NURS FPX 6025 Practicum and Experience Reflection Example

NURS FPX 6025 Practicum and Experience Reflection Example

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 2 Practicum and Experience ReflectionNURS FPX 6025 Assessment 2 Practicum and Experience Reflection

NURS FPX 6025 Practicum and Experience Reflection Assignment Brief

Assignment Title: Assessment 2 Practicum and Experience Reflection

Course: NURS FPX 6025 MSN Practicum

Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, you will reflect on your practicum experience within the nursing field, focusing on the application of theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. The assignment aims to evaluate your understanding of the role of informatics in healthcare, the significance of mentorship during practicum, the formulation of clear goals and objectives, and the completion of designated hours.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

This assignment requires you to critically reflect on your nursing practicum experience, emphasizing the application of theoretical concepts in addressing healthcare challenges. You will need to analyze how informatics tools and strategies were utilized to enhance patient care within a specific demographic. Additionally, you should evaluate the role of your preceptor in guiding and supervising your learning journey, emphasizing the importance of mentorship in professional development.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to reflect on your nursing practicum experience in a holistic manner. You should focus on the broader aspects of your experience, such as the challenges encountered, lessons learned, and the impact of your contributions on patient care. Your reflection should demonstrate a deep understanding of the role of informatics in healthcare, the significance of mentorship, and the formulation of clear goals and objectives to guide your practicum experience.

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NURS FPX 6025 Practicum and Experience Reflection Example

Engaging in a practicum experience is a vital step for students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application within their chosen field. This experience offers invaluable opportunities to immerse oneself in real-world scenarios, enhancing understanding and proficiency (Cain et al., 2019).

In my nursing practicum, I focused on addressing the healthcare needs of overweight autistic teenagers, a demographic presenting unique challenges. Utilizing informatics, I aimed to improve their health outcomes by enhancing communication, coordination, and data-driven decision-making.

Active participation in interdisciplinary team meetings allowed me to contribute informatics expertise to discussions on care planning and interventions. Collaborating with healthcare providers, educators, and administrators provided insights into the complex dynamics between clinical practice, technology, and the specific needs of overweight autistic teenagers (Saqr et al., 2020). Furthermore, it presented opportunities to advocate for integrating informatics solutions to enhance care delivery and patient outcomes.

The Role of the Preceptor

The preceptor plays a pivotal role as both mentor and supervisor during a practicum experience. In my nursing practicum, my preceptor guided and supervised my learning journey effectively. Actively engaged in my educational process, my preceptor provided invaluable insights, shared experiences, and offered guidance on various aspects of the field. Discussions on research design, methodology, and data analysis were facilitated, refining my capstone project to align with best practices.

As a mentor, continuous feedback and support were provided by my preceptor, who meticulously reviewed my work and offered constructive criticism to improve its quality. Beyond technical aspects, my preceptor encouraged the development of effective communication and collaboration skills within interdisciplinary teams, contributing significantly to my professional growth throughout the practicum (Myers & Chou, 2021). Serving as a site supervisor, my preceptor ensured access to necessary resources and clinical settings, facilitated introductions to key stakeholders, and monitored my progress while addressing challenges as they arose (Wallin et al., 2020).

The dual role of mentor and site supervisor significantly influenced my professional development during the practicum. Their guidance expanded my understanding of the nursing role and its impact on healthcare delivery, enabling the effective integration of theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

Goals and Objectives

Establishing clear goals and objectives is crucial for guiding the learning and professional development of students during a practicum experience (Dunn et al., 2021). In the context of my practicum, focusing on overweight autistic teenagers, these goals and objectives played a pivotal role in shaping the focus and outcomes of my work.

The practicum aimed to deepen my understanding of the unique healthcare needs of overweight autistic teenagers, exploring factors contributing to their weight management difficulties and identifying suitable interventions (Saqr et al., 2020). Additionally, it focused on enhancing my technical skills in utilizing healthcare informatics tools and platforms, specifically engaging with tailored electronic health record systems to optimize care and improve patient outcomes. Lastly, effective communication and collaboration within interdisciplinary teams to facilitate patient-centered care were essential objectives, achieved through active participation in team meetings, sharing insights, and advocating for informatics solutions (Ortíz-Barrios & Alfaro-Saíz, 2020).

Completion of Hours

Successfully fulfilling the required hours for the practicum marked a significant achievement. Throughout the designated timeframe, I actively participated in various activities related to my role as a nurse working with overweight autistic teenagers. Collaborating with interdisciplinary teams, implementing electronic health record systems, conducting data collection and analysis, and contributing to the development of personalized care plans were among the activities undertaken. Meeting the designated hours not only provided valuable practical experience but also marked meaningful progress in achieving the set objectives for my practicum.

In conclusion, my nursing practicum experience provided invaluable opportunities for professional growth and development. Through active engagement, guidance from my preceptor, and clear goals and objectives, I was able to translate theoretical knowledge into practical skills, contributing to improved healthcare outcomes for overweight autistic teenagers through informatics solutions.


Cain, M., Le, A. D., & Stephen Richard Billett. (2019). Sharing stories and building resilience: Student preferences and processes of post-practicum interventions. Professional and Practice-Based Learning, 27–53.

Dunn, S. V., Ehrich, L., Mylonas, A., & Hansford, B. C. (2021). Students’ perceptions of field experience professional development: A comparative study. Journal of Nursing Education, 39(9), 393–400.

Myers, K., & Chou, C. L. (2021). Collaborative and bidirectional feedback between students and clinical preceptors: Promoting effective communication skills on health care teams. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 61(S1), 22–27.

Ortíz-Barrios, M. A., & Alfaro-Saíz, J.-J. (2020). Methodological approaches to support process improvement in emergency departments: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8).

Saqr, Y., Braun, E., Porter, K., Barnette, D., & Hanks, C. (2020). Addressing medical needs of adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders in a primary care setting. Autism, 22(1), 51–61.

Wallin, K., Hörberg, U., Harstäde, C. W., Elmqvist, C., & Bremer, A. (2020). Preceptors´ experiences of student supervision in the emergency medical services: A qualitative interview study. Nurse Education Today, 84.

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