NURS FPX 5007 Nursing Leadership Styles Application Essay Example

NURS FPX 5007 Nursing Leadership Styles Application Essay Example

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 1 Leadership Styles ApplicationNURS FPX 5007 Assessment 1 Leadership Styles Application

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 1 Leadership Styles Application Assignment Brief

Course: NURS FPX 5007 Leadership for Nursing Practice

Assignment Title: Assessment 1 Leadership Styles Application


In this assignment, you will explore the application of various leadership styles in a healthcare setting. You will analyze a case study involving a healthcare worker facing challenges in balancing work responsibilities with caregiving duties for her mother. Through this analysis, you will identify relevant leadership styles and practices and propose the most suitable approach to address the situation.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

The primary objective of this assignment is to enhance your understanding of leadership styles and their application in healthcare contexts. You will critically evaluate the case study provided and demonstrate your ability to identify and analyze different leadership styles relevant to the scenario. Additionally, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of the implications of each leadership style and propose a strategic approach to address the challenges faced by the healthcare worker.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to critically analyze the provided case study and apply theoretical knowledge of leadership styles in healthcare. You will assess the challenges faced by the healthcare worker and propose an effective leadership approach to address the situation. Your analysis should demonstrate a clear understanding of relevant leadership theories and their practical application in real-world scenarios. Moreover, you are expected to provide evidence-based recommendations supported by scholarly literature and research findings.

NURS FPX 5007 Nursing Leadership Styles Application Essay Example


The importance of leadership in healthcare cannot be overstated. Effective leadership is essential in healthcare to ensure high-quality care, positive patient outcomes, and a supportive organizational environment. Leaders in this field play a vital role in improving patient care and outcomes. They are responsible for managing workflows, keeping employees satisfied, promoting information sharing, and ultimately, achieving better clinical results. Good leaders also contribute to creating positive and strong organizational cultures. In healthcare leadership roles, guiding and redirecting staff is often necessary to maintain a productive and safe workplace. The healthcare industry recognizes various leadership styles, and the ability to make well-informed decisions and prepare for potential challenges is crucial (Cummings et al., 2021). This essay explores the application of different leadership styles in a challenging workplace scenario involving Marty, a healthcare worker facing difficulties balancing work responsibilities with caregiving duties for her mother.

Case Study Overview

Illustrating a challenging workplace scenario, let’s look at Marty’s case. Marty, an African American healthcare worker with over six years of experience caring for rehabilitation patients at a university healthcare facility, faces difficulties balancing her job responsibilities with caring for her mother. Marty’s mother was diagnosed with dementia three years ago, making Marty responsible for her daily care needs. This responsibility often requires Marty to assist her mother during her off-time and days off, posing challenges in her work life.

Marty’s caregiving responsibilities have adversely affected her work performance. She frequently arrives late to the office and leaves early to attend to her mother’s needs. Consequently, her colleagues have become frustrated with her inconsistent work patterns. When confronted, Marty revealed that she had been diagnosed with a sleeping disorder called “apnea” but refused to use a CPAP machine.

Nursing professionals have accused Marty of neglecting her duties and using her mother’s illness as an excuse to leave work early. Additionally, Marty has taken extended leaves for various reasons, including mourning her sibling’s loss for three weeks and experiencing chronic back problems for twelve weeks. Despite concerns raised by colleagues and clinical staff members to her supervisor, no action has been taken, as Marty is currently on Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and her supervisor is aware of the situation’s stress on the healthcare facility (Cummings et al., 2021).

Relevant Leadership Styles and Practices

Three essential leadership styles that are relevant to Marty’s situation are democratic, transactional, and transformative leadership.

Transformational leadership involves a leader’s ability to inspire change, foster trust, encourage innovation, and empower team members. This leadership style improves team performance, motivation, and reduces work-related fatigue, ultimately leading to increased productivity. Transformational leaders assess each team member’s strengths and allocate tasks accordingly to prevent social loafing (Robbins & Davidhizar, 2020).

Transactional leadership focuses on daily tasks, emphasizing short-term goals, recognizing achievements, and intervening when necessary. This style sets clear objectives, defines responsibilities, and is well-suited for the complex healthcare delivery setting. Combining transactional leadership with other styles, such as transformational leadership, can lead to better outcomes, including improved care delivery, clinical skills, and task delegation (Richards, 2020).

Democratic leadership entails inclusive decision-making and valuing employee input. It promotes teamwork and empowers employees in policy development and implementation. By encouraging employee contributions, this leadership style enhances self-esteem and optimism, which positively impacts employee productivity (Oliveria et al., 2020).

