Public Health Project: Food Policy Essay Assignment In the prologue of Salt Sugar

Public Health Project: Food Policy Essay Assignment In the prologue of Salt Sugar

The essays should not exceed 4 pages, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins using a 12-pt font. You should use citations as needed, including citations to the book you read if you cite or quote specific facts or text. Place your student ID number and the section of the book that you were assigned to read in the header. Food Policy Essay Assignment In the prologue of Salt Sugar Fat, author Michael Moss states America’s largest food companies “took comfort in knowing that the grocery store icons they had invented in a more innocent era–the soda and chips and TV dinners– had been imagined as occasional fare. It was society that had changed, changed so dramatically that these snacks and convenience foods had become a daily–even hourly– habit, a staple of the American diet.” From the perspective of the section of the book that you were assigned to read, discuss whether you think food companies are partially to blame for society’s shift towards increased consumption of convenience foods. Describe one way that consumers, food companies, and the government might each promote a decreased reliance on processed foods. Describe potential barriers to each of these possible approaches. You must use material from the section of the book that you read and may use materials from lectures and readings from this class or information you have learned elsewhere, but this is not intended to be a research paper. However, you must cite the ideas of others with a full bibliographic reference (see How to Cite References on the course BlackBoard website). Your essays should be written with an introduction and conclusion. You will be graded on your ability to summarize and synthesize the author’s arguments and on your ability to express your perspective and arguments logically and clearly. We will grade this essay using the guidelines in the rubric for this assignment (also posted on the course Blackboard website), which we encourage you to consult as you prepare this assignment. Write about the SUGAR part of the book. You should answer all the questions based on your reading for the sugar part of the book. Also follow the rubric instructions attached in the document to answer ALL THE QUESTIONS FOR THE SUGAR PART OF THE BOOK. “ONLY SUGAR PART NOT OTHER PARTS”. THE WRITING SHOULD BE BASED ON THE READING SALT,SUGAR,FAT BY MICHAEL MOSS. FOR CITATION PLEASE REFER TO THE DOCUMENT ATTACHED.

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