NURS FPX 5003 Nursing Executive Summary Community Health Assessment Essay Example

NURS FPX 5003 Nursing Executive Summary Community Health Assessment Essay Example

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 4 Executive Summary: Community Health AssessmentNURS FPX 5003 Assessment 4 Executive Summary: Community Health Assessment

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 4 Nursing Executive Summary Community Health Assessment

Course: NURS FPX 5003 Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 4 Executive Summary: Community Health Assessment


In this assignment, students will get involved with the process of conducting a community health assessment and synthesizing the findings into an executive summary. The assignment aims to enhance students’ understanding of population-focused health, including the identification of health issues, needs assessment, and the development of intervention strategies.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

The primary objective of this assignment is for students to demonstrate their ability to comprehensively assess the health needs and issues within a community. Students will collect relevant data, analyze it effectively, and identify key health concerns affecting the community. They will then synthesize this information into an executive summary, highlighting crucial findings and proposing intervention strategies for addressing identified health disparities.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to act as a healthcare professional tasked with assessing the health needs of a specific community. You will engage in data collection, analysis, and interpretation to gain insights into the community’s health status. Additionally, you will propose evidence-based intervention strategies aimed at addressing identified health issues and promoting health equity within the community.

NURS FPX 5003 Nursing Executive Summary Community Health Assessment Essay Example

A community health assessment serves as a foundational tool for understanding the health needs and challenges within a specific community. It’s a thorough process involving gathering lots of information to figure out what health issues are important and what the community needs to stay healthy. This helps organizations understand what the community is dealing with health-wise and figure out the best ways to help. This report focuses on evaluating the demographics related to diabetes in West Virginia, drawing insights from healthcare professional interviews, and proposing intervention strategies to improve health outcomes, particularly in underserved populations.

Demographics Addressing Diabetes in West Virginia

In West Virginia, diabetes is a significant health concern affecting approximately 250,000 individuals, with an additional 65,300 residents suspected of having undiagnosed diabetes. In 2010, the prevalence of diabetes was slightly higher among males at 12% compared to females at 11.5%. The state boasts a diverse population consisting of White, Asian, Hispanic, African American, and other racial and ethnic groups. Education is highlighted as a crucial determinant of health, with disparities evident between individuals with and without high school diplomas. Over a decade, those without a high school diploma had a notably higher proportion of diabetes cases compared to their educated counterparts.

West Virginia’s diabetes prevalence varies across racial and ethnic groups, with around 17% of Black individuals, 16% of White individuals, 9% of Asian Americans, 7% of non-Hispanic Whites, and 11% of multiracial individuals living with diabetes. Annually, roughly 12,400 West Virginians are diagnosed with diabetes, representing approximately 16% of the adult population. The economic burden of diabetes is substantial, with medical expenses for diabetes patients being approximately 2.5 times higher than those for non-diabetic individuals. In 2017, direct medical costs for diabetes diagnosis in West Virginia amounted to $2 billion, with an additional $640 million in indirect costs attributed to diabetes-related productivity losses.

Demographics cover a wide range of community traits, like age, education, income, and employment. Epidemiology helps us make sense of disease patterns in a population, using data to understand what a community needs (America’s Health Ranking).

Insights from Healthcare Interviews

Analyzing insights from conversations with healthcare professionals can provide valuable information about healthcare issues, prevention strategies, community needs, and culturally sensitive care. Culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) are essential for ensuring fair access to healthcare for everyone, regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity. These standards can be incorporated into intervention plans and assessed based on an organization’s accomplishments and the effectiveness of its staff (Think Cultural Health).

However, implementing the National CLAS Standards may pose challenges, such as the need for more resources and guidance on understanding and applying these standards. West Virginia University Hospital has established procedures to address these challenges, including hiring skilled interpreters, offering training to current and new staff members, and collecting important patient information related to ethnicity and language. Overcoming these hurdles will help diabetic patients receive fair and high-quality care, reducing disparities in healthcare access (Think Cultural Health).

Key Components of Intervention and Health Promotion Plan

Effective public health programs rely on communicating accurate information to healthcare professionals, stakeholders, and the public, which helps in changing behaviors. Intervention plans need clear goals, well-thought-out strategies, and regular monitoring of progress. These plans improve healthcare quality, leading to better outcomes for individuals and communities. Proper training for healthcare workers is crucial for providing diabetes care in the community (Fernandez et al., 2019).

The intervention plan should include the following essential components:

  • Patients’ Awareness: Launching campaigns to raise awareness about cultural competence can change patients’ behaviors and contribute to the plan’s success (Kumela Goro et al., 2019).
  • Staff Awareness: It’s important to ensure that staff members are knowledgeable about the plan’s goals and are supportive. They should receive proper training on how to implement the interventions effectively.
  • Stakeholders’ Feedback and Support: Getting input and support from key stakeholders like patients, policymakers, and payers is crucial for successfully implementing the intervention plan (Vanaken & Masand, 2019).
  • Evaluation Criteria: Healthcare interventions are assessed using various methods. Success criteria include initiatives to educate staff, targeted campaigns for specific groups, efforts to collaborate across cultures, and improved medication adherence. Patient satisfaction is also essential for measuring the success of health management programs.

