member States: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland.


Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: European statistics
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.

Expanded Academic ASAP (See Gale Academic OneFile Select) brings together resources from across the U.S. Government to assist American businesses in planning their international sales strategies and succeed in today’s global marketplace.


F1000 Research

Open source, peer reviewed articles as well as posters and slides in science fields including health and medicine.

FAO Document Repository

FAO documents and publications, as well as selected non-FAO publications, in electronic format. It includes publications dealing with food, food security, agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, and rural development.

Federal Agency Participation

This website, hosted by the United States government works to make federal data accessible to the public.


FindLaw provides free, general information regarding various aspects of United States law.

Free Medical Journals

Indexes over 4000 free, full text journals from various medical publishers.


Gale Academic OneFile Select

Contains many peer-reviewed journal articles and periodicals on most Walden subject areas, including psychology, business, criminal justice, and the social sciences. This database contains some full text.

Gale eBooks

The collection has encyclopedias and specialized reference resources.

Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints

This database presents viewpoint articles arguing both sides of controversial issues. The information presented also includes primary source articles, reference material, newspapers, statistics, and images.

Gale OneFile: LegalTrac

LegalTrac contains articles from major law reviews, journals, and legal newspapers on Federal and State Cases, Laws and Regulations, Legal Practice, and Taxation. Coverage includes British Commonwealth, European Union and International Law.

General Society Survey (NORC)

The General Social Survey is a sociological survey designed to track changes in attitudes, practices, and experiences in the United States.

Global Terrorism Database

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: GTD
The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist events around the world since 1970 (currently updated through 2018). GTD includes systematic data on international as well as domestic terrorist incidents that have occurred during this time period and now includes over 190,000 cases. For each GTD incident, information is available on the date and location of the incident, the weapons used and nature of the target, the number of casualties, and — when identifiable — the identity of the perpetrator.

Google Books

You might find a free, full text book or limited preview at Google Books, along with options to buy print and digital copies.

Google Public Data DIrectory

Google collects publically available data from organizations like Eurostat, OECD, U.S. Census Bureau and World Bank and offers visualizations of this data. Users may also upload their own datasets to create visualizations.

govinfo (formerly FDsys)

govinfo is the United States government’s database of government documents, covering documents and records from all three branches of the federal government.


GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize these effects.


GuideStar is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. It includes financial, contact, mission, and leadership information on every nonprofit registered with the IRS as tax-exempt.

Guttmacher Institute

The Institute produces a wide range of resources on topics pertaining to sexual and reproductive health. See also the “Data Center” page.



HathiTrust contains both full text and non-full text books. Many books in HathiTrust are not available in Google Books.

Health and Environmental Research Online (HERO)

The Health and Environmental Research Online (HERO) database contains peer-reviewed scientific literature used by the Environmental Protection Agency to produce assessments. The literature relates to human health and ecological risk topics. Nursing Databases

Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)

The Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) database provides information about approximately 15,000 measurement instruments. The full text instruments are NOT included in HaPI. Instead this database is used to discover instruments on a topic, track the history of an instrument over time, and find publisher information.

Health Services and Sciences Research Resources (HSRR)

A database from National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology for research datasets and instruments.

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: HCUP
Longitudinal hospital care data in the United States from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Highwire Press (Stanford Univ)

Facilitates access to 1.9 million full text articles mainly in the (bio)medical sciences. Most journals provide free access to back issues older than 12-24 months. Some journals also provide access to current issues.

Homeland Security Digital Library

This database contains over 82,800 documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management from a wide variety of sources including federal, state and local governments; international governments and institutions; nonprofit organizations and private entities.

Hoover’s Company Profiles (see Business Market Research Collection) Nursing Databases

Hospitality & Tourism Complete

This collection covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism. Hospitality & Tourism Complete contains nearly 950,000 records, with coverage dating as far back as 1965. There is full text for more than 530 publications, including periodicals, company & country reports, and books.



Research reports on industries in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and China. Reports include analysis of industry drivers, risk, market data and segments, competitors, and industry performance. Includes Business Environmental Profiles that summarize key drivers for industries in the U.S. Global industry reports for selected industries are also available.

IBM Technical Paper Search

IBM’s Technical Paper Search provides the scientific community with access to technical reports written by members of the IBM Research community. Some reports are available for download. Once a technical report is published in either a journal or conference proceedings, it is sometimes replaced with a reference to the external source.

ICPSR – Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Datasets

ICPSR offers more than 500,000 digital files containing social science research data. Disciplines represented include political science, sociology, demography, economics, history, gerontology, criminal justice, public health, foreign policy, terrorism, health and medical care, early education, education, racial and ethnic minorities, psychology, law, substance abuse and mental health, and more. Contact the Center for Research Quality for assistance with ICPSR.

ICT Statistics

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: ITU-D
The Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) fosters international cooperation and solidarity in the delivery of technical assistance and in the creation, development, and improvement of telecommunication and ICT equipment and networks in developing countries. Nursing Databases.

IEEE Xplore Digital Library

This database contains IEEE online society-sponsored journals, transactions and magazines including peer-reviewed journals focusing on practical applications in research, design and specification, scientific and technical content, and electrical engineering, computer science and electronics.


Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: International Labour Organization
ILO’s central statistics database ILOSTAT provides information for for cross-country statistics on the labour market. The database contains over 100 indicators covering more than 230 countries and economies.

International Federation of Social Workers Archives

The International Federation of Social Worker’s (IFSW) archive contains information dating back to 1846. The archives contain historical documents, newsletters and photos.

International Security and Counter Terrorism Reference Center

International Security and Counter Terrorism Reference Center is an in-depth database that offers information on security & counter-terrorism. Content for ISCTRC includes hundreds of full-text journals and periodicals, thousands of selected articles, news feeds, reports, summaries, books, FAQs, and Background Information Summaries pertaining to terrorism and security.

IRMA International

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Information Resources Management Association
The Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) welcomes professionals, students, and academicians to search thousands of peer-reviewed works covering all areas of technology applied to modern organizations. Aiming to enhance knowledge of current topics in Information Resources Management, Research IRM, powered by InfoSci-OnDemand, makes thousands of proceedings papers, scholarly journal articles, and book chapters available for download. Nursing Databases.


JBI EBP Database (formerly Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database)

Systematic reviews, evidence summaries, and best practice information sheets developed by an Australian-based university research and development institution.


Kaiser Family Foundation

Public opinion and research statistics on public health and healthcare policy.

Kids Count Data Center

Offers data on indicators affecting children and families in the United States, including education, family and community, and well-being. Downloadable into graphs and reports.


LearnTechLib–The Learning and Technology Library

This database provides access to peer-reviewed education technology and e-learning journals; It also has conference proceedings and e-books.

LegalTrac (See Gale OneFile: LegalTrac)

LGBTQ+ Source

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: LGBT Life with Full Text
Contains abstracts and full text articles focused on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues. Includes over 120 of the most important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers and more than 150 monographs/books. Nursing Databases

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

LISTA indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and nearly 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.


Market Share Reporter

This comprehensive book presents comparative business statistics in a clear, straightforward manner. Market Share Reporter affords an immediate overview of companies, products, and services, and cites original sources. A convenient arrangement by four-digit SIC code helps business decision makers and researchers easily access needed data for more than 3,600 entries. Each entry features a descriptive title; data and market description; a list of

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