Personal culture experience paper

Personal culture experience paper

After reading the instructions please send me a message with a brief idea of the paper you will be writting there is a list of ideas given at the bottom of the instructions while I know all written may not be local there are a few that are available for anyone to write This paper is to be 500 words minimum, it is to be doubled spaces with 1″ margins in Arial #10 font. Points will be deducted if these requirement are not met. This paper is to reflect the results of a planned, and approved cultural experience. I will provided the class with a list of suggested opportunities to choose from. You may also choose an activity that is not listed however, you will need my approval prior to proceeding. During this personal experience, I want you to 1) Learn about the individual(s) or organizational, view relative to issues of Diversity or Multiculturalism, if it is an interview. or 2) If your experience is an observation, determine the differences of how things are actually being done vs. what is being shared/communicated by the media and 3) If, this is a new and different personal experience share your own personal discoveries. Finally, regardless if the experience is a one on one interview, observation or new personal experience etc., I want you to incorporate an element of personal values i.e. traditional (family values) vs. current (social values) in your assessment. List of suggestions for Personal Cultural Experience Paper Visit the Martin Luther King Center and schedule an interview while there Visit a nursing home and interview a senior. (you will need to get approval from the activities director) I can make arrangements at Avalon or Willow Grove Participate in the MLK activity on 1/21/2015 Visit a church of a different faith One on one interview with LGBT community One on One with an individual from another race, culture or ethnicity Visit the soup kitchen or City Gate observe our cultures view and treatment of the homeless Participate in the homeless survey conducted by the Salvation Army Go to church for the 1st time Contact Diane Wick @ WSU and schedule an interview to talk about their campus diversity program 509-358-7553 Visit a senior center Interview me Interview a mixed couple Interview a policemen Visit the Spokane Veterans Home 222 E. 5th Ave, 509-344-5770 becky@dva.wa.g

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