NURS FPX 8010 Strategic Plan Appraisal Assignment Example

NURS FPX 8010 Strategic Plan Appraisal Assignment Example

NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2 Strategic Plan AppraisalNURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2 Strategic Plan Appraisal

NURS FPX 8010 Strategic Plan Appraisal Assignment Brief

Course: NURS FPX 8010 Executive Leadership in Contemporary Nursing

Assignment Title: NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2 Strategic Plan Appraisal


In this assignment, you will engage in a critical appraisal of an organization’s strategic plan from the perspective of a nurse executive. Through this analysis, you will explore key elements such as the organization’s mission, vision, strategic priorities, data and analytical strategies, stakeholder input, and the implementation of a Balanced Scorecard.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

The primary objectives of this assignment are to develop your proficiency in analyzing organizational priorities at the system level and addressing assessment purposes effectively in written presentations. By evaluating the strategic plan of the chosen healthcare organization, you will gain insights into the complex interplay of mission, vision, and strategic priorities. Additionally, the assignment aims to enhance your ability to critically assess data validity, understand stakeholder engagement strategies, and apply the Balanced Scorecard framework for holistic performance evaluation.

The Student’s Role:

As a student in NURS FPX 8010, your role is that of a nurse executive tasked with the responsibility of dissecting and appraising the strategic plan of an organization. This involves focusing on the organization’s mission and vision to comprehend its overarching goals. Your critical analysis will extend to evaluating the priorities set by the organization, scrutinizing the data and analytical strategies employed, understanding how stakeholder input contributes to strategic decisions, and exploring the practical application of a Balanced Scorecard.

Throughout the assignment, your perspective should align with the vantage point of a nurse executive, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning in healthcare. Your critical appraisal will not only analyze but also synthesize information to inform subsequent assessments, ensuring a cohesive approach to departmental strategic planning and quality improvement initiatives.

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NURS FPX 8010 Strategic Plan Appraisal Assignment Example


In healthcare, a strategic plan is like a roadmap that helps organizations envision and plan for the future (Fry & Baum, 2016). In their pursuit of excellence, many organizations including those in the healthcare sector rely on strategic plans to navigate the complex landscape of patient care, resource management, and organizational development. This paper takes a close look at the strategic plan of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which runs the biggest healthcare network in the U.S., serving over 9 million Veterans every year (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2022). This analysis will entail taking a close look into the organization’s mission, vision, key priorities, data and analytical strategies, stakeholder input, and the implementation of a Balanced Scorecard.

Strategic Plan Overview

The VA has a mission to honor and serve American Veterans, sticking to core values like Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2021b). In their 2022-28 Strategic Plan, they’ve laid out four goals, 13 objectives, and 75 strategies to make this mission happen (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2022). Within these plans, priorities like trust, communication, and accountability are tightly woven into the mission and core values. These priorities are crucial for building and maintaining relationships, ensuring transparency, and staying committed to serving Veterans.

Validity of Data and Analytical Strategies

The VA takes data seriously, using a strong analytical approach that includes gap analysis and workshops to figure out where they are now and where they want to be (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2022). Their strategic plan highlights the importance of using customer experience data, population-level statistics, and analytics to help them make decisions. When we look at Strategic Goal 4, it shouts out their commitment to treating data like a super important tool. Objective 4.2 zooms in on the Office of Data Governance and Analysis, showing how serious they are about managing data strategically.

Looking deeper, this plan doesn’t just talk the talk. It walks the walk by using things like customer experience data and stats about the whole population to make decisions. This way of doing things lines up with what’s considered the best way to do it now – making decisions based on good, solid data that we can trust (Fry & Baum, 2016).

Stakeholder Input

Stakeholder consultation is a cornerstone of the VA’s strategic planning process. When the VA plans its moves, they make sure to talk to a bunch of important folks – senior leaders, Federal agencies, Veteran Service Officers, members of Congress, employees, Veterans, and even caregivers/families (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2022). They believe in getting feedback from all these different voices because it’s like putting all the puzzle pieces on the table. This feedback isn’t just a nice touch; it’s a big part of making changes and hitting Strategic Goal 3.

Strategic Goal 3 is all about creating a vibe where everyone’s accountable and trustworthy. And guess what? The thoughts and ideas from these stakeholders play a big role in making this happen. It’s like everyone is part of the team, and that makes the plan they come up with way more relevant and useful. The inclusivity of stakeholders in the strategic planning process enhances the plan’s relevance and applicability.

Balanced Scorecard Perspective

The VA’s commitment to a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach is evident in its strategic planning process, addressing four domains: financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth (Kaplan, 2020). Financial initiatives, such as the Financial Management Business Transformation program, ensure the effective use of taxpayer resources. Customer-centric efforts aim to enhance the Veteran experience through multilingual communications. Internal business process improvements involve digital modernization, and learning and growth initiatives focus on continuous development, as seen in leadership training programs. This approach ensures a holistic and balanced view of organizational performance.