Strategies to Foster Cross-Cultural Collaboration

In healthcare, understanding and respecting different cultures is crucial for providing effective care to everyone, no matter where they come from. Conferences that focus on diversity can teach us a lot about how to make healthcare more welcoming for everyone, especially those who have been left out in the past. Teaching activities for staff can also help them learn about their colleagues’ backgrounds and the cultures of the patients they serve (Ladha et al., 2018). Success in cross-cultural collaboration can measured by looking at how healthcare quality and fairness improve.

Some of the strategies to promote cross-cultural collaboration include:

  • Spreading Awareness: Making sure everyone gets the same level of care and recognizing the importance of diversity in the community.
  • Regular Staff Meetings: Bringing together staff from different departments to talk about why it’s essential to give everyone equal access to healthcare and celebrate the diversity in the community.
  • Acknowledgment Campaigns: Highlighting the different backgrounds and experiences in the community to encourage collaboration among different groups.

Stakeholder Advocacy for Intervention

Advocating for interventions involves identifying and prioritizing key stakeholders, such as community leaders, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and investors. These stakeholders are crucial for supporting health promotion plans. Communicating the goals and benefits of the project effectively can gain their support, as they play a significant role in keeping healthcare systems updated with the latest developments. It’s essential to overcome challenges like limited resources and conflicting priorities (Byrne, 2019).

Engaging stakeholders includes:

  • Clarifying Strategic Priorities: Making sure stakeholders understand the department’s main goals and asking for their input.
  • Regular Educational Meetings: Hosting informative sessions for important stakeholders to discuss proposed interventions.
  • Encouraging Feedback: Giving stakeholders a chance to share their thoughts and concerns during meetings.

Professional Communication of Assessment

In communicating assessments professionally, it’s crucial to remember the diverse audience, including people of different races, ethnicities, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and educational backgrounds. It’s essential to communicate with respect, empathy, and understanding to ensure everyone feels valued and understood. Clear communication is key to preventing misunderstandings and making sure health improvement plans are successful (Arnold & Boggs, 2019).

Some of the effective communication methods include:

  • Genuine Engagement: Interacting sincerely with the audience and openly sharing the project’s goals and progress.
  • Summary Reports: Providing summaries of the project to stakeholders.
  • Patient-Centered Approach: Prioritizing communication strategies that focus on the needs and preferences of patients to reach a diverse audience.


In conclusion, effective intervention strategies are vital for addressing health disparities and promoting health equity within communities. Through community health assessments and stakeholder engagement, valuable insights are gained to inform these strategies. Adhering to Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards ensures healthcare equality, while clear communication and strategic planning are essential for achieving positive healthcare outcomes. Ultimately, success in healthcare interventions hinges on the implementation of these strategies and the commitment to addressing the diverse needs of communities.


American Diabetes Association. (2018). The burden of diabetes in West Virginia.

America’s Health Ranking. (n.d.). America’s Health Rankings | AHR. America’s health rankings. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from

Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2019). E-book: Professional communication skills for nurses. In Google Books. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Byrne, M. (2019). Increasing the impact of behavior change intervention research: Is there a role for stakeholder engagement? Health Psychology, 38(4), 290–296.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). National Diabetes Prevention Program. Centers for disease control and prevention.

Fernandez, M. E., Ruiter, R. A. C., Markham, C. M., & Kok, G. (2019). Intervention mapping: theory- and evidence-based health promotion program planning: perspective and examples. Frontiers in Public Health, 7(209).

Health Statistics Centre. (n.d.). HSC Statistical Brief No. 28 Diabetes and Health Equity in West Virginia: A Review.

Kumela Goro, K., Desalegn Wolide, A., Kerga Dibaba, F., Gashe Fufa, F., Wakjira Garedow, A., Edilu Tufa, B., & Mulisa Bobasa, E. (2019, May 12). Patient awareness, prevalence, and risk factors of chronic kidney disease among diabetes mellitus and hypertensive patients at Jimma University Medical Center, Ethiopia. BioMed Research International.

Ladha, T., Zubairi, M., Hunter, A., Audcent, T., & Johnstone, J. (2018). Cross-cultural communication: Tools for working with families and children. Paediatrics & Child Health, 23(1), 66–69.

Think Cultural Health, (n.d.). Culturally and linguistically appropriate services.

Vanaken, H., & Masand, S. N. (2019). Awareness and collaboration across stakeholder groups important for eConsent achieving value-driven adoption. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, 53(6), 724–735.

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