Why there is less entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe, compared with other emerging economies Custom Essay

Why there is less entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe, compared with other emerging economies Custom Essay

Where the lists are longer, the students are expected to make their own choice. Also, the students are expected to make their own literature search using Google Scholar. More technical references are marked with asterisks; again, these are entirely optional. Readings: Estrin, S. and T. Mickiewicz, 2011, “Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies”. In; M. Minniti (ed.) The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 181-208. {earlier version also available online as IZA Discussion Paper} Pissarides, F., M. Singer and J. Svejnar, 2003, “Objectives and constraints of entrepreneurs: evidence from small and medium size enterprises in Russia and Bulgaria”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 31, No 3, pp. 503-531. Johnson, S., J. McMillan, and C. Woodruff, 2000, “Enterprises and the ordering of institutional reform. Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Russia and Ukraine compared”, Economics of Transition, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-36. Aidis, R., Estrin, S., Mickiewicz, T., 2008, “Institutions and Entrepreneurship Development in Russia. A Comparative Perspective”, Journal of Business Venturing, 23, 656-672. Roberts, K., C. Zhou, 2000, “New private enterprises in three transitional contexts: Central Europe, the former Soviet Union and China”, Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 187-199. Bratkowski, A., I. Grosfeld, J. Rostowski, 2000, “Investment and finance in de novo private firms”, Economics of Transition, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 101-116. Barkhatova, N., 2000, “Russian Small Business”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 52, No.4, pp. 657-676. R. Aidis and T. Mickiewicz, 2006, “Entrepreneurs, Expectations and Business Expansion. Lessons from Lithuania”, Europe Asia Studies, 58, pp. 855-880. Hitt, M. A., Ahlstrom, D., Dacin, M. T., Levitas, E. and Svobodina, L. 2004. The Institutional Effects on Strategic Alliance Partner Se4

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