Leadership Style Applicable in the Case Study

Considering Marty’s situation and her struggle to perform well at work, a transformational leadership style is the best fit for her supervisor and colleagues. It’s crucial for the manager to adopt this style to tackle the issues causing a negative work environment instead of ignoring them. Despite Marty being on FMLA, which allows her up to 12 weeks of annual leave, she has surpassed this due to her medical condition and caregiving duties, causing distress among her colleagues. Implementing transformational leadership can shed light on these problems and help Marty realize her consistent rule-breaking, excessive time off, napping during work hours, and frequent lateness or early departures.

The manager needs to motivate the team, address valid concerns, and take appropriate action to build cooperation and trust. Building trust is vital since Marty’s colleagues’ complaints have been ignored for a long time, allowing her to disregard the rules for over a year. Marty needs clear guidance on her job responsibilities, and open communication about her needs may encourage her to follow the rules.

Implementing this leadership approach can create a positive work environment where employees’ concerns and ideas are valued, preventing feelings of neglect and potential office problems. However, it might be challenging to initially inspire employee loyalty due to the prolonged inaction on Marty’s behavior. Introducing a reward system with clear objectives can transform the office culture, improve performance, and motivate Marty to stick to her schedule and reduce absences. This incentive program can benefit all employees by promoting outstanding performance and offering additional leave days over a set period (Richards, 2020).

Implementation and Implications

Implementing this leadership approach brings several benefits, such as acknowledging and rewarding employees for their additional efforts, cultivating a supportive work environment, and enriching the knowledge and skills of all staff members. However, it’s crucial to watch out for potential stress that might arise from transactional leadership, where employees might feel pressured to consistently exceed expectations for rewards. Marty might not respond well to this approach, leading to ongoing dissatisfaction among her colleagues (Nawaz & Khan, 2020).

A democratic leadership style is suitable for this situation as it enables employees to contribute to decisions, addressing their concerns about Marty’s work behavior and punctuality. Marty might become more engaged in her job by participating in decision-making processes, regaining a sense of purpose. Democratic leadership enhances employee involvement and job satisfaction, meeting the needs of all employees (Oliveria et al., 2020).

Implementing this leadership approach can improve Marty’s relationships with her colleagues and supervisor, boost employee engagement, and foster effective collaboration without causing conflicts. However, the downside of the democratic style is the time and patience required to engage employees and gather their input, which might be limited in a busy healthcare setting (Holmgren et al., 2019).


In conclusion, effective leadership in healthcare is vital for ensuring quality care, positive patient outcomes, and a supportive organizational environment. Marty’s case highlights the importance of applying appropriate leadership styles to address challenges in the workplace effectively. Among the leadership styles discussed, transformational leadership emerges as the most suitable approach for Marty’s situation. By adopting a transformational leadership style, Marty’s supervisor and colleagues can address the underlying issues causing dissatisfaction and improve Marty’s performance by fostering trust, motivation, and open communication.

Furthermore, while implementing transformational leadership, it’s essential to consider potential stressors associated with transactional leadership and the time and patience required for democratic leadership. By combining elements of different leadership styles, healthcare leaders can create a positive work environment, enhance employee engagement, and promote effective collaboration while addressing individual needs and challenges.


Cummings, G. G., Lee, S., Tate, K., Penconek, T., Micaroni, S. P., Paananen, T., & Chatterjee, G. E. (2021). The essentials of nursing leadership: A systematic review of factors and educational interventions influencing nursing leadership. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 115, 103842.

Holmgren, J., Paillard‐Borg, S., Saaristo, P., & von Strauss, E. (2019). Nurses’ experiences of health concerns, teamwork, leadership and knowledge transfer during an Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Nursing Open, 6(3), 824-833.

Nawaz, S., & Khan, I. U. (2020). The Leadership Styles and Occupational Stress: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence. Academic Journal of Social Sciences (AJSS), 4(4), 906-917.

Oliveria, C. D., Santos, L. C. D., Andrade, J. D., Domingos, T. D. S., & Spiri, W. C. (2020). Leadership in the perspective of Family Health Strategy nurses. Revista Gaucha De Enfermagem, 41.

Richards, A. (2020). Exploring the benefits and limitations of transactional leadership in healthcare. Nursing Standard, 35(12), 46-50.

Robbins, B., & Davidhizar, R. (2020). Transformational leadership in health care today. The Health Care Manager, 39(3), 117-121.

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