Topic: Portfolio

Topic: Portfolio

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Please read the attached files carefully. You’re going to find the following:
1. Pdf files for assessment 2- (you find here various assessments. I suppose to choose and complete only 2 assessments in addition to comprehensive health assessment (total is 3 assessments), then to reflect on how I accomplish these assessments in part 1 of this task which called (portfolio or assessment 3). (you need these assessments to complete part one. So again, we need to select 2 different assessments and comprehensive health assessment, and then do the rest as shown in provided examples).
2. Full instructions for this 2500 words assessment (assessment 3). Please read them carefully.
3. An example made by the assessor. (how to write it)
4. An example made by one of previous students ( do not copy anything from this paper). Kindly observe how he/she performed part 1 and part 2 of this assessment. I believed he/she selected ICP and synchronised cardio version and comprehensive health assessment to complete part 1.
5. A paraphrased copy I made. In Part 2 of this copy, you find useful information which is relevant to my experince, you can use them as they are if you wish. The introduction is relevant to me but im looking for better one. The barrier of communication among health care workers in icu settings was the topic of my thesis so you can use this as an example. Here is the part im referring to:

((In addition, participation in the ICU course has enabled me to recognise and reflect upon the strengths and weaknesses in my professional development throughout the year. My involvement in significant critical care events while on clinical placement helped me to realise how my skills and competencies have developed, but also the further development required. Furthermore, the learning activities undertaken as part of the postgraduate degree gave me a deeper insight into the particular characteristics of the ICU setting and the nuances in the interactions among staff in this type of environment (Templeman & Keeling, 2013). For example, the barriers to effective communication in ICU settings was an area of academic interest for me as I thought that having a better understanding of such barriers would help me to avoid them in my own practices. I therefore conducted a comprehensive Integrative Literature Review on communication barriers in ICU settings.

The main findings to emerge from this process not only helped me to better conceptualise the nature of the ICU setting, they also helped me to better understand what communication strategies and techniques are best suited for ICU settings to improve interdisciplinary team communications and patient outcomes. For instance, I now have a better understanding of the four core domains impacting ICU staff communications; namely, collegial relationships – within-group (e.g., nurses and between-group (e.g., nurses-doctors); the self-perceived skills and knowledge levels of the healthcare worker, and nature of the ICU setting itself (e.g., critical care events); and level of workload (Andre, 2015; CICMANZ, 2011; Puntillo & McAdam, 2006). An understanding of these barriers also allowed me to reflect further on the role of leadership in the ICU setting in helping me to consider how the barriers may be overcome. Communication among healthcare workers is fundamentally about collegial relationships (Balzer-Riley, 2014). In turn, my research highlighted the central role that Nurse Leaders and also leaders within workplace teams can play in shaping the nature of the collegial relationship (and therefor collegial communications) through the culture of communication they develop in the workplace and the role-modelling for communication they provide (Blake et al., 2013). This academic pursuit even developed my interest in exploring the topic in greater depth through further study of the implications of both strained and productive collegial relationships on ICU nurse retention rates.

Thus, the academic and practice nursing experiences I gained through my postgraduate study has enabled me to established stronger ties between the theoretical and practical domains of nursing care in an ICU setting. Furthermore, my abilities to pursue self-directed professional development shave been enhanced through the experiences I have gain in developing and refining PICO research questions, utilising databased effectively to access research literature , and appraise the quality of that literature for further investigation. Education is a vital cornerstone of professional (and career) development. As such, the combination of theoretical and practical education I have experienced this year has helped me to feel more confident about engaging in life-long learning throughout my nursing career in the ICU setting.))

6. Marking criteria. Its very important to follow this criteria in order to maximise the grade. Please pay attention to every detail mentioned in this criteria and make sure every category is well met.
7. Copy of competency standard for critical care nurses. If it is not clear to you, I believe you can find a clear copy online. I’m doing master of intensive care nursing.
8. Do not copy or use information from websites like Wikipedia or similar webs. Instead use google scholar, pubmed, cinahl, medline, nursing academic journals. Only academic sources. Turnitin is heavily used in this university.


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