Restorative Justice in prisons Now that the above is completed, the student must reread the chapter thoroughly an

Conceptual Draft of Chapter 1 Instructions
Title: Restorative Justice in prisons
Now that the above is completed, the student must reread the chapter thoroughly and make corrections. Only 11 references have been required so far, but at least 9 more must be added at this point. Chapter 1 should be 8-10 pages, with at least twenty (20) peer-reviewed references dated within 5 years. You also should include the following additional sections:
· Operational Definitions: A section where important terms for your paper are defined.
· Scope and limitations: This area gives what you will be measuring and what your paper encompasses. The limitations are areas you cannot measure or what you cannot evaluate because of impossibility or other reasons noted in the text.
· Summary: This section is a one (1) paragraph summary of everything in chapter 1, with a transition statement to chapter 2.
Chapter 1 should be at least 8-10 double-spaced pages of content, with at least 20 peer-reviewed references.
Due: by September 15, 2021, by 10 a.m (Eastern Time) on Wednesday. NO LATE WORK!
King James Bible. (1970). The Holy Bible. Camden, New Jersey. Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Maxfield, M. G., & Babbie, E. R. (2018). Research methods for criminal justice and criminology (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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