NURS FPX 6416 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan Paper Example

NURS FPX 6416 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan Paper Example

NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 2 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation PlanNURS FPX 6416 Assessment 2 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan

NURS FPX 6416 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan Paper Assignment Brief

Course: NURS-FPX 6416 Managing the Nursing Informatics Life Cycle

Assignment Title: NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 2 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will conduct a technology needs assessment summary and develop an implementation plan for an organizational information system change project. The assignment is designed to assess your ability to analyze current informatics structures, recommend strategies for project completion, and develop a comprehensive implementation plan. Additionally, you will create an audio memo to effectively communicate the implementation plan to relevant stakeholders.

Understanding Assignment Objectives

This assignment aims to evaluate your skills in:

  • Analyzing the current informatics structure within an organization.
  • Recommending strategies for completing the project, including roles, project champions, and support for the implementation plan.
  • Assessing the current clinical information system and proposing changes for improvement.
  • Anticipating improvements in patient safety and healthcare outcomes resulting from the system change and implementation.
  • Developing a project management implementation plan, including goals, milestones, processes, steps, timeline, and responsible parties.
  • Communicating the project implementation plan effectively to stakeholders through an audio memo.
  • Identifying change management strategies to facilitate stakeholder buy-in and awareness of the information system change.

The Student’s Role

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to act as a project manager tasked with leading an organizational information system change project. You will conduct a needs assessment meeting, analyze the findings, and develop a comprehensive implementation plan to address identified needs and challenges. Your goal is to ensure the successful implementation and adoption of the new information system within the organization.

Competencies Measured

This assignment assesses the following competencies:

  • Analytical Skills: Ability to analyze current informatics structures and identify areas for improvement.
  • Project Management: Proficiency in developing project management plans, including setting goals, defining milestones, and establishing timelines.
  • Communication Skills: Capacity to effectively communicate the project implementation plan to stakeholders through written executive summaries and audio memos.
  • Change Management: Understanding of change management principles and strategies to facilitate stakeholder buy-in and awareness of the information system change.

By completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to critically assess organizational information system needs, develop effective implementation plans, and communicate these plans to relevant stakeholders, thereby contributing to the improvement of healthcare outcomes and patient safety within the organization.

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NURS FPX 6416 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan Paper Example


In the realm of healthcare, technology plays a crucial role in improving medical care. It’s not just about gadgets and devices; it actually makes treatments better and helps hospitals make more money indirectly (Anderson & Casadei, 2021). This assessment will mainly look at how we manage changes, summarize what needs to change in our information system, discuss what we found out from our needs assessment meeting, and come up with a detailed plan to make it all happen smoothly. This plan will include clear goals, ways to measure our progress, who’s involved, and when it all needs to be done.

Patient Safety and Health Care Outcome Benefits

In the context of heart failure, both remote patient monitoring (RPM) and patient portals emerge as valuable tools for enhancing patient safety and healthcare outcomes. Heart failure, affecting approximately 5.8 million individuals in the United States, presents challenges such as high rates of hospitalization, readmission, mortality, and associated healthcare costs (Ong et al., 2018). Insufficient post-acute surveillance and treatment interruptions contribute to increased resource utilization due to readmissions and worsened patient outcomes. RPM technologies offer potential cost-effective solutions to address these challenges, ensuring better financial sustainability and acceptance of home-based care (Ong et al., 2018).

Furthermore, patient portals provide avenues for patients to interact with healthcare providers between appointments, facilitating information exchange and trust-building (Lee & Holland-Hall, 2021). These portals enable seamless communication, allowing patients to address concerns, access medical information, and actively participate in their care, thereby enhancing overall healthcare experiences and outcomes.

Changes to an Organizational Information System

A needs assessment meeting involving nurses and healthcare professionals revealed concerns regarding the existing information system at Vila Health. Notably, the absence of post-discharge monitoring posed risks to patient well-being, particularly for those with chronic conditions like diabetes. To address this, adopting RPM technology emerges as a viable solution, facilitating remote monitoring and enhancing accessibility to healthcare services, thereby benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.

Moreover, patient portals present an avenue for seamless communication between patients and healthcare providers, enabling appointment scheduling, access to medical records, and medication management, thereby empowering patients to take charge of their health.

Comprehensive Project Management Implementation Plan

Goals and Milestones

As the project manager for Vila Health’s information system overhaul, the implementation of remote patient monitoring (RPM) equipment and user-friendly patient portals stands as essential objectives. These technologies aim to enhance patient monitoring post-discharge, leading to improved health outcomes and financial advantages such as increased revenue and reduced staff burden. The implementation of patient portals is expected to foster greater patient engagement, contributing further to improved health outcomes.

