The paper will be discussing one the Nursing Core competencies which is SAFETY I will provide the introduction and the two main points for you to follow.
a. Times New Roman size 12 typeface (font) double spaced with 1-inch margins
b. No abstract
c. Correct APA format
d. Correct spelling, apostrophe use, grammar, paragraphing, and sentence structure
e. Contents must include Title Page, body of the paper (500–600 words including Introduction, two Main Points from your Professional Paper Worksheet outline, and Conclusion), and References page.
f. Two Main Points and Conclusion should be Level 1 headings. No Level 2 headings are needed for this short paper.
g. References should only include your Hood textbook and the assigned article for the competency approved by your instructor.
The references must come from thee text book : Conceptual bases of Professional Nursing 8th Edition by Lucy J. Hood the chapter which includes the info needed is chapter 19 pg 489-519. references must also come from a specific article which I will include in a file.
Safety is an important part of patient care. Patients seek medical attention because they are ill and they come to the hospital expecting healing results. When seeking care patients want to feel like they are in a safe environment.Safety is important to professional nursing because it is the nurse’s responsibility to do no harm and to ensure the safety of each and every patient he or she comes in contact with.
The next step is using the first and second main point and find information on the sub points, the sub points are bulleted.
First main point: Safe and effective patient care
• The delivery of quality healthcare
• The prevention of errors
• The appropriate completion of nursing tasks
Second main point: Nurses are the Key to patient safety
• Effective communication
• Proper delegation
• Proper organization
Conclusion ans summary statement: It is the nurse’s responsibility to ensure patient safety. Collaboration with other members of the healthcare team is essential to make sure that the patient is safe and effective patient care is provided.
There is a lot of work to be done when it comes to patient safety, appropriate measures always need to be taken to ensure the safety of the patients. Evaluating care, communication, and proper techniques all aid in the improvement of safety.