psychology of COVID-19. You may focus on any aspect that feels meaningful and interesting to you. Chose one or t

Before beginning your paper on the psychology of COVID-19, please read this carefully. Using the skills, tools, concepts, and vocabulary you have gained from our class, write a paper on the psychology of COVID-19.
You may focus on any aspect that feels meaningful and interesting to you. Chose one or two of the topics below for your paper.

the economic implications
families living in tight quarters and complicated family dynamics
the college experience and what this means now and later
ageism and the treatment of the elderly
expecting a baby at this moment in history
relationships and intimacy now (people away from boyfriends and girlfriends, the toll on marriages, etc)
the trappings of domestic violence and incest and assault amidst quarantine
health care
effects on friendships

Your writing assignment must include the following:
APA Style format/writing
4 Pages: Page 1-cover page, Page 2 & 3-content, Page 4-Refrences
Minimum of 1 reference

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