In conclusion, the critical appraisal of the VA’s strategic plan reveals a well-structured and comprehensive approach to achieving its mission and goals. The integration of key priorities, data-driven decision-making, stakeholder input, and the implementation of a Balanced Scorecard demonstrates the organization’s commitment to excellence in healthcare delivery. This analysis serves as a valuable foundation for subsequent assessments, providing insights that will inform the development of a departmental strategic plan and a proposed quality improvement initiative.


Association of American Medical Colleges. (2022). Strategic planning.

Department of Veterans Affairs. (2022). Fiscal years 2022-28 strategic plan.

Fry, A., & Baum, N. (2016). A roadmap for strategic planning in the healthcare practice. The Journal of Medical Practice Management, 32(2), 146–149.

Kaplan, R. S. (2020). Using the balanced scorecard for successful health care M&A integration. NEJM Catalyst, 1–8.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2021a, March 23). Data governance and analytics.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2021b, March 26). About VA: Mission, vision, core values & goals.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 8010 Strategic Plan Appraisal Assignment Example


Write a 4–5 page critical appraisal of an organization’s strategic plan from the perspective of a nurse executive, taking into consideration the organization’s mission, vision, and other contextual factors.

A strategic plan is constructed from a clear, well-articulated vision and a comprehensive environmental scan. An analysis of the internal and external environments provides a clear picture of the current state and the potential hurdles to overcome in reaching the desired future state. Leaders can then establish goals and objectives that are specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, timely, and rewarding.

Strategic objectives balance short-term and long-term opportunities and consider the needs of all key stakeholders. From the objectives flow the strategies and tactics for achieving the goals. Building skill in strategic planning positions the DNP nurse as one who makes things happen.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to critically examine an organization’s strategic plan. An understanding of the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities is crucial to departmental strategic planning that aligns with, and supports, organizational priorities.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze organizational priorities at the system level.

Analyze an organization’s strategic plan.

Evaluate the validity of data and analytical strategies used to develop organizational priorities.

Explain how input from stakeholders might have been elicited and incorporated into the development of strategic priorities.

Create a balanced scorecard for an organization.

Competency 5: Address assessment purpose in effective written or multimedia presentations, incorporating appropriate evidence and communicating in a form and style consistent with applicable professional and academic standards.

Articulate meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt.

Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.


For Assessments 2, 3, and 4, you will appraise an organizational strategic plan, develop a departmental strategic plan, and propose a quality improvement initiative, respectively. The choice of health care setting as the context for this work is up to you. You may choose the organization in which you currently work, an organization in which you worked previously, or an organization about which you would like to learn more. You will use this health care organization, and a department or division within the organization, as the basis for the remaining assessments in this course.

After choosing your organization, obtain a copy of the organization’s strategic plan. Most large health systems post their strategic plans, visions, and missions on the Internet.

Note: Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft appraisal to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.


Write a critical appraisal of the organization’s strategic plan. Identify strategic priorities and orient yourself to the key performance indicators (KPI) the organization uses to drive quality.

Note: Lessons learned from your appraisal will inform your work in Assessments 3 and 4.

Appraisal Format and Length

Format your document using APA style.

Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. An APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] is also provided to help you in writing and formatting your appraisal. Be sure to include:

A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.

A running head on all pages.

Appropriate section headings.

Your appraisal should be 4–5 pages in length, excluding the title page and references page.

Use the following section headings to ensure thorough content coverage and flow.

Strategic Plan Analysis.

Validity of Data and Analytical Strategies.

Stakeholder Input.

Balanced Scorecard Perspective.


The following tasks correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Analyze an organization’s strategic plan.

Approach your analysis from a systems perspective.

What priorities appear to take precedence?

How well do the priorities align with the mission and vision of the organization?

Evaluate the validity of data and analytical strategies used to develop organizational priorities.

What data was most likely used to develop key performance indicators (KPIs)?

For example: patient satisfaction data, 30-day readmission data, other internal performance indicators or external regulatory measures.

What was the source of the data?

For example: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), internal data, public health data, financial data.

Explain how input from stakeholders might have been elicited and incorporated into the development of strategic priorities.

For example, strategic priorities can be developed by the board of directors, elicited from employee focus or patient advocacy groups, or derived from a combination of these approaches.

You may need to interview an organizational stakeholder for this information. If this information is unavailable to you, identify the stakeholders you would approach for their inputs.

Create a balanced scorecard for an organization.

Use four standard balanced scorecard domains: 1) financial, 2) customer, 3) internal processes, and 4) learning and growth.

Are the organization’s strategic priorities balanced, or do one or more priorities receive more emphasis than the others?

Articulate meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt.

Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.

Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards.

Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your appraisal.

Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.

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