TE3078: Advanced Lighting Practice

TE3078: Advanced Lighting Practice

earning Outcome(s) tested(from module descriptor) Assessment Criteria To achieve each outcome a student must demonstrate the ability to:
LO1. Research, design and deploy lighting solutions to meet a client specification

LO3. Synthesise lighting knowledge and theory and apply to production practice


LO4. Apply, control & manipulate lighting technologies to support production needs

For this assignment you will need to deploy lighting skills and knowledge in fulfilling the requirments of a client based project.

Task Description

For this assignment you need to find a client who will  let you take full responsibility for the design and implementation of the lighting for their production.

Ideally this should be an area in which  you would like develop your lighting practice, this could be Single Camera Drama or Multi Camera Studio or could involve lighting that is not primarily designed for camera, such as theatre, live event, etc. The area chosen will depend upon the opportunities that you have researched and the resources you have access to.


Guidance for Students in the Completion of Tasks

These are the tasks you will need to perform and upon which the success of your work will be assessed.


  • Draw up a brief to work to and devise a lighting treatment. The brief should be a short specification of what the client requires. The treatment should take the form of a short report making clear your aims and detailing such things as the floor plans of your location, the effect you are trying to create and the approach to lighting you intend to take. You should meet your client to then get feedback and agreement for the treatment.
  • Detail a comprehensive equipment list, justifying the lighting equipment you intend to use and its suitability. Research and Compile a budget of the hire cost of this equipment for the length of time you will use it.
  • Identify all of the technical issues you will need to be aware of.
  • Devise a lighting plot, clearly annotated with lighting positions, beam directions etc.  and (if needed) camera positions.
  • Carry out a recce of your location and compile an informed risk assessment which takes into account legal Health and Safety obligations and your professionsal duty of care to all who may be present on location.
  • Prepare a progress presentation (10mins) to be given in class time.  Ensure your presentation highlights the following;


  1. The brief you are working to – what are the requirements of your client?
  2. Your approach as lighting designer to interpret the brief The equipment you intend to use in order to successfully meet the requirments of the brief.
  3. The technical issues you have identified and how you intend to overcome these at this stage.
  4. You should show images of the environment you are intending to light in the form of stills or moving image
  5. A deadline for submission of the completed assignment.



  • Carry out the lighting to satisfy your client’s needs.
  • Write an in depth evaluation of your lighting practice and a critical analysis of the success of your lighting work (approx. 1000 Words)
  • Compile an energy usage audit to consider the power used by your lighting activities, (this will produce a Killowatt/Hour kWh figure as might inform a carbon footprint calculation on a production.)

All Paperwork should be encapsulated in a single document and uploaded to the turnitin link located in the TE3078 module area of Blackboard

All Media should be uploaded to the TE3078 module area on Fast Folders


Marking Criteria

This section details the assessment criteria. The extent to which these are demonstrated by you determines your mark. The marks available for each criterion are shown. Feedback will be provided within 15 working days to comment on the achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefit from development/improvement.

Principles of assessment applied Weight % Grade
Knowledge and understanding
Lighting principles and techniques used 15
Critical analysis
 of lighting requirements, your lighting practice and the outcome 15
Application to design and synthesis
Successful application of lighting theory and skills to a client based lighting project 35
Evaluation and conclusions
of client based lighting practice and the lighting achieved 15
Referencing and supporting evidence
N/A 0
Oral communication
Progress Presentation 10
Written communication
Clarity of communication in production documents 10
Group work
N/A 0

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