NURS IM3001A Module 2 Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution Essay Example

NURS IM3001A Module 2 Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution Essay Example

NURS IM3001A Module 2 Pre-Assessment Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution AssignmentNURS IM3001A Module 2 Pre-Assessment Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution Assignment

NURS IM3001A Module 2 Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 3110A – Information Management and Patient Care Technology

Assignment Title: IM3001A Module 2 Pre-Assessment Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution Assignment

Assignment Instructions Overview

This assignment is designed to provide students with an opportunity to practice applying the content from Module 2 of the IM3001A course. The focus is on understanding and communicating the significance of nursing informatics within healthcare. Students will prepare a 1- to 2-page information sheet intended for new graduate nurses about to begin their orientation in a nursing unit. This pre-assessment is preparatory work for the final Competency Assessment, which will involve addressing similar scenarios.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

The primary objective of this assignment is to ensure that new graduate nurses gain a foundational understanding of nursing informatics before their formal orientation with the health informatics department. Students will learn to describe the key components of nursing informatics, explain the historical evolution of health informatics, outline the goals and impacts of the HITECH Act, and elucidate the concept of meaningful use. By doing so, students will be equipped to highlight how nursing informatics enhances patient care and supports healthcare teams.

The Student’s Role

Students are expected to step into the role of an experienced nurse responsible for orienting new graduates. This involves distilling complex information into an accessible format that provides a clear and concise overview of nursing informatics. The task is to create an informative and engaging information sheet that prepares new nurses for their upcoming orientation. This exercise will help students refine their ability to communicate technical information effectively, a critical skill in nursing leadership and education.

Competencies Measured

This assignment will measure several key competencies, including:

  • Knowledge Integration: Demonstrating an understanding of nursing informatics by integrating information management and analytical sciences with nursing practice.
  • Historical Context: Providing a coherent summary of the historical evolution of health informatics, highlighting major milestones and developments.
  • Legislative Impact: Explaining the significance of the HITECH Act and its goals in promoting the adoption of health information technology.
  • Technical Communication: Clearly and effectively communicating the concept of meaningful use and its importance in improving patient care.
  • Educational Outreach: Creating an educational resource that can serve as a practical tool for new nurses, enhancing their understanding and preparedness.

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NURS IM3001A Module 2 Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution Essay Example


Nursing informatics (NI) is a specialized field that combines nursing science with information management and analytical sciences. The goal of nursing informatics is to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom within nursing practice. By integrating these elements, nursing informatics supports nurses, patients, healthcare teams, and other stakeholders across various roles and settings. This support is facilitated through the effective use of information structures, processes, and technology, ultimately helping to achieve desired healthcare outcomes (American Nurses Association, 2015).

Key Components of Nursing Informatics

Nursing informatics is a specialized field that integrates nursing science with information management and analytical sciences to improve patient care. Key components contributing to the definition of nursing informatics include data, which are raw, unprocessed facts without context such as vital signs and lab results; information, which is processed and structured data providing context, like a patient’s temperature readings over time; knowledge, which is the synthesis of information to establish relationships and provide deeper understanding, such as understanding how temperature changes correlate with patient conditions; and wisdom, which is the application of knowledge to make informed clinical decisions and solve complex health problems, reflected in the clinical judgments made by nurses based on accumulated knowledge and experience (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).

Historical Evolution of Health Informatics

The field of health informatics has evolved significantly over the decades. The exploration of computers to aid in diagnosing medical conditions began during World War II. In the 1950s, the convergence of biophysics, epidemiology, clinical documentation, and biometry led to the establishment of the International Society of Cybernetic Medicine Congress. The 1960s saw the development of early electronic health record (EHR) systems, including the first operational EHR at the University of Utah. Increased portability of computers in the 1970s-1980s made them more useful in healthcare settings. The 2000s recognized technology’s potential to revolutionize healthcare, with President George W. Bush setting a goal in 2004 for widespread EHR adoption. In 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama, significantly boosting health informatics development and implementation (Braunstein, 2018).

The HITECH Act: Goals and Impact

The HITECH Act of 2009 was a pivotal piece of legislation aimed at promoting the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. Key objectives of the HITECH Act included enhancing healthcare quality and safety by encouraging the adoption of EHRs to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare delivery; closing HIPAA loopholes by strengthening privacy and security protections for health information; providing grants and loans to healthcare providers to support the adoption and implementation of EHR systems; and establishing programs to test and certify health information technology to ensure it meets rigorous standards (Blumenthal, 2010).

Meaningful Use: Definition and Objectives

The concept of “meaningful use” was introduced as part of the HITECH Act to ensure that EHRs were used effectively to improve patient care. Meaningful use includes several stages and criteria that healthcare providers must meet: Stage 1 focused on capturing patient data in a standardized format and sharing this information to improve patient care; Stage 2 emphasized increasing the use of EHRs for tracking patient information and improving care coordination; and Stage 3 focused on improving health outcomes by using EHRs to engage patients and families, ensuring safer and more efficient care. The meaningful use program offered financial incentives to encourage healthcare providers to adopt and use EHR systems. Providers had to demonstrate compliance with specific criteria to receive these incentives, promoting widespread EHR adoption (, 2020).


Understanding the foundational components and historical evolution of nursing informatics, the objectives of the HITECH Act, and the concept of meaningful use will provide a solid baseline as new hires begin their orientation. Nursing informatics plays a crucial role in modern healthcare, enhancing patient care quality and efficiency through the effective use of technology. This foundational knowledge will support new hires as they integrate into the team and leverage informatics to deliver exceptional patient care.


American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD:

Blumenthal, D. (2010). Launching HITECH. The New England Journal of Medicine, 362(5), 382-385.

Braunstein, M. L. (2018). Health informatics in the cloud. Springer. (2020). Meaningful use definition & objectives. Retrieved from

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS IM3001A Module 2 Nursing Informatics Introduction and Evolution Essay Assignment

IM3001A Module 2 Pre-Assessment Assignment Example

Module Pre-Assessments are your opportunity to practice applying module content before final submission of your Competency Assessment. For your final Competency Assessment, you will address scenarios related to the importance of nursing informatics in healthcare.

For your Module 2 Pre-Assessment, respond to the following prompts. These prompts match those in your final Assessment. Be sure to support your responses with evidence from scholarly literature.


Write a 1- to 2-page information sheet that addresses the following scenario:

You are responsible for orienting several new graduates to your nursing unit. The new hires are scheduled to begin an orientation session with the health informatics department. Prior to the orientation, the new hires need to gain a baseline understanding of the history and evolution of nursing informatics.

To assist with their understanding, create a new-hire information sheet that addresses the following topics (1–2 pages):

  • Describe the key components that contribute to the definition of nursing informatics.
  • Provide a brief explanation of the historical evolution of health informatics in general.
  • Describe the aspects of healthcare that the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act sought to improve when it was signed into law.
  • Explain the concept of meaningful use.

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