Process, Stakeholders, and Timeline

Various stakeholders at Vila Health, including the IT department, nurse informaticists, administration, nurses, and other healthcare personnel, will play crucial roles in rolling out RPM and patient portals. The integration of patient portals and RPM technologies may require up to six months, during which time the IT department will focus on technology integration and providing training to healthcare practitioners. Nurse informaticists will act as intermediaries, relaying staff concerns to the IT department on behalf of nurses and doctors. Following three months of training, a trial period will commence to educate patients about RPM and patient portals and guide them on their usage.

Relevant Change Management Strategies

To facilitate the technological shift effectively, Kurt Lewin’s three-stage change model offers a valuable framework. The model comprises the unfreeze, change, and refreeze stages. Initially, stakeholders will be engaged to understand and support the technology transformation proposal, aligning with the unfreeze stage. Subsequently, the new system will be implemented, followed by the refreeze stage, where the organization will adapt to and continue utilizing the new system and associated technologies (Hussain et al., 2018).


In conclusion, the integration of remote patient monitoring (RPM) and patient portals holds promise in revolutionizing healthcare delivery. These technologies offer tailored and patient-centric solutions that enhance accessibility, efficiency, and patient outcomes. By leveraging innovative technologies and embracing change management principles, healthcare organizations like Vila Health can navigate digital transformations effectively, thereby advancing the quality and sustainability of healthcare services. Access to high-quality medical treatment that is also cost-efficient is facilitated, standardized, and streamlined for both patients and their treating physicians through the utilization of patient portals and remote patient monitoring. With the assistance of specialists from Virtual Visits and the development of new technologies, the procedure of remote monitoring of chronic patients has been made more effective. Integrating RPM and a patient portal may lead to various outcomes, including an increase in patient satisfaction, involvement, and communication.


Anderson, M., & Casadei, B. (2021). Health information technology and digital innovation for national learning health and care systems. The Lancet Digital Health, 3(6), e383–e396.

Hussain, S. T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M. J., Hussain, S. H., & Ali, M. (2018). Kurt Lewin’s change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), 123–127.

Lee, J. A., & Holland-Hall, C. (2021). Patient portals for the adolescent and young adult population: Benefits, risks and guidance for use. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care, 51(11), 101101.

Ong, M. K., et al. (2018). Effectiveness of Remote Patient monitoring after discharge of hospitalized patients with heart failure: The better effectiveness after Transition–Heart Failure (BEAT-HF) Randomized clinical trial. JAMA Internal Medicine, 176(3), 310–318.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 6416 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan Paper Assignment


Assessment 2 Instructions: Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan

Write a two page executive summary of the findings and recommendations related to your organizational information system change project.

Create Word table that outlines a project management implementation plan and an audio memo of three minutes or fewer to explain your plan to stakeholders.

Create an implementation plan for the organizational information system change. This plan should leverage the discoveries and feedback that came out of the stakeholder needs assessment meeting. The strategies you define for the interprofessional team with the implementation and go live of the information system will help to guide their successful use, and provide sustainability of the system change. Having successfully completed your needs assessment meeting, you have gathered the necessary stakeholder information for your information systems change project.

For the next step in your project, you have been asked to submit a written summary of the findings and recommendations from your needs assessment meeting. Additionally, you have been asked to create an implementation plan outline and an audio memo to help explain the plan to relevant stakeholders in the organization.


For this assessment, you will prepare two parts. Part 1 will be a written executive summary. Part 2 will be a project management implementation plan outline and an audio memo. 

Part 1: Executive Summary

 The content of your executive summary should include:

  • The current informatics structure in the organization.
  • What you recommend moving forward to complete the project related to informatics roles, project champions, and support for the implementation plan.
  • The current clinical information system and what you recommend as the change to the system.
  • Define what you anticipate to be improvements for patient safety and health care outcomes with the system change and implementation.


Create your project management implementation plan document in Excel, a Word table, or other program of your choice. Include the following components:

  • The overall goal or goals for the project. Include 1–2 goals.
  • The major milestones that need to be completed to achieve the goals. Include 2–3 milestones for each goal.
  • The processes that will be developed and completed to achieve the milestones. Include 2–3 processes for each milestone.
  • The steps you will need to complete each process. Include 2–3 steps for each process.
  • The timeline for project completion. Include one timeline showing the goals, milestones, processes, and steps.
  • Responsible parties (project champions and informatics team) for each step, process, milestone, and goal.

You can create your audio memo, of no longer than 3 minutes, in Kaltura. Your audio memo should describe the project implementation plan to the stakeholders and help them to create buy-in and raise awareness of the information system change.

  • The stakeholders include the end-users, project champions, and informatics team working on the project.
  • Comment on specific change management strategies that could help the stakeholders you are addressing as they communicate with their colleagues about the project. 

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