Week 5 eng315 | Education homework help

Week 5 Assignment – Professional Experience: Presentation Summary
The Professional Experience assignments have been designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting. When you are writing in the workplace, it is essential to make sure that you carefully follow any specific directions you receive. Sending poorly formatted or poorly written communications to managers or coworkers is not something you want to do! To earn full credit, make sure you complete all elements and follow the instructions exactly as written. Assignments that follow directions as written will receive full credit.
If you submit your Professional Experience assignment before the due date and you are not satisfied with your grade, you may resubmit it one time before the due date for a new grade.
For this Professional Experience, you will create a two-slide PowerPoint deck in which you summarize an instructional Internet resource of your choice on preparing effective PowerPoint presentations or slide designs.
To complete this assignment